
Just Add Sugar

“Hakyeon, what are you doing?” He asked his co-worker who was squatted down behind a book shelf, while not too sneakily staring at something. Or rather, someone. It wasn’t the first time that his tanned friend had been caught on a little work break to spy on a regular visitor to their library.

“Sssshh! Can’t you see I’m busy stalking someone?” Hakyeon snarled back at Hongbin, causing the younger of the two to chuckle which only led to Hakyeon’s face contorting into one that border-lined frustration as he had been distracted from his ‘bird watching’. Yes. That was a better way to put it, Hongbin thought. Bird watching.

Really, how someone as simple minded and loud as Hakyeon even had the skills to become manager of a library (or anything) would always become a mystery to Hongbin. But alas, here he was working part-time in this casual library squatting behind his not-so-bright manager as the said man continued staring at a handsome man. To the fact that the man Hakyeon was bird watching, Hongbin couldn’t deny.

And oh- there his manager goes, darting out of his hiding spot and back to towards the computers just as the visitor stretched his arms and lifted himself out of his seat. He watched as the visitor took the book he was reading and put it onto the counter, and waited for someone to log the book out for him.

Within the while that Hongbin has been working at this library, there have been a few things he has noticed about his co-worker:

  1. He’s quite quick on his feet. From the many times he has watched the tanned man jump from a hiding hole back towards the desks proves this point.
  2. He was far from being smooth as Jupiter was from the Sun.

Hongbin walked casually towards the staff room attached behind the computers just to see the other man stumble out of said room almost as if he had been rushing to get back to the computers. (In which, he was.)

“Hi~. It’s nice to see you again this soon Jaehwan.” The younger heard the other chirp happily at the visitor.

Hongbin seated himself at the computer next to Hakyeon, pretending to type something important onto the screen as he ignored the squint the older was sending in his direction.

“Aah, yeah. I had finished the other book already.” The man replied, pushing his big frames up his even bigger nose. He then motioned to the book which lay on the table with a nod of his head. “That one peaked my interest, so I decided to give it a try.”

Hakyeon knows you seemed interested in that book. He was watching you. Hongbin struggled to hold back snicker, having it turn into an awkward cough instead, which earned him weird looks from the other two men.

“This one is really good, though I suggest a packet of tissues while reading it- or a box.” Hakyeon had replied absentmindedly, too busy with scanning the book into the computer. But Jaehwan only chuckled at that and took back the book when Hakyeon slid the book back over the counter. Placing his library card back into his pocket with a smile, he replied something along the lines of ‘I’ll keep that in mind.’

Hongbin was about to get as far away from his manager when oops, too late. The other man had already latched himself to Hongbin’s arm- very harshly at that.

“OH MY GOD- HONGBIN!! BINNIE!!! BIINN BIN BIN!!” Hakyeon was gasping for air now, clawing at Hongbin’s sleeve while trying to process the moment that had just passed. “HE SMILED AT- MFMMFF!!”

The other had quickly slapped his hand over the older one’s mouth, successfully quietening down the now, over hyperactive manager. To be serious though. How this man was even capable of holding his job at a library confused Hongbin to the point that his head hurt.

At this point, he had pulled Hakyeon into the staff room and promptly shut all the doors which in turn muffled Hakyeon’s still heavy breathing. The moment the two doors were closed Hakyeon had opened his mouth again and paced around the small amount of space that was available in the confined room. Mutters of ‘oh my god- oh my god- did you see that—he- i-‘and other nonsensical strings of English had passed through Hongbin ears as he watched Hakyeon fan his reddened cheeks with his hands.

“Yes Hakyeon. He had smiled at you. How wonderful~” Hongbin snickered at the flustered man.

Hakyeon was indeed veering on being a love struck teenager- if not is truly already one



words: 776 

Hello again. I'm back with a more casual story this time!! I'm not sure at all where this is going or what might happen, so I guess it'll be an adventure for all of us!

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