Lovely Nightmare

Seeping Into Darkness


I was falling for some reason in darkness. I saw a light. 


I heard someone call my name. There was a hand that was outstretch to touch mines. I wanted to grab it, but all I felt was air. I felt sparks go through my body suddenly.

I noticed a figure, but I couldn't make out if it was a guy or a girl. 

"Kyungsoo." It called again. The voice sounded like a guy? 

Then, the figure began to change. It first became a sphere and then a cube. It switched its form back and forth. The only thing I saw was a smile and it engulfed my face as its mouth opened wide and ate my head. 

I woke up with a jolt. My bed was wet from the sweat that began to run down my face. I grabbed a towel and wiped it off. 

"W-what the hell was that?" I asked myself. 

I looked at the clock that read 9:00 AM. "Time to go," I whispered as I quickly jumped out of the bed and changed out of my sweaty hosptial pajamas and hopped into the shower, which was pretty small. 

The warm water rinsed the dirtiness off my body. It felt so comforting I didn't want to get out of the shower. But I had to. 

I turned off the switch and ruffled my dark brown hair. There were no towels laying down. Instead, there was only blankets that I could use as a towel. I grabbed one and made a afro with the towel on my wet scalp. 

"Where's my clothes....aha!" 

I found a white button down shirt and put it on. There were a pair of jeans that were a little too big for me, but it didn't matter. I jumped into it and checked if I had everything. 

Oh! My suitcase. Where is it? I looked at my right and left. It wasn't there. Aish! The hospital has it....

Right of the corner of my eye. I found it. I ran to it and embraced my precious item. "Come on! We're getting out of here." 

The only concern is: HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO GET OUT?

Windows work, but it's too high. Ugh, what to do in this situation???

Come with me

And then, a tornado surrounded me. I tried to escape and yelled as loud as I could, but the tornado was louder. It grew smaller and I began to feel claustrophobic. 

A few seconds later, I was gone. 

AN: Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally updated, but it's a little too short right?

Sorry. I had to make it cause I had to do something after this(?) 

Hope you guys enjoyed it. BYE!!!!!






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Chapter 3: I like it so far!!! Keep going ^^
794 streak #2
Sounds good! I will read it! Good luck! :D