Chapter Two

The Hidden Key

Block B and Yerin shortly arrived at Seoul High School.

Their morning routine continued and Yerin whined, holding onto U-Kwon, "I don't wanna go!" Yes. Every morning she would complain before before even stepping foot onto school grounds. It's not that she's bad in school, infact she's the top student in her class. She just doesn't like to be around people she doesn't know.  And she likes to keep it that way. The more people you know, the more you'll care for them, and the more you care, the more you get hurt. The people aren't worth trying to know anyways, in her eyes. She finds them annoying and all the girls fangirl over guys or guys in k-pop and actors. All the guys do is check out the girls or act all macho. That's why she doesn't have even one friend in school. 

"Do we really have to do this every day?" B-Bomb asked as he rubbed his temples. Yerin looked up at Zico and pouted a bit. s willed him not to fall for her aegyo.

He scratched his head and said, "Kitty, go to school ok? Remember our promise? I finished high school and now you have to, too." Yerin looked at him dejectedly and huffed. She started walking in the gates with her head down low while scuffing her feet and turned around one last time, looking at U-Kwon. He gave an encouraging smile and gestured for her to go. She sighed one last time and waved goodbye to the guys as they went their separate ways with a smile. She turned around and her face became stoic in an instant. When she was around people she loved, she could be her quirky self, but once she is without them she dons a cold persona which makes seem unapproachable to others.

She walked through the halls of her school and the other students and faculty avoided her gaze and moved out of her way. She reached her homeroom and sat down in her usual seat, near the big window. She liked watching everything outside; the moving clouds, swaying trees, and growing grass. It was better than watching her classmates either constantly goofing around or touching up already make-up crusted faces. Her blissful silence soon ended as students started to file in and the teacher caught eveyone's attention. 

"Alright class, I hope you had a nice weekend, but now you're here to begin another torture sesson." Mr. Cho said sarcastically with a smile. He was the only teacher that Yerin liked. He wasn't annoying and he didn't treat her like a princess like the other teachers did, because of her connections. He liked Yerin, because she was the top student in his class. 

As he was going over the days plans, twelve guys walked in through the door. There weren't any defining characteristics to really group them by because they were all different shapes and sizes. One even looked like Yoda, so you couldn't  really say "good looking", but they were all suprisingly cute.

"Oh you all must be-"

"We are one, we are EXO!" They guys cut off Mr. Cho, bowing in sync. 

"Nice introduction, welcome to Seoul High School. Please take a seat, anywhere available is fine." 

"We can't sit together?" One of the guys with a sweet, high voice asked.

"Well, with all twelve of you, no I'm sorry Mr...?"

"Baekhyun." the same guy answered odd rectangular smile.

With this, the boys scattered into the empty seats. Yerin remembered the open seat next to her and she put her bag on the empty seat to avoid having a seating partner. But it was too late as a dark skinned guy saw and walked towards her. 

"This yours?" He asked smirking as he effortlessly lifted her bag. She turned away as if she didn't hear him as she swore internally. He scoffed and threw her bag at her feet.

She scoffed and said, "Nice manners."

"Right back at you." He rebuked. She ignored him and class continued. The girls were getting themselves worked up fangirling over the new boys in their class. 

"Alright, now that you are all in your senior year of high school, I'm sure you have contemplated what you want to be in the future, or at least thought about it.  Right now, I am going to ask you, if you could be anything, anything at all, what would you be?" Mr. Cho aksed.

Namjoon raised his hand, as always, and asked a question. He was one of the top students also. "So like, not an occupation right? Like an object?" 

"Anything." Mr. Cho bluntly stated.

Namjoon contemplated, then laughed with his eyes closed as the rest of the class wondered what on earth he was thinking about.

"Is it okay for me to say this? If I could be a thing, I would be a question mark." He busted out laughing as the rest of the class laughed along with him, except for Yerin and the guy next to her. She thought it was pretty funny in actuality, but it struck her as odd that he didn't laugh with the rest of his group and the class. She brushed it of and continuing her cloud watching. 

"That is indeed, very true to your character, Namjoon, thank you." Mr. Cho said with a laugh. 

"How about you, Yerin?" He had caught Yerin staring out the window and he would sometimes call on her to make sure she was paying attention. Everyone waited for her answer, also wondering what was going on in her head.

"I would be a cloud." She stated while the dark guy next to her laughed. She ignored him and continued, never turning her head from the window, "Sometimes, I want to dissapear, while still having the chance to reappear. I want to be able to cover the sun when she cries and accompany her when she is shining bright and happy. Adding on to her beauty." There was silence in the classroom as everyone thought deeply about her answer.

The guy next to her broke the silence."So you are just the spine. You are behind the curtains while supporting the main star." He mockingly stated while looking at her.

"Depends on your perspective." She stated looking at him, bored. The was the first time they made eye contact and to her he was...



"Well Jongin, maybe you could share what you want to be." Mr.Cho broke the staring contest. 

"It's Kai," He stated while looking at the teacher, then turned back to Yerin and smirked, "But I'd be delighted to share. I want to be the top of the top. Be number one at everything I do no matter how I get there." He proudly stated.

"So, you're an attention seeker who doesn't care about anyone but yourself." Yerin scoffed scathingly.

"Well, that depends on your perspective." Kai cocked his head and smiled. 

This is going to be an interstingly agitiating year Yerin thought. 


The day dragged and it finally came to an end as the clock's long hand was ticking towards the last few minutes. Mr. Cho allowed the class to enjoy themselves for the rest of the time. He was busying himself with correcting last week's math test. Yerin was packing up as she felt presences around her. She looked up to see that the new guys had come up to see Kai, but because there were so many of them they surrounded her, too. They were being loud and conversing with each other and Yerin ignored them and felt somehow small, sitting in the corner as all of them stood around her.

One guy with fierce eyes and a very defined jawline said, "Sorry for standing over you."

Kai noticed and said, "No need to apologize, just ignore her." with a bored tone. 

"I'm Kris, what's your name?" The guy asked with a friendly smile.

Kai mumbled, "Okay don't listen to your leader." He shook his head as the rest of the class watched in amazement that they were brave enough to even say a word to the ice princess. 

"Leader? Who would vote you leader and what are you even a leader of?" Yerin scoffed. 

"Kai's the leader of our g-" One of the tall guys with a poker face started but was cut off by their "leader".

"That's confidential, right Sehun?" 

"Right..." Sehun said while looking away. 

"So what's your name? Or is that confidential? Haha!" A short guy with cute lips jokingly asked.

"It's Yerin." She said blandly.

The same guy answered, "Nice name! I'm Chen and this is-"

"D.O. I can introduce myself, Chen." D.O said with serious eyes as was his tone. The rest soon follwed the owl eyed boy's act and stated their names. The soft smiled but mature guy's name was Suho, the chubby cheeked guy's name was Xiumin, the doe eyed boy's name was Luhan, the gut with very dark eyebag's name was Tao, the guy with yoda ears name was Chanyeol and the dimpled one's name was Lay.

Instead of saying 'it's nice to meet you all' with a smile, Yerin nodded with a blank face and turned away as the bell rang to signify the end of the day. Everyone scrambled out as they planned to enjoy the remaining hours of their day. Yerin walked out of the main doors of her school and saw Block B patiently waiting for her at the gates. She walked towards them and a smile started to form as they waved at her. 

"Heyyy, how was school kiddo?" P.O. put his arm around her shoulders as everyone started to walk.

"The usual, b.o.r.i.n.g." Yerin replied with a chuckle. As Jaehyo started talking about his day, U-Kwon locked eyes with a familiar face. The poker face stared back at him as U-kwon was trying to remember where he saw it. 

"Yo man you coming or staying?" Kyung shouted from afar as the group already moved ahead. 

"Yeah, I'll be there." U-Kwon turned to look at the face one last time but he was too late, as the person dissapeared from his previous spot. 


Hello all! Thank you for reading and if you catch any mistakes, please feel free to tell us. Enjoy your day~







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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 2: Please update soon it's a really good fanfic but from what I learned in Kdramas, the sweet acting dude never gets the girl and the mean one gets the girl :(
Chapter 1: Oh, oh, oh. SO GOOD.
Seeoouull #3
Chapter 2: It's getting interesting! I like your Storyline, very unique. Why is Kai so unfriendly to the cool heroine? xD
I hope u'll update soon!! <3 :D
Chapter 2: Woho this is amazing! I love your story alot and I cant wait for the next chapter xD
but I was surprised when I found that Yerin doesnt actually see them as good looking guys like wth guuurl but she will I guess xD we r still in chapter 2 afterall :D
I'm on team Kai aka exo leader hahaha but I like Zico so much he treat her so sweetly and awww
anyways.. Hope you'll update soon! Thanx ♡
kimkaiaddict #5
Chapter 1: Wow can't wait for chapter 3 !!!!! Plz update fast!!!!!