Top or Bottom


a req from a friend that know how crazy i am indeed..

just random story about yesung and bottom!eunhyuk...

and when i said bottom, it means....

just find out by yourself....^^v


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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: LMAO! XDDDD~
Chapter 1: Oh gosh u got me!!! Ahahhaa
Chapter 1: That was the beat fanfic omg
LeeRaeni #4
Chapter 1: Me and my erted mind. Oh my gosh. I thought it was a dirty kind of argument, but once I read the ending about the top and bottom bunk, I laughed. You got me there, author-nim. Well done. :D
Chapter 1: You troll you got me lol anyway i love this stroy good lol
Moneee #6
Chapter 1: You're just great hahahahaha XD I can't..! Gooosh erted fangirls XD
LonelySky #7
Chapter 1: Lol!! I must be thinking dirty if I misunderstood the story before the end. Wtf happened to me?
hyukish #8
Chapter 1: omg ahahahahaha you troll me~ AHAHAHA
I was reading this half dead, and I'm too tired to think _______ed so I was actually all like "What are they fighting about?" xD Tis funneh~
(In a _______ed way though...Eunhyuk totally tops.)
KcuLL22 #10
U got me!!
I feel so _______ed bcos of this!