[9] Omo! What just happened?!

You are my Romeo

"Hi, beautiful lady. I don't believe we've met. My name is Shin Dongho. What is yours?" Dongho said as he extended his hand to reach for Krystal's and gently shook it.


"Oh, hi. My name is Krystal Jung. Pleasure to meet you." Krystal said as she stood up to shake his hands. "Are you also participating in the play?"

"Yes. I-" Dongho began when he was suddenly cut off by the teacher, who was a bit surprised.

"Oh, you guys met. Krystal,he will be playing Tybalt in our play. So why don't you also try to work with him to get some chemistry, arasso??" Mr. Kim Bum said before turning his attention to everyone. "Alright everyone, please get back to your seats we will begin class in a short moment."

"Ne. It was nice meeting you." Krystal said before sitting back down in her seat.

"Same with you." Dong ho replied with a smile before going back to his seat.

As soon as he sat back down, Mr. Kim Bum began the class.
"Alright everyone, please take out your scripts and turn to Act 3, scene 1. Those who are playing Mercutio and Benvolio, please come up and wait for my cue. As for the two students playing Romeo and Tybalt, please stand by and wait for your cue. Alright, Mercutio and Benvolio, enter."

And so, two guys came up on stage and started their lines, replying back and forth until another cue was called. "Enter Tybalt and others. Minho, wait for my cue." Mr. Kim Bum said as he called Dongo and a few others for their cue then turned to Minho.

"Ne." Minho nodded as he rose from his seat and waited for his cue.

Dongho then performs his lines with the previous students until Minho's cue was called. "Alright, enter Romeo." Mr. Kim Bum announced as Minho rose to the stage prepared without a script.

"Romeo, the hate I bear thee can afford no better term than this,--thou art a villain." Dongho began as he read from his script.

[a/n: hi readers!!! sorry for the interruption but this next part will be minho starting to show his charms. enjoy ^__^]

"Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee Doth much excuse the appertaining rage To such a greeting: villain am I none;Therefore farewell; I see thou know'st me not." Minho replied with full confidence.

"Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries That thou hast done me; therefore turn and draw."

"I do protest, I never injured thee, But love thee better than thou canst devise, Till thou shalt know the reason of my love: And so, good Capulet,--which name I tender
As dearly as my own,--be satisfied."

[Dongho and the other students pretend to fight until Minho rushes over to tend to him before saying his next line.]

"Draw, Benvolio; beat down their weapons. Gentlemen, for shame, forbear this outrage! Tybalt, Mercutio, the prince expressly hath Forbidden bandying in Verona streets:
Hold, Tybalt! good Mercutio!" Minho recited with a prefect expression on his face.

After about an hour and a half of reciting their lines, the remaining students gave Minho and the others a big round of applause for their perfect display.

"Wow, Minho! You were great up there. How did you memorize all those lines?" Krystal asked in awe.

"Thanks. I was studying the script last night with the hyungs and Taemin. They really helped me a lot." Minho replied as he scratched the back of his head shyly with a smile on his face, causing both of them to blush unconsciously.

*O.O! WHY IS HE/SHE BLUSHING?!* Minho and Krystal thought to themselves as they noticed that they were both blushing.

"Uhmmm...I-I I'll...see you..later.Bye" Minho said nervously, to break the awkward silence, as he suddenly rushed toward his desk to grab his things before leaving the room.

---MinHo POV---
"Did I just-? No way! I can't have!" I mentally slapped myself as I thought that i had just blushed in front of her.

"I'll have to ask the Key hyung about this next period." I told myself as i fast walked to English class.

--end of Minho's POV--
---3rd Person POV---
"O.O What just happened?! Did we just blush in front of each other?!" Krystal asked herself as she slapped herself after such an embarrassing moment. "I can't possibly be falling for him already, can I?"

With that said, Krystal shrugged the thought off her mind before going to her next class.
[A/N: HI everyone. i hope you liked this part. Minho suddenly showed his charms for no reason. Did he suddenly want to impress Krystal by memorizing his script?? we'll see...]

here is a little preview of SHINee moment but mostly with Jjong, Onew and Minho.

-jonghyun borrows a copy of minho's script
-jonghyun writes a song
-MinHo and Onew private moment [not what u people think!!! this isnt a story]
-onew writes a song
-masquerade ball

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Nice Story.
kakaibii #2
I just read the foreword and :O<br />
This is such an amzing idea! ^^ I'm gonna go read the chapters first and comment again later on! XD
nisyaz #3
ooh. I see f(x) and SHINee :D<br />
why didn't you put fxband in the tags together ? <br />
just asking :) I was just searching and found krystal minho. Later , all of em' . If you did, I would've found this much sooner. <br />
<br />
.Just starting to read~ Suscribing..
-kimjaiijaii08- #4
awww!! your characters are great !! keep it up ! :)
I'll b using the real names. I tried it with both n my winglin readers confused. So yeh I'm gonna stick with the real names.
KyoRin #6
I have a question...<br />
Will you be using their real names or the fake ones throughout the fic?