[7] Im so not bringing anyone home again!

You are my Romeo

The next morning at the Jung Residence....

"That Minho kid is really nice, yet he is pretty quiet. Is he like that at school, Krys?" Mrs. Jung asked Krystal while she packed a couple of lunch boxes.

"Yeah. He is. He's not much of a talker that's why he only has 4 guy friends at school. One of them picked him up last night." Krystal replied before she resumed to eating her toast.

"Umma, don't you think Sica unni is old enough to get her own food?" Krystal noticed when she was about to take a drink of her orange juice.

"Oh it's not for Sica." Mrs. Jung replied. Noticing that her mother and unni smiling sneakily at her.

"What? Oh no. Umma! No!" Krystal whined, figuring out that the other lunchbox was meant for MinHo.

"I'm gonna go get ready for school." Krystal added as she finished her toast 
before she made her way to the restroom to get ready.

"It's just lunch. Come on its almost time for you to go to school. I'll drop you off." Jessica said as she grabbed her keys and began walking toward the front door.

"Bye umma. Please don't do this next time!" Krystal said as she kissed her mother in the cheek before grabbing the lunchboxes and her bag. Afterward, she then made her way toward the front door toward her sister's car.

Krystal then got in the car with Jessica in the driver's seat as she began to drive off to school.

"Don't say anything!" Krystal commanded in an mixed upset and embarrassed tone.

'I can't believe I'm doing this! I am SO not bringing anyone at home again.' Krystal told herself as she made her way through the cafeteria to look for Minho.

'This is so embarrasing!' Krysal added as she looked at the lunchbox with slight annoyance, all while mentally slapping herself.

After looking around for a while, Krystal finally found their table, and began to hesitantly walk toward their table.

'Alright, Krys. You can do it! Just say hi, give the lunchbox to Minho then leave.' Krystal reminded herself again as she neared the table.

"Looks like we have a guest." Jonghyun said when he saw a girl walking toward them.

Minho and the rest of the guys looked toward the direction Jonghyun pointed at and noticed Krystal was walking toward them.

"Oh. That's Krystal!" Taemin bursted out as they all rose from their table to greet her. "Krystal-sshi. Anyong~" He added bowing to her.

"Oh, Taemin, Minho, anyong." Krystal replied bowing to them as the guys bowed back.

"Krystal, what are you doing here?" Taemin asked. Before she could reply, Minho had taken the initiative to introduce her to them.

"Oh, guys. This is Krystal Jung. She's playing Juliet's role in our upcoming play." Minho said as he began the introduction with Krystal. "Krystal, this is Onew hyung, Jonghyun hyung, Key hyung, and Taemin." Minho continued as he pointed to each one.

"Hi Krystal!" The guys greeted in unison.

"Krystal~ how come you're not eating your food? Sit with us!" Taemin said, noticing the lunchbox Krystal was holding in her hand.

"Oh, aniyo. This isn't mine. I-Its for Minho actually. Umma wanted me to give you this." Krystal replied as she handed the lunchbox to Minho.

"Oh. Chongmalyo? Komawo." Minho replied as he accepted the lunchbox from her.

"Its alright. Well, I have to go so I'll see you later in drama class. It was nice meeting you all." Krystal replied as she bowed to them before she left.

"Bye Krystal-sshi!" Taemin yelled before they all sat back down.

"Oooohhh. What did she bring you?" Jonghyun asked curiously as he eyed the lunchbox. "Is she your girlfriend?" He teased, causing the others to laugh.

Minho then gave them all a death glare, causing them to stop laughing immediately. "Mianhe~" the guys said in unison. After hearing their apology, Minho gave them a 'that's-better' smile, and shared among them the contents of the lunchbox.
[A/N: sorry everyone if this part was confusing. I didn't know how to word it correctly so I just typed whatever pops into my head. I promise the next chap will be better because Dongho will be appearing. So stay tuned for that!]

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Nice Story.
kakaibii #2
I just read the foreword and :O<br />
This is such an amzing idea! ^^ I'm gonna go read the chapters first and comment again later on! XD
nisyaz #3
ooh. I see f(x) and SHINee :D<br />
why didn't you put fxband in the tags together ? <br />
just asking :) I was just searching and found krystal minho. Later , all of em' . If you did, I would've found this much sooner. <br />
<br />
.Just starting to read~ Suscribing..
-kimjaiijaii08- #4
awww!! your characters are great !! keep it up ! :)
I'll b using the real names. I tried it with both n my winglin readers confused. So yeh I'm gonna stick with the real names.
KyoRin #6
I have a question...<br />
Will you be using their real names or the fake ones throughout the fic?