Alien Taemin / Human Kibum

TaeKey AU's

This AU I gave to taemkitten to write ((anais did some pretty art of it too))

where kibum lives on a farm in the middle of no where and nothing ever happens until one day a spaceship crash lands and kibum goes to investigate and he finds taemin, who looks relatively normal in the sunlight but when it gets dark his skin looks like space and its really pretty and idk kibum befriends him and keeps him hidden at night and stuff and pretty romance and fluff tbh.

and some very important tuff on the alien!taemin because i love the idea of the au

- his species take on forms when on planets with life that they wish to communicate with / they really are just a mass of “space” that float about and they are /huge/ (think how angels are huge in spn, except on a grander scale to the universe) which is why when they are in a smaller form than their original, their “space/galaxy stuff” is condensed to fit into their chosen form.

- their eyes vary but taemins would be like suns, and those like suns/stars change as evolve/grow older

- because they live in space they have no need for vocal communication, but they can learn it for planets that utilize such forms. They actually go off sight and (mostly) touch, like if they are feeling angry their “skin” flares and burns like stars, and if they are at their wits end, so far into depression, they reflect black holes and endless darkness, and if it is that bad (i.e suicide bad, with absolutely no hope of return) they can collapse into themselves, as if they’ve been swallowed by a black hole

- when taemin and kibum kiss bits of taemins light seeps into kibum, its unintentional, and it doesnt do anything other than look rally pretty tbh. but if they get too into it, taemin can flare up and it can be painful for kibum to be touched by him 

and when they are sad touching them is like touching ice

and idk just prettiness and coolness



and when they first meet taemin refuses to talk with kibum even though he can but after a while kibum picks up on how sometimes taemin's "skin" flares up and the stars look brighter and he just looks better but if he makes a quick movement or startles taemin the boy will go almost completely dark with barely any stars of anything, and so kibum tries to understand how taemin is feeling by watching him and after a while taemin does begin to appreciate how kibum is trying so he makes it easir and actually talks to him...

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Chapter 9: ia and rolled into one! But goddamn, this is hot.