Don't Answer Me Like That!

Don't Answer Me Like That!

Where were you last night?
Yesung: taking Ddangkkoma out for a walk :B he likes midnight walks very much ^^

What is today’s date?
Shindong: the date for you to get a calendar! Kekeke :3

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Hyukjae: Donghae.... I find it awkward at times >< Donghae: but baby, I thought you loved hearing me call you that! Because I sure love you calling me that ;D especially when we're getting it on in bed and— Heechul: okay, shut up this is not a let's-talk-about-our-love-lives interview or anything. -_____-"""

When you’re at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
Ryeowook: no, I like socializing with the cashiers ^^ they keep me up-to-date with the latest inventory ^^ fresh food is good food!

Has anyone ever sang to you?
Kangin: Hell yeah. I will never forget the day Teukie drank one too many drinks and decided to sing 'Honey' to me out in the sidewalks. Leeteuk: I did? What the...? O __ O

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Sungmin: oh bejeebuzz, no. I can't stand the stinky scent of animal bowel movement, a pink-less surrounding, and having no Kyubear. But if it were an island.... That would be interesting :o

Who do you text the most?:
Siwon: I keep it classy by calling, not texting. (: Heechul: In other words, you are oblivious to the fact that most of us know Kibum and you text each other a lot more than necessary. Good choice, though. ;D Kibum: You even send me daily, religious quotes. What. Siwon: I thought you liked those?? Kibum: I would if you didn't send "smile, god loves you!" each day. Siwon: he does :( Kibum: ....... thanks for thinking about me, though. (:

How do you make your money?
Heechul: by showcasing my beautiful face to the world, duh.

First person to text today?
Hangeng: my lovely momma c:

What is your favorite color?
everyone but Heechul: pearl sapphire blue :3 Heechul: lavender has always been a fabulous color on me; it matches with everything, too.

What color are your eyes?
Ryeowook: light-ish dark-ish brown :o i can't really tell >.< Kangin: does that even make sense? lol

How tall are you?:
Donghae: tall enough to not need shoelifts *cough*Hyukkie-baby*cough* Hyukjae: HEEY! I'm taller than you, though D; Donghae: i know ^^ Hyukjae: what the?? Then why did you answer like that ): Donghae: because you're cute even when you're mad kekeke <3

Do you like your parents?
All: yessir!

Where is the furthest place you’ve traveled?
Yesung: to the Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu Island Kyuhyun: where the is that? Yesung: New Zealand ^^ Kyuhyun: ... I believe we've traveled much further than New Zealand. Yesung: I know :D this island just sounds cool. Kyuhyun: have you ever been there? Yesung: nope!

Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
Heechul: sleep; I still need my beauty sleep even though I am the most beautiful person out there ;D Shindong: eating. I don't want my insides eating each other up because of starvation o _ o sounds scaryyy

How long does it take you to shower?
Hyukjae: 5 minutes or so :) I need to keep things fast-paced due to schedules! Kyuhyun: not unless you're with Donghae :P Donghae: I second that ;D Hyukjae: someone bury me now ;~~~~;

What did you do on New Years Eve?
Leeteuk: invited SM Town kids to the two dorms and celebrated during the evening for both the upcoming year as well as Sungmin's birthday! :DDD

Can you speak any other language than Korean?
Kibum: English ;) Donghae: Engrish ;)

What is the last letter of your middle name?
All: lol we don't have middle names. ;o;

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Leeteuk: I loved my long needed 8 hours of sleep :3

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?:
Shindong: Yes! Safety first!!

Are you scared of flying?
Sungmin: You mean on a plane? Nope, I find it rather relaxing c: Ryeowook: SCARY SCARY STUFF O.O

What do you sleep in?
Heechul: Hannie's boxers; I swear, they are the comfiest ones out there.

Do you like funny people or serious people?
Siwon: serious but funny (: Kibum: funny but serious (: Kangin: isn't that the same thing....? o_O

What are you listening to?
Yesung: ddangkkoma's footsteps :3 Leeteuk: Heechul ing about how he ran out of his face mask.

What jewelry do you wear all the time?
Donghae: my mom's bracelet c: oh, and Hyukkie's ringgggg! Hyukjae: WAIT! YOU TOOK IT? Donghae: slow reaction, baby, but yeah. I thought it looked interesting. ^^

What do you have planned for tonight?
Kyuhyun: all-nighter and online Starcraft battles >:) oh, how I love schedule-less days *____*

Do you prefer myspace or socialsplash?
everyone but Heechul: da hell are those? Heechul: oh my god, I don't even..... They both , I cant even... How is this even a question?

Do you like messages or comments better?
Sungmin: messages are more private :3

Last movie you saw in theaters?
Ryeowook: Zoo Keeper with Yesungie :333

Last thing you ate?
All: Korean BBQ, mmmmmmm ~~~~ *O*

What was last thing you drank?
Kibum: jasmine tea Heechul: keeps it classy, I see :p

Are you happy right now?

Who makes you happiest right now?
Leeteuk: Super Junior :3 and yes, Zhou Mi & Henry included!

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Donghae: ;DDDDDD Hyukjae: I thought we had an agreement that what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom ): Donghae: sorry, bb I'll make it up to you ;)<3 Hyukjae: with strawberry milk? :D Donghae: you can say that (;

Are you left handed?
Ryeowook: wait am I?? *brb*

What was for dinner tonight?
all: Wookie's home cooked meals :DDDDD

When is your birthday?
Leeteuk: on the day god sent an angel down from heaven :) Heechul: WTF EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW BY NOW. Hangeng: on the year's most special day c: Yesung: I'll get back to you on that; ddangkkoma is having difficulties sleeping. ;-; Kangin: the day everyone partied hard for the century's most handsome guy (; Shindong: Hilary Duff's birthday, kekeke Sungmin: HAPPY NEW YEAR <3 Hyukjae: 28 weeks & 5 days before Donghae :3 Donghae: omg, baby, you counted <3 as for me, 28 weeks and 5 days after Hyukkie<3 Siwon: which birthday do you mean? I have two :D Ryeowook: the most wonderful time of the year ~ ! (and no I don't mean christmas~!) Kibum: that's for me to know, and for you to find out.(; Kyuhyun: search it yourself =o=

Do you want to get married & have children one day?
Shindong: Hi, Nari. I love you <3

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Chapter 1: haha, so funny~! the one that made me cracked up the most is that "LOL we don't have middle name".. i'm weird =.=
Ladyghai #2
Haha love there answers! Haha :)
Shindong: the date for you to get a calendar! Kekeke :3 ohh shindong y u so witty==
Aish wookie is just a confused kid.
Don't even get me started on eunhae..
eternalmaknae #4
ohgawd/sobbing// lmao. can you speak any other language than korean? kibum: english. donghai: engrish. LMAO!!!
It's so cute!!
KaishkaKo #6
LOL this was hilarious!! I enjoyed Heechul's answers the most (bias alert)! Well honestly the reason I am bias for him is that he is very interesting, which is why I tend to like things about him most!! very funny!!

How do you make your money?
Heechul: by showcasing my beautiful face to the world, duh.

^Best line I have ever read in my entire life. I am 100% certain Heechul has actually said this at some point.
cute, fun and sweet!
EeJouRin #8
So adorable! <3