Moving out



Baekhyun and Joonmyun had just come back from filming Inkigayo when Suho decided to hold a family meeting in the living room.


“So guys you know that we’re going to start our ‘Overdose’ promotion soon right?” A chorus of yeses were echoed around the living room with a few nods. “Well Baekhyun and I saw a poster for a reality show that will help with the promotions.” Suho pulled out his phone and showed the members a picture of the poster.


“Joon do you really think that’s a good idea?” asked Yifan. “I mean, we’re about to start the promotion soon and we have our concert preparations, we don’t have time to sleep let alone film variety.”


“Unfortunately, manager hyung saw the poster and thought it was a good idea for one of us to audition.”


“Well it’d have to be the K members.” Kris said.




“Because once promotion starts, the M members will be going back to China to promote there. We won’t be around to film in Korea.”


“He’s got a point Myunie.” Said Luhan as he snuggled into Minseok’s side.


Suho looked at the K members and his eyes fell on Kyungsoo.


“I can’t do it hyung, I’m filming a drama. Plus I don’t think I can offer much to variety.” Kyungsoo reasoned.


“It should probably be one of the beagles. I volunteer Chanyeol hyung.” Kai suggested.


“Why Kai?” Chanyeol said as he approached him. “Kai I love you. I don’t want to leave you.”


“It should definitely be Chanyeol hyung.” Jongin said before he ran out of the room to avoid being smothered by Chanyeol.


“Do you want to do it Chanyeol?” asked Suho.


“Why don’t Sehun, Baekhyun and I do rock, paper, scissors to see who goes for the audition?” Chanyeol proposed.


“Why do I need to do it?” pouted Sehun.


“Because you’re variety skills have developed a lot.” Said Baekhyun.


“Why can’t Kai?”


“Because Kai sleeps all day when he’s not dancing or eating.”


“Why can’t Suho hyung?”


“Because I’m the leader and I need to make sure the rest of you are kept in line in the dorm. Sehunnie stop pouting and just do this.”


So Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol gathered to play rock, paper, scissor and at the first round, Chanyeol lost.


Sehun and Baekhyun started laughing at him and before Chanyeol could complain, Suho interjected. “Chanyeol, just go for the audition, if you don’t get in, you don’t have to do the show. It’s as simple as that.”


“Fine.” Chanyeol grumbled before going to Kyungsoo to pester him about food.


A few days later Chanyeol went for the audition and came back home defeated.


“How did it go?” asked Joonmyun.


“They loved me.” Sighed Chanyeol.


“So did you get in?”


“They said they’d give me their final decision in 2-3 days.”


Sure enough, 2 days later, Chanyeol was accepted into Roommate.


“Here’s the key to the house.” The representative handed Chanyeol the key. “We’re going to see how the reception is for the first season before we decide to make a second one. You can stay for one season and if you enjoyed it, you could do another. Also please film yourself packing some of your things. The video doesn’t need to be more than 2 minutes long. I hope to see you there and I hope you enjoy your stay.”


They bowed to each other and Chanyeol headed for the dorm. Suho met Chanyeol at the door and Chanyeol told him the news. Suho immediately went to find some suitcases and a camcorder. Chanyeol went to his room and thought about what he should pack.


Kyungsoo came into the room quietly and closed the door behind him. “I heard you got accepted.”


Chanyeol, once he got over his initial shock, turned around and threw Kyungsoo one of his blinding smiles. “Yeah. I bet you’re glad.”


Kyungsoo frowned. “Why would you say that?”


“Because I won’t be here to annoy you anymore. Plus you and Jongin will have more room to yourselves now that I’m moving out.”


“Space was never a problem.” He answered quietly.


“No, noise was. Don’t worry, Chen will be leaving for China soon and Baekhyun’s busy with Taeyeon noona these days. She’s a good influence, he’s a lot less annoying nowadays. There will be no beagles to annoy you, I thought you of all people would be happy about this Dyo D.O.”


Kyungsoo cracked a small smile. “Don’t call me that.” He began to advance upon Chanyeol.


Chanyeol took up a defensive pose. “I won’t miss getting hit by you, that’s for sure.”


Kyungsoo punched his arm, but not as hard as he usually does. “I wouldn’t have to hit you if you would just learn.”


Chanyeol smiled. “I can’t help it, you’re so cute when you’re angry.”


Kyungsoo’s face softened and a light pink blush graced his cheeks. Upon seeing this, the tips of Chanyeol’s ears turned red. They stared at each other for a while before Kyungsoo opened his mouth to speak. Unfortunately, that’s the exact moment that Suho burst through the door with Baekhyun and Sehun. They were each carrying two suitcases and Suho was holding the camcorder under his arms.


“Ok, let’s do this.” Suho said when they all put the suitcases down.


Chanyeol and Kyungsoo shared a look before Kyungsoo left the room.


On the day that Chanyeol was meant to leave the dorm, everyone gathered to say goodbye to him.


“Be polite and respectful to everyone.” Suho said as he fussed over him.


“Yes hyung.”


“And don’t drink any alcohol. I know you’re tolerance level is high but just don’t drink. We’re going to have a lot of activities soon and I don’t want you hungover. You remember what happened last time?”


Chanyeol shivered and pulled a face. “Yes hyung.”


“I know it’s going to be a mixed house so keep your hormones in check.”




“What? Be nice to the girls but not overly nice. Don’t seduce them. You know what, don’t look at them or talk to them.”


Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “Yes hyung.”


“Only talk to them if they initiate a conversation, we don’t want our fans to go crazy and start posting hate.”


“Yes hyung.”


“Participate in all the activities when you can. Do the chores without being told to. And cook for them sometimes. And don’t do drugs-”


Chanyeol pulled Joonmyun into a hug to shut him up. “Yes eomma. I know how to behave like a good little boy and I promise little Chanyeol will make you proud and I won’t smear the name of EXO.” Chanyeol said dramatically.


Joonmyun hugged him tighter and tried hard to keep the tears in bay. “I know that you know how to behave properly. I just worry.”


Chanyeol exchanged looks with Kris and Kris gently pulled Suho off of Chanyeol. “You’re acting like we’re never going to see him again. He’s only going to be living in a different house but the majority of his time will be spent with us.”


“It’s just that my baby’s growing up so fast and leaving the nest.” Suho hiccupped before he burst into tears.


Kris patted his back awkwardly and one by one the EXO members all tried to calm their leader down.


“Hyung knows that we’re not really his children right?” Yixing whispered to Luhan. All Luhan could do was shrug and pat their leader’s back soothingly.


Yifan rolled his eyes and took charge when it became apparent that Suho wasn’t going to calm down anytime soon. “Tao, Minseok, take Joonmyun to his room. The rest of you, help me take Chanyeol’s luggage downstairs.”


They all did as Kris asked them to. Chanyeol was about to help them when he noticed Kyungsoo sitting in the corner. Kyungsoo had been unusually quiet since he had heard the news of Chanyeol moving out.


Chanyeol approached him. “Hey Soo, you’ve been unusually quiet these past days. Is it because you’re going to miss me?” Chanyeol teased.


Kyungsoo raised his big eyes and locked them with Chanyeol’s. “I am going to miss you.” He replied honestly.


Chanyeol was stunned. Kyungsoo wasn’t the type to just tell you how he was feeling. His heart began to beat faster and his palms got sweatier. Chanyeol laughed nervously. “You heard what Kris hyung said, I’ll be spending most of my time with you guys anyway so what’s there to miss?”


Kyungsoo smiled at him sadly. “You’re right.”


But Chanyeol didn’t want to see that sad smile, he wanted to see a genuine smile. “I’ll be back to annoy you in no time Dyo D.O.”


Kyungsoo’s lips stretched into their heart shape. “I told you not to call me that!” he said in mock strictness.


“I’m sorry. Now give me a hug before I go.” Chanyeol spread his arms wide.


Kyungsoo stood up and raised an eyebrow. Chanyeol understood and bent his knees so his height was on par with Kyungsoo’s. On a good day, Chanyeol barely has control of his limbs, especially in the living room as the floor is slippery. Today is not a good day. So when Chanyeol bent down to hug Kyungsoo, his footing slipped causing them to fall back into the seat and their mouths to brush against each other. They stayed in that position, not moving an inch, just holding onto each other. Their lips were still touching and they didn’t really know what to do. It wasn’t until they heard footstep that they scrambled to get away from each others embrace.


“Chanyeol-ah, you better get going. You need to settle in and we have practise in a couple of hours.” Xiumin said.


“Yes hyung.” Chanyeol went to Minseok and gave him a quick hug.


He stopped at the door and looked back at Kyungsoo before leaving. Minseok turned to look at Kyungsoo and noticed how red he was.


“Kyungsoo-ah, are you ok? You’ve been really quiet lately and now you’re red. Are you sick?”


“No hyung.” He mumbled as he touched his lips unconsciously.


Xiumin wasn’t buying it. “Go to bed. I’ll wake you up when we have to leave.”


Kyungsoo didn’t argue, he allowed Xiumin to lead him to his room and to tuck him into bed.


Minseok left and Kyungsoo turned to stare at Chanyeol’s empty bed when he received a text. It was from Chanyeol.


 The text read; “I’m sorry about what happened in the living room. But I don’t regret it.”


Kyungsoo smiled. Just as he was about to reply when another text came; “Unless you regret it then we can forget anything ever happened. In fact let’s do that.”


Kyungsoo shook his head and his smile grew as more panicked texts came in. He decided to put Chanyeol out of his misery by texting; “I don’t regret it either you idiot.”


A big smiley emoticon was texted to Kyungsoo and he sent one back. Smiling like an idiot, he settled into bed and fell asleep. 

I'll be perfectly honest with you, I had no idea how to end this and that is why the ending is so bad.

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Chapter 1: great chansoo fluffiness (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
caffeinatedletters #2
clutches heart
Exoshidae61 #3
Chapter 1: Not Kaisoo but Chansoo??!!!
arhhhh too much fluffyyyy
Chapter 1: So so so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa❤❤❤
Chapter 1: Ommona this is soooooooooo fluffy! It'sso fluffy I could die!!! :)
bubbles3104 #7
Chapter 1: This one is so cuuteeeeeeee ♡
Chapter 1: Oh my god this is so cute
Chapter 1: So cute!!!! Lovely chansoo and umma joon xD
Chapter 1: This. THIS. This was so cute and I was just dying the whole time screaming at the top of my lungs over the fluff and you have officially slayed me. Okay. SO CUTE. >/////< Love this SO much!

And the ending was great don't you worry~