Pepero Love Match

Pepero Love Match

"Ohh Kyungie~! Look what I've got~", Baekhyun said while wiggling something in his hand. A pepero box.

"NO WAY!!!", Kyungsoo shouted, making his way to the other and grab the box on its hand.

"Yes way!!", Baekhyun said, grinned victoriously.

"Where did you get this? I thought its already sold out", Kyungsoo asked and tried to open the box.

Baekhyun snatch the box and hug it. "Stay away from it, you pighead!"

"But I want that too! Can you give me one? Just one stick, please~!!", Kyungsoo pleaded. He looks like a kick puppy right now.

Baekhyun just stick out a tongue in him. "Just go and buy for yourself. I think there's a few box left in the supermarket that we always bought our stuffs".

Kyungsoo didn't think twice after hearing what Baekhyun said. He snapped from his seat, grab his wallet and run outside.

"Hurry up before its too late!!"

Kyungsoo run as fast as he can towards the supermarket that Baekhyun was telling him. He was so desperate to buy a box of it, but how unlucky he was, he never get one because its always out of stock or sold out when he wants to buy one.

Kyungsoo reach his destination, he holds the door and enter. He scan every shelves and he saw what he's been looking for. 

Two meters away across him, he saw two boxes was left and he was gasped in horror when someone grab one and just one box left in the shelf.

He quickly walks and stretch his hand to grab the last box that standing proudly and waiting for him to grab it.

Kyungsoo is in cloud nine when he feels the box in his grasp, he squealed in joy. "Finally!", he thought for himself.

He didn't saw earlier that there's another hand that holding the box. When Kyungsoo noticed it, he turned his gazed to the 'intruder" who wants to 'steal' his precious pepero box.

A tanned man standing beside him, he slightly lifted his head so that he can saw the intruder's face. He's ready to snapped at the guy, but he was stunned. The man beside him is so dangerously handsome.

"Like what you see?", the man said. A smirk smeared on its face. 

Kyungsoo blushed, but when he remembered that the man beside him was a threat on his beloved pepero box, he furrowed his eyebrow and face the man beside him again.

"Hey Mister Who-ever-you-are! Could you please get off your hand in this box? I'm the one who saw it first, so could you please, huh?", Kyungsoo asked to hide his embarrasement. He motioning the 'intruder' to get off its hand on the box.

"I have a name, it's Jongin", the man replied. "and maybe you are the first who saw it but I'm the one who grabbed it first".

"But I'm the one who saw it!", Kyungsoo shrieked.

Jongin closed their distance, his dark orbs gazing at the owled man beside him. "Well sorry for you to say, but it's mine now", he smiled sheepishly and snapped it in Kyungsoo's grip and walks its way to the cashier.

Kyungsoo's mouth agape. "WHAT THE--HEY!!", he said and run after it. He won't allow anyone to walk away from him like that especially when that person has something that he owned, his precious pepero box!

Before Jongin could approached the cashier and place down the box, Kyungsoo grab it from behind him and run away from Jongin and the latter chase him.

"Stop!!", Jongin shouted while chasing him, but he didn't care.

Kyungsoo run inside the supermarket, he turned right and left in every shelf that comes in his way to tricked Jongin. When he saw that no one was after him, he sighed in relief.

"Please punch it now!! I'm in a hurry!",Kyungsoo said when he's in the cashier booth. He scanned the place to make sure Jongin was out of sight before he placed the box down.

The cashier immediately comply, and gave the purchased product to Kyungsoo. 

Kyungsoo headed his way to the door. He smiled like an idiot while staring at the plastic bag in his hand containing his pepero box. He can't believed himself that he can pull out an unnecessary action because of a simple thing. 'Am I that desperate?', he thought and chuckled.

He decided to go to the park. He sat on a bench and pull out the box in the plastic, he opened it and get one stick of pepero. He bite it and sighed in contentment.

He enjoying the place while munching his pepero when someone holds his shoulder from behind.

"Mind sharing it?", the man from his behind said, while holding him firmly.

Kyungsoo frozed. The man sat beside him. Kyungsoo turned his head slowly and when he saw Jongin staring at him, he gulped and smiled awkwardly. 

"H-hi! It's g-good to see you again, Jongin", Kyungsoo stammered, and mentally cursing himself for acting that way. 

"Yes you too! What's your name again? I don't think you introduced yourself when we are in the supermarket. It's ashamed if you know my name yet I don't know yours", Jongin said, looking straight at him.

"Its K-kyungsoo"

"Well Kyungsoo, since we both know that you owed me that box, mind if you paid me, how about a date tonight?", Jongin asked.

"A d-date?", Kyungsoo asked, blushing.

Jongin nodded.


"I don't take no for an answer Kyungsoo", Jongin firmly said. "You snatched it away from me and run but I didn't pursue to catch you, I just let you go".

"Why?", Kyungsoo asked, a little bit confused.

"I find you cute, that's why", Jongin said, averting his stare but crimson red color is evident in its face.

Kyungsoo blushed even more. "It's fine with me".

Jongin sighed in relief and smiled.

Kyungsoo smiled and continue to eat his pepero, and he saw Jongin staring at him.

"You want some?", Kyungsoo asked with a pepero stick stuck in his mouth.

"Thanks, but I want this", Jongin leaned and moved closer. His breath ghosting over Kyungsoo's face and stared straight in the latters eyes.

The pepero stick in Kyungsoo's mouth was so inviting. Jongin bite it little by little until their face is dangerously close to each other. Jongin stared at him and continue until their lips touch. 

Kyungsoo's breath hitched.

Jongin moved his lips in sensual way, he angled himself to deepened the kiss. Jongin parted their lips by darting his tongue, he explore the hot cavern and savoured the sweetness taste of Kyungsoo lips.

They stop for awhile to catch their breath. Jongin stared his flustered face and kissed his lips again.

"It's just a start", Jongin smiled lovingly.

"Yes it is".




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neko-likes-mangas #1
Chapter 1: That's cute :3 JongIn isn't even angry because pf KyungSoo's stubborness x)
junniekai #2
Chapter 1: It's sooo cuuttee hahaha., it's quite funny how kyungsoo obsessed with peppero then meet jongin khkh...
Chapter 1: wiieeh~!! Hart hart!! lurv it <3