It's a Robot!

Taekwoon and The Iron Giant

"What do you think took the antenna?!" Wonshik said into the phone as Taekwoon looked for his combat boots. "I don't know. But I'm going into the woods to look for some clues" Taekwoon said to his friend, who was on speaker phone

"Why go into the woods? How do you even know it's in the woods?" Wonshik almost shouted at Taekwoon. "I don't" Taekwoon said as he taped a flashlight to his BB gun. "But we need our antenna and mom knows how to fix it. Those things are expensive and we can't afford a new one right now"

"Well I wish you good luck. It's an hour past my curfew, I have to go. I hope you find it" Wonshik said and hung up the phone without a goodbye. Taekwoon remembered what Wonshik said and looked at his own clock. It's 12am.

"Mom's gunna murder me.." Taekwoon thought. Even though he was up past his bedtime before, it's never been this late. 

Taekwoon ran out the door with his BB gun in hand and into the woods. It was true that Taekwoon had no idea whether or not the antenna was in the woods or not. Maybe whoever took it went near town. But Taekwoon wanted adventure. He wanted to find something that would blow someone's mind.

While his friends lived closer to the town in the suburbs, Taekwoon lived on the very edge of the forest with no neighbors, right next to train tracks. Everyone who knew Taekwoon hadn't lived until they visited his house

Taekwoon walked deep into the woods, shining his light on anything that moved. His heart beat faster and faster as he walked deeper into the woods. Soon, he couldn't find the road or how to get out. 

He gripped his BB gun tighter. "Am I going to be stuck in the woods forever?" he thought, but soon realized that that would be ridiculous..

Just as Taekwoon was getting ready to give up, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of light. Not like fire light, but more like, a blue light from stars or the moon. Taekwoon got closer to investigate. 

Finally emerging from the trees, he realized that it was an electrical substation where all of the power and telephone lines where connected. The light was bright blue and blinding. Taekwoon squinted his eyes and realized that one of the circuit breakers were damaged. His mind ran wild 

When suddenly...


The ground shook and the sound of something hitting the ground with great force rattled Taekwoon's brain.

Then another THUD.... Then another...

The thuds seemed to be in a pattern.. Quite like footsteps. 

Taekwoon turned around to what looked like... Well, he really couldn't tell in the dark. The light from the substation wasn't helping much

It took the form of a human, with arms, legs, a torso, a head, but it was at least fifty feet tall, and had glowing white eyes.

Taekwoon ran away, in hopes of not getting stomped on, thinking of invaders from Mars as he ran as fast as his legs would let him. He threw his BB gun on the ground and hid behind a tree and watched as the humanoid marched up to the substation, reached for a metal pillar, which held up the circuit breakers in place, and tear it away. 

Taekwoon's eyes finally adjusted to the light and saw that the thing he was watching was.. 

A giant robot. 

He watched as the robot took the pillar, crunched it in its hands and ate it like a sandwich. What a terrifying sight it was, but Taekwoon was still fascinated. 

"A giant robot that eats metal" Taekwoon thought as he took mental notes in his head

Then suddenly, the robot reached for a circuit breaker, thinking it was just more metal from it to eat, but Taekwoon knew the robot would be electrocuted if he touched them. His heart stopped as he screamed 


But it was too late. The robot grabbed a circuit breaker and was promptly shocked. It was thrown back into the powerlines, where it was electrocuted even further. The giant robot made a noise, much like a scream of agony at the pain. The robot fell to its knees and cried in pain as Taekwoon watched in horror. 

"What do I do??" he thought. And that's when he spotted the shut off switch.. Taekwoon made up his mind and ran for the shut off switch. He struggled with the lever since it was heavy and wasn't moved on a regular basis. But finally, he threw the switch and all the lights went out and the only light he had was the moonlight. Taekwoon looked over at the giant. Its lit up eyes had went out and it fell backward into the trees with a loud THUD.

Being the curious one that Taekwoon was, he climbed up to the robot's face to examine for himself. Hopefully finding out more about its anatomy. But instead he only dropped a rock down its throat. Totally mezmoried, Taekwoon smiled, thinking of all the things the robot could do.

Upon inspection, the robot's eyes, once again, lit up, which startled Taekwoon. 

He jumped down to the ground as it stood up to walk away. As Taekwoon ran farther and farther, he saw car lights. 

"STOP STOP, HELP ME!!!" Taekwoon screamed as he waved his arms around. Scared the giant was following him, he turned around, but nothing was there. 

"Taekwoon?!?!" Taekwoon heard his mother call his name. To his surprise, the person driving the car was Mrs. Jung, who was out looking for him. "MOMMY!!" Taekwoon felt like smiling, but also knew that he was in trouble.

"What do you think you're doing out here at such a late hour alone!?!? What if something happened to you? Don't ever pull something like that again. I thought I lost you" she finally stopped ranting and embraced her son.

"Mom.. Something ate our TV antenna.. I know what it was.. And you'll never believe it" Taekwoon smiled, remembering the robot, feeling like he was the main character in one of his comic books. But his mother wasn't convinced. "Don't even start, Taekwoon" she stood up and trudged back to her car. 

"NO! MOM, you have to believe me on this one. It's not an alien like the fisherman from Pohang said! It's a robot! It's about 100 feet high, and it eats metal!" Taekwoon ranted with a huge smile on his face

"STOP!!" Mrs. Jung shouted at her son. "I'm not in the mood for this.. Let's just go home so you can sleep" she ushered Taekwoon into the car to drive him home.


The next day, Taekwoon went to school without sleep. As he tried to stay awake through a video in his history class, he tried to draw the giant in his notebook, but his memories started to rot and it became harder to remember what he saw. 

Jaehwan, who sat behind him, stretched his neck, in hopes to see what Taekwoon was writing. "What's that, hyung?" he asked, making Taekwoon jump. "None of your business" Taekwoon said coldly and continued to doodle. 

"Taekwoon hyung seems to be in a poopy mood. Just leave him alone" Hongbin, who sat next to Jaehwan, said quietly 

"I'm not in a bad mood. I'm just trying to concentrate" Taekwoon said, his eyes still glued to his notebook. 

Taekwoon shunned himself for not being able to remember last night as well as he would like. So he made a decision

"After school, I'll go into the woods and take a picture" he hatched his idea...


Hey i hope this fic gets popular like VIXX's space camp. please share this story, even though im unsure about how ill write it since the movie that it's based on has a lot of action.. And im sorry if this chapter is confusing. happy reading

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