Request + Batch List

+Articia // graphics + Hiatus
——— Batches ———
Each Batch has about 30 requests. And they will be shown here.

June-July 2017


——— request list ———
Batch 1

AGentileschi - slategrey - Done
Sugar-and-Salt - Koffilatte - Done
crown-headed - Koffilatte - Done

Diana_1203 - Koffilatte - Done
firstwone - Articia - In Progress
Ellyjelly96 - slategrey - Done

Icedeer227 - Shirotakashi - Done
choimiah - slategrey - Done
Diana_1203 - slategrey - Done

mmyoungsoo- carnation- - Done
AilinRose - koffilatte - Done
nebular - kryzelnut - Done

Blissful_sapphire61- Shirotakashi - Done
freshlikeasalad - Articia - In Progress
Bunsya - Kryzelnut - Done

requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status

requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status

requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status

requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status

requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status
requestor - designer - status

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Hello I've requested from this shop few months ago (the beginning of August last year) and I'm really sorry, but I think I forgot to pick up my poster...? I don't see it on the list anywhere and I've already transferred the karma points a long time ago so my pardon if I forgot to pick it up in the past batch... However, if that's not the case, can I cancel the request? I personally think it's taking too long and would it be okay if I receive my karma points back?
Chapter 6: Hi! I'd like to request a poster from here. But, my fanfiction is on another platform, it's called Wattpad. I'll make sure that I put the proper credit to this shop on my fanfiction. Is it allowed to request a poster for a fanfiction outside from AFF?
Chapter 4: hey can we be affiliates?
-natsukim #4
Hello. Since I haven't gotten any confirmation, can I cancel my request? Thank you :)
Chapter 20: Thank you so much!!! It's really amazing. Thank you for taking the time for doing it for me
Chapter 21: it's really beautiful. I like simple <3 thank you so much <3
-natsukim #7
Requested > articia with no pass. thankkksss >3
Requested > Articia with no pass. Thank you!
Requested > designer (carnation-) with no pass. Thank you :)