
There Are Vampires in Night Hall!!!!!

"W-what do you mean? What are you talking about?"

"Silly girl." Minho said affectionately. "She should have known better than to enter Night Hall. She should have just stayed happily with the other humans in the Lower Floors."

"I call going first." Jonghyun interrupted.

"Don't be stupid, we all get her." Key retorted.

"Yeah, but I want her first." Jonghyun declared. Smirking evilly, he said "I want payback for my head. That seriously hurt."

He slowly crawled on top of me. I gulped. The look in his eyes were unmistakable. "H-hey! D-don't come near me!" I stammered frantically.

"What's this? Do you have some sort of weakness against me?" He chuckled. "N-no! Don't do this!" I pleaded desperately. "I-I'm sorry I hit you, okay? P-please don't do this, I've never.........I haven't..........I'm still a ..........and I've never even had a boyfriend before........."

The evil guys burst out laughing. "Oooh, an innocent Mary." Onew teased. "With a body like yours? I doubt that would have lasted long anyway."

Jonghyun was lying right on top of me, and I couldn't move at all. He leaned down and kissed me. It was my first kiss. And it was too this ! I struggled to push him off, but that was hard considering my hands were tied up. I tried to move my head, but Jonghyun placed his hands on either side of my face so I couldn't move.

His tongue outlined my lips, then on my bottom lip, requesting entrance inside of me. I gritted my teeth together and refused to let him. Jonghyun glared at me and growled. He bit hard on my bottom lip. I gasped in pain and he quickly slid his tongue into my mouth.

It was my first time doing something like this. His tongue rubbed against the roof of my mouth, twisted around my tongue. It was wet and slobbery, and for some reason I liked it.

"Jonghyun, stop that. Leave room for us." Minho said, sounding amused.

Jonghyun broke away, leaving me gulping for air underneath him, a thin trail of saliva still connecting our two mouths. He leaned back and broke the trail, straddling me on my waist as he wiped his mouth with the back of hish and. "No thank you." He said, his voice sounding excited. I tried to twist out of his grip but ended up rubbing my hips against . He froze, tensed, and I realized there was a hard lump in his pants.

Oh .

"Untie her, poor girl." Taemin crooned, leaning over to my hair softly. "At least give her some pleasure out of this bond." Jonghyun scowled and slowly got off of me.

The rope was removed from both my wrists and my ankles. I sat up, swinging my legs off the couch until I was sitting normally, and rubbed the sore spots where the rope cut into my soft skin, grimacing in discomfort. "Poor thing." Taemin cooed yet again, examing my wrists gently. "Let's see the damage."

I blushed and allowed him to gently the marks. He brought my wrist up to his lips and softly kissed it, then slowly the marks.

At the same time, I realized Onew had taken a seat next to me. He smiled and leaned over to softly kiss my neck. For some reason, I couldn't move. I was completely frozen there. Was it another one of those "hypnotic suggestions" they talked about? Or did I want to stay?

Onew began to lightly on my neck, then it. I realized what that hot and wet thing on my neck earlier was. I shivered, unable to move.

Key, smiling curiously, slowly began to my shirt. "Don't---" I managed to burst out.

"Don't what?" He smirked. "It's okay, honey. You'll feel really good." He finished ing my shirt and opened it, leaving me in my black lacy bra for them all to see. "No, don't......" I stammered.

Key slowly pulled it off of me. "You're so obedient." He laughed, and I glared at him. They were definitely using some sort of power to keep me sitting here. Taemin and Onew continued and kissing and me, ignoring the others. Taemin was my fingers now, seductively. He each one like it was a candy. Key's hands danced upon my bare skin until it reached my back. It softly rubbed my back for a while before it reached my bra clasp and unhooked it. My bra fell limp for them all to see what's underneath.

"Wow. Her s are big." Jonghyun remarked excitedly.

"I know." Key reached out and cupped one, before squeezing it roughly. I yelped, and he chuckled. His thumb flicked at my , and the bud slowly grew hard. "Getting hard already? We're just getting started." Key leaned over and kissed my . His tongue reached out to it, and I whimpered. He swirled his tongue around the entire bud before engulfing it into his hot mouth.

I couldn't help but moan, a sound that immediately embarrassed me, but I couldn't stop the intense stabs of pleasure shooting out from my womb. Suddenly, Onew leaned back, shivering. I gasped. His eyes had changed to a bloody crimson colour, and his canine teeth had sharpened into unmistakable fangs.

"You guys are-----"

"Yes, wer're vampires." Taemin smirked, his own fangs protruding out. "No---" I gasped, but before I could scream in horror, Onew had bit into my neck. Warm blood trickled out, and Onew began to lap it up eagerly. "Mmmmmm, delicious." He purred. Key, meanwhile, was still and on my hardened . He bit it slightly, causing me to moan again. His other hand pinched and teased my other bud.

Seeming like he couldn't control himself any more, Jonghyun moved his attention to my skirt. He teasingly pulled it down inch by inch until it was on the floor and only my remained. He the elastic band. "I want this off."

"D-don't..." I whimpered, unable to move still. Onew continued to busily my blood, still in the most seductive way possible. Taemin, looking hungry, abandoned my hand and moved to the other side of my neck. Key switched his attentions to my other . Jonghyun, in an act of impatience, ripped the off of me. He tossed them aside, then slowly began to pry my legs open.

"No!" He ignored my weak please, and gazed in wonder and lust at my , which was dripping with strange juices. "Mmmmm." Jonghyun his lips and leaned forwards.

Suddenly, Minho knocked him away. "What the , Minho?" Jonghyun spat dangerously. "I was just about to her until she screams!"

"I know." Minho smirked. "Unfortunately, I call that spot." Jonghyun scowled, but said nothing. He instead positioned himself near my thighs.

Minho's finger slowly my hot, glistening wet folds. He chuckled as he examined the juices covering his finger, then it clean. "Mmmm, delicious." He inhaled deeply. "You taste AND smell good."

He leaned forwards and pressed his tongue firmly against my lip. I whimpered. He slowly, and roughly, my slit up and down. His tongue poked into my hole, rubbing against the walls, and I practically screamed in pleasure. Jonghyun, meanwhile, softly kissed and my thigh. His fangs appeared and he, too, bit down into my soft flesh.

With three of the five vampires at my blood in increasingly ual ways, Key lovingly and biting my swollen s, and Minho my , I was drowning in ecstasy and desire. "Unnnnngh........." I bit my lip and moaned loudly when Minho found my and proceeded to rub it with his fingers as his tongue pushed depper and deeper into me, finding my g-spot and pressing against it.

I felt a heat building up inside of my body, and my moans took a higher pitch. Minho noticed and stopped. He withdrew his tongue, although his fingers still continued to tease my swollen and hard .

"N-no..........." I moaned. Onew pushed my head back to expose more of my neck. Key bit softly into a spot just above my s and waited for blood to trickle down, then he slowly and his way back up. "No.........please.........." I didn't want him to stop. "What? What do you want me to do?" Minho smirked. "Do you want to ? You'll have to beg us to let me release you."

"P-p-please.............please.............r-release m-me..........." I pleaded weakly. I had no more strength, I just wanted this over and done with.

"If you say so." Minho returned to my aching . He lightly at my swollen , then breathed cool air onto it. My hips jerked slightly. Jonghyun smirked and, leaving my thigh, moved up to my lips and them. I weakly granted him entrance, and I tasted something sweet and metallic in his saliva. My blood.

Minho's tongue moved back to my slit and aggressively into my hole. I moaned desperately in Jonghyun's mouth. Minho's tongue rubbed harshly against my walls, and that was enough to make me for the first time.

Minho and drank all of my juices. The wounds from where the vampires had bitten into me were already starting to heal. One by one, they stood up and stepped back slightly, to marvel at my , perspiring body.

" amazing......." I panted heavily.

"What?" Jonghyun smirked. "Oh no, human girl, the bonding process is just starting."

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Chapter 2: SCREAMING OHMYGAWD !! update soon xD
Hun4Han #2
Update soon ~!
Makanvi #4
*le groan* Oh for the love of Pickles, pwwwwwease update!!! >8O
I am literally BEGGING you to update.
onewjonghyunkeyminho #6
waaaaa .. pls update soon :DD
excuse me while i go get new underwear,,,,<br />
that was HAWTTT!!!!
Charlye #8
You seem like a good writer, I'll surely keep reading! :D
LolitaFrench #9
I can't wait to read your story (: