You're my favorite

Taehyung is always in his mind. He don't know why, but everytime Taehyung's skin touches his, he felt so warm. He just can't stop thinking the way Taehyung drinks his favorite coffee, latte, the way Taehyung smiles, the way Taehyung sleeps and even the way Taehyung breathes. And in one afternoon, he just realized that he loves Taehyung.

Seokjin knew Taehyung well. He can memorize all of Taehyung's favorites. But one of Taehyung's faves is still questioned, his favorite boy.

But seokjin don't care. He loved Taehyung and thats all he really knew.

And one day, he walked into their shared bedroom and ask Taehyung to go for a walk together. "Hey Tae!" He said as he walked to Taehyung

"Oh hey hyung!" Taehyung answered with a bright tone

"Let's go for a walk together, i'm so bored" He said

"Uhh okay, but where did you want us to go?" Taehyung asked

"Let's just buy your favorite coffee and go to the lake" He replied

"Okay~" Taehyung answered happily




They arrived at the lake with coffees in their hands, autumn breeze touches their skin softly. They found a park bench after a while and sit down. Their spot is perfect. It's quiet and the afternoon rays hits their skin softly. "You liked the view, right?" Jin finally spoke. 

"Yes, let's just stay here until the sunset please" Taehyung replied cutely. Seokjin chuckled.

"Yes of course, i knew sunset was your favorite" Seokjin replied

"You always knew all my favorites, hyung" Taehyung laughed

"Yeah, but you're don't know my favorites" Jin frowned. Taehyung chuckled

"Of course i knew, you liked autumn the most" Taehyung answered

"I am. But i love you the most, Tae" Those words are just come out from Seokjin's mouth. Taehyung's eyes are widened.

"Sorry" Seokjin apologized and looked away. He felt so stupid. Taehyung blushed

"W-what was that?" Taehyung asked.

"Just- forget it" Seokjin aswered

"I- i thought you meant it. I-i was happy. I've been waiting for this moment, but-" Taehyung doesn't finish his sentence because Seokjin cuts him off

"So you loved me?" Seokjin asked, he felt his cheeks are burning. Taehyung nodded, his sight are blurry by tears. As the first drop of his tears dropped, he felt Seokjin's strong arms around him.

"I'm sorry. I meant it. I love you" Seokjin spoke and pulled away. He looked at Taehyung but Taehyung looked down

"Look at me" He said. Taehyung looked up at him, his cheeks are wet with tears. Seokjin wiped the tears away and repeat his words

"I love you. I meant it." He said as he looked straight to Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung bite his lips

"I love you, i'm sorry. Say something, please" Seokjin is almost gave up when Taehyung hugged him

"I love you too. You're my favorite boy. I waited for this so long. When you finally said it, i was happy but then you ask me to forget about it, you're so mean, hyung" Taehyung mumbles in Seokjin's jacket

"I'm so sorry Tae, you might think that i was weird so i asked you to forget about it. I love you, so we're official now?" Seokjin asked. Taehyung pecks his lips

"Does that answered your question?"  Taehyung blushed

"Yes, baby" Seokjin chuckled. Taehyung cheeks are as red as tomato

"And hey, do you realize that the sun has set?" Seokjin asked, looked up at the sky

"Who cares about sunset when i have you here?" Taehyung mumbled, his cheeks blushed even more darker

"My baby is so sweet, let's go home" Seokjin said as he lift Taehyung's body, carrying him home

"No no nooo, i can walk by myself. You don't have to. Please hyung~" Taehyung screams, shocked

"No, baby. I won't let you~" Seokjin said as he chuckled


Today is definitely their most favorite day.


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1122 streak #1
Chapter 1: Cute!
That was so adorable! TaeJin so cute! Good job author-nim :)
Chapter 1: Cute~ Taejin are always cute. They are so adorable. Well done author-nim.^^
Chapter 1: so cuuutie *.*
I love this :)
Chapter 1: Awww they're so cute!