I'M For Auction
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I glanced outside of the car window. I looked at the time and I knew I was way too early for our “date”. I couldn’t help but look at the message again. I let out a deep sigh, seems like she’s really hard to get huh? The sun still wasn’t up and I’m already in front of the café, how embarrassing right?! I could feel my eyes drooping slowly and decided to take a nap.

I thought a minute just passed. I opened my eyes and saw Taeyeon already inside the café. I checked the time and face palmed myself. Ugh! I’m late!

“Should I leave Ms. Hwang?” I shook my head gently, “Just wait for me Jean and I’m sorry too, if you have to wait, I promise to deal with this quickly, okay?”

Jean nodded and I went out of the car. I sighed deeply, I could feel my heart beating faster the more I get closer to Taeyeon. Is this really something you consider normal when you’re in love? I won’t deny, she looked pretty confident today, something that’s very unusual of Taeyeon. Nevertheless, I ignored it and took the empty seat.

I knew she was about to speak, but I just really can’t take this off of my mind, so I leaned in a little bit closer, “Uhhh, before you say what you want Taeyeon-sshi, I’d just like to ask…”

She raised a brow, “How did you get my number?”

She just shrugged, “I asked your friend, Sunny-sshi…” Sunny? What?

I looked at her confusingly, “You two talk?!” She shook her head slightly, “Not entirely… When she borrowed my phone she just punched your number and saved it…”

That hobbit! God! But wait… She didn’t delete it… Could it be?!

“You didn’t bother to delete it?” She looked at me puzzlingly, “Why would I? Since we’re dating as you’ve said, I obviously need it for communication purposes…”

“Oh…” Of course that’s the reason Hwang… Why the hell would you always assume that she likes you? You stupid ! Ugh…

“Anyhow, this is not why we came here… I called you because I want to clarify things between us, Tiffany-sshi”

I looked at her again. Clarify? Is there really something to clarify between us? “I’ve made a contract that contains our boundaries”

I cocked a brow, “Boundaries?” She nodded meekly, “Yeah, boundaries and I mean it Tiffany-sshi…”

I let out a heavy sigh, “Can I take a look?” Just when she started opening her bag I started saying my prayers. I hope she didn’t include the part wherein there’s no freakin’ skinship! Cause if she does, I think I’m gonna die!

She handed me the long envelope and I couldn’t help but get more nervous by the time I pull out the paper that contains everything she exactly wanted. I started reading it 


Dates are considered on weekends only No nicknames (There’s no need, like really…) No calling at night (Especially at midnight) No public display of affection Kisses are worth fifty thousand won


Oh, so kisses are worth—wait what!? “YAH! What the hell is this!?” She looked at me confusingly, “What?”

I breathed heavily, “Why the hell does your kisses cost too much!?” WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR THOSE?!

She fake-coughed, “Well… I have the right on my own body!” Rights my !

“But I bought you!” I tried to defend. Shouldn’t it be that kisses aren’t part of the deal!? And they aren’t paid for? What the hell is wrong with her?!

“But I’m considering human rights Tiffany-sshi!” Human rights… Wow… I never thought of that… I mentally face palmed myself… Of course, Kim Taeyeon is a smart girl Tiffany, you shouldn’t forget that fact…

I slumped my body in the chair. I am also tired at the current time to fight with this chick. And moreover, even if I did, I would always lose because I just really can’t escape her charms… I’m that crazy for her huh?

I let out an exasperated sigh,  “Well, I just considered the factors Tiffany-sshi. I didn’t say you couldn’t, did I?”

I looked at her puzzlingly,  “You can kiss me if you want to. But it’s for sure that the amount that’s written there would be deducted once you do so. So all in all, I’m not depriving you of what you want… I’m just doing the math…”

I looked out the window. She is definitely smart and witty, “But the price doesn’t give any justice… Why the hell does your kiss cost fifty thousand?!”

She drank more of her iced tea, “Y-you were being too much Tiffany-sshi…”

“Too much!?” Where and when was I being too much? I was just being myself, is it bad to be myself?!

“Y-yeah…” But she didn’t fight whenever I kissed her… What the hell is wrong with her?!

“But you didn’t do anything!” I tried to defend

“I was afraid okay! And was tired” Okay maybe she was Tiffany Hwang… But why? Is there a definite reason? Maybe I was being scary, no?

“Am I that scary?!”

“You were creepy!” C-creepy!? WHAT?!


“In some way”

“In some way?!”

“You’re a ert!”

“ERT!? WHAT?!”

ERT!? I looked at her with wide eyes. SINCE WHEN DID I BECOME A ERT!? That really hurt my feelings… I am not a ert… I really felt like crying…

“Look, Tiffany-sshi. It’s the starting price of the auction. And you bought me for half a million, it’s not like you cannot kiss me that much right?”

“But that would end our deal once you’ve reached the price o

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lalatreese #1
Chapter 3: oooohhh sneaky i love it
maemae08 #2
Waahhhh author where are you? Its been years
Chapter 44: Hahaha the last chapter was hilarious ! I can feel all the frustration Tiffany is having XD poor Tiffany ! I am sure Taeyeon will make it up to you in her own way though just hang in there!
Thank you author-nim to write this story in your (precious) spare time!
maemae08 #4
Chapter 44: Hahahahaha
Chapter 44: Hahahah.. very interesting ans awesome story. Last very frustrating tiffany..
tipco09 #6
Chapter 44: Taeyeon is so frustrating! Tiffany must have the patience of a nun. Lol.
Chapter 44: It's been so long. I had to read the whole story again, but stil I'm glad your back author :D
Bumella #9
Chapter 44: Happy New year..aigooo poor tae got teased
TTSI24 #10
Chapter 44: , why is this situation so funny.