
Not Broken

LiNa felt like she was dead. That all her life source was drained from her, limbs shaking. She slammed against the lockers, ignoring the intense throbbing. He said awful things about her. He didn't care. No, he didn't love her anymore.

Sliding to the ground, she leaned her head against the cool metal, staring blankly across the hall. It was empty and quiet, the only sound was coming from her lungs.

Yet, she couldn't cry. The tears wouldn't fall as her heart felt like it was slowing to a stop. She wished it would. Blinking finally, she turned her head, seeing a familiar figure hurrying to her side.


He dropped to his knees, running his hand against her cheek. "LiNa?"

His voice sounded so distant. Was it always like this? Were they falling apart, and she never realized it? She didn't answer, and he sighed heavily.

"Stand up. Please, don't do this here."

In a weak attempt to pull her up, she fell back against the lockers, her entire being numb. Frustrated, he stood, staring down at her.

I love you... Please, don't do this to me...

Her voice wouldn't work, couldn't move. The words she thought, were being doubted. How could she still love him? He sighed again, running his hands through his hair.

That beautiful hair.. I'll miss touching it.

Without any goodbyes, he turned and walked away. He left, just seconds before the bell rang loudly. It was like the noise sparked her awake, and she began to cry. The tears would not stop, and she covered her face with her hands.

Everyone who walked by just stared and went on their way. She didn't care. She watched their blurred feet move on. Expect for one pair. They stopped and she waited for them to continue. He was probably laughing at her, or taking her picture.

But they never left, and she looked up, a part of her hoping it was Myungsoo. It wasnt, and the other part was relieved. The boy was gazing down at her, before looking around slowly.

His eyes were soft; she could see them from under his light colored hair. His expression was gentle as well, almost pitiful. He slowly crouched down, holding out his hand. What was he trying to do, and why?

LiNa assumed he wanted her to take it. But she was scared. What would it mean? She would be taking a risk, like placing her life in this boys hand.

Who are you? She thought as she lifted her hand and placed it in his. He pulled her to her feet, and held her up by placing his hand on her back.

"My name is Dongwoo."

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