
12시 30분

Dujun was everything. He made her laugh and cry, cared for her and helped with needless tasks. He had the brightest smile and she never once thought she had seen him sad. Nothing could stop their happiness.

At least, that is when time stopped. The clocks hands pausing at 12:30, the ticking sound disappearing. The world was frozen, and wouldn't turn.

"Minhae, there has been an accident."

Junhyung had appeared on her door step, his expression full of grief, telling her the news of Dujun. Her legs had given out and her friend caught her, carrying her inside the house.

He sat beside her as she shook, crying into her hands. "No, no. This can't happen." He pulled her against his chest, her hair.

Just a moment ago, she was smiling at looking at a picture or thinking of Dujun. Now she just felt empty.

Junhyung pulled her back, his eyes scanning her. She wiped her tears and felt her chest heave and heart start beating. His hands cupped her face, his fingers running through her hair and thumbs grazing her skin.

Nothing went through her mind when his lips touched her own, carefully kissing her. Her eyes closed, heart racing and shivering.

When she opened her eyes, she could see her friend and herself, unmoving. The image soon faded and she was in a dark hallway. The faint sound of a ticking clock called to her and she began running.

Passageways to different directions led her to believe she was in a maze; a labyrinth. She chose whatever way, following the noise. Although it was no use. It went on forever.

"Dujun!?" She called amongst the sound, growing scared of the never ending trail. Only he would make her feel safe.

"Minhae!" A soft voice yelled back, startling and stopping her in her tracks. It was him, it was her beloved Dujun.

She kept running, her feet tiring and legs aching. But she continued to search for him. She didn't care it this was a dream, she just needed to see him.

After several more turns, the area opened up. The back wall had a large clock, stopped at exactly 12:30. A figure stood in front of it, staring at her.

Minhae smiled widely and breathed for air. "Dujun..." He just stared at her fixed expression.

Before she could move closer, her eyes were gazing at Junhyung, and he gave her a curious look. ", I shouldn't have done that." He glanced away and covered his mouth.

He hurried and stood, leaving the house. She stared where he had sat, her mind blanking out and processing. Had she said his name out loud? What had happened exactly?

Holding her head, the tears started again, and she breathed out in pants from pain. She had seen that clock before, but she couldn't remember how. Was it when they first met?

For now, she just cried for her loss. She wasn't going to be able to create new memories with him, and she felt her life was over.

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shujun #1
Chapter 1: T^T doojoon's gone?
Chapter 1: even though it was short it made my heart hurt ; ^ ;''
this was really good