The start of a new friendship?

Old friend :: New lover

(KiWoon, DooSeob & JunSeung)


Monday morning, kikwang, doojoon and yoseob were already in the practice room & kikwang was warming up..few minutes later, junhyung, hyunseung and dongwoon arrived.. the DOOSEOB and JUNSEUNG couples were, AGAIN, shocked because they didn't expect that they would meet up again..junhyung and hyunseung tried to leave but dongwoon pulled them inside..

"hyung..where are you going? you promised to be here everyday"

"yeah we did..but you didn't told us that THEY will be here" - junhyung hits dongwoon on the head

"sorry hyung, but its the only way" - dongwoon rubs his head

"only way to what? we are outta here" - hyunseung said as he turn around & grabs junhyung

"Hyung! but you least stay on that side and if you must, then don't talk to them" - dongwoon pointed at the right side of the room

"okay fine..but we're only doing this for you and you owe us big time for this"

"thank you hyung" 


The 3 of them was talking at the door while kikwang, doojoon and yoseob was across the room on the left side..doojoon pulled kikwang the moment they saw junhyung and hyunseung walked in

"Kikwang, why are those two here?! " - doojoon said angrily

"well..they're also here to help us"

"what?! if they are here to help you, then what do you need us for?"

"oh come on..just relax..if you don't want to talk to them..then don't"

" gonna hit you for this!" - doojoon lift his hand to hit kikwang

" don't." - kikwang stretched his arm infront of him to stop doojoon "sheessh..why don't you just get along with each other"- he continued while backing away..

"aish~.. really..this guy pisses me off sometimes" - doojoon put his hands in his waist looking angry

"doojoonie..what are we going to do? and we promised him to be here everyday" - yoseob looked down

"yeah i know..we've been tricked..and im sure that those two were tricked as well by dongwoonah"

"aah~ i don't know how we can get through this.."


Doojoon and seobie were feeling stupid for letting kikwang to trick them..same goes for hyunseung and junhyung..but because they made a promised..they don't have much choice..When dongwoon and kikwang was practicing, hyunseung and doojoon were the ones who's been teaching them..but of course they were not talking to each other..junhyung and seobie were just sitting at their own side of the room..drawing their attention to some other things & feeling conscious because everytime they say something or try to teach some moves, they feel like one of them would look at the other one..


"seobie, why are you just sitting there?" - kikwang asked

" just thinking some possible steps for you to use" - seobie faked a smile to hide his uncomfortable feeling

"oh okay..tell us if you have any idea" - kikwang goes back to practicing..

A week have past..still no communication between DOOSEOB and JUNSEUNG..but they get more comfortable and used to being with each other day by day..when kikwang and dongwoon would made a funny mistake..all of them would laugh and seobie was starting to talk or dance..or even make some jokes..but junhyung was still holding back coz everytime he attempts to join..he would think that seobie or doojoon might sit down and not say a word again..


Most of the time doojoon and hyunseung were the ones teaching some moves and they start agreeing to one another's opinion..they would only look at the moves that one teaches but they never look at the eyes or talk to each other..

"yah~ you should do it like this" - hyunseung teaching a move to KIWOON

"yeah and after that, turn around and do a small breakdance" - doojoon's demonstrate..

"ohh..okay..that's it.." - kikwang said and they memorized the steps..


They continue to practice until 6pm..Even though its tiring..kikwang and dongwoon hope for the best..

Time runs fast and only two weeks to go before the Halloween Festival..and their plan seems to be working..


more  happening are about to come..

and there could be a twist..

to be continued....


sorry for the "small breakdance" thing and the "teaching moves" not a dancer so i don't know some dance terms..haha!!..and i really can't imagine what they are teaching.. xD embarrassing..

but still..please enjoy this new chapter..!!  .♥♥.

``Shing Zhattap``

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Keyq1998 #1
Chapter 20: cute cute cute ><