

Another one shot tongiht! I'm on a roll! Unfortunately, this one is a lot darker than the oneshot I posted earlier tonight. I've actually had this saved on my computer for the longest time, I just never had the time to come up with an ending I really enjoyed. Thank you for always being patient with me! I hope you lovelies like this!


P.S. - Please ingore any spelling erros or mistakes! It is 3:30AM and I really don't feel like re-reading everything at the moment, but I'll try to get to it later! Thank you for understanding!

Sitting in the car, you couldn’t help but groan. You glanced around and realized just how shady the entire area looked. Your boyfriend had decided that before the date he promised to take you on, he thought that stopping at one of his friends shop was a must. Usually these trips would result in him getting back into the car with a ridiculous amount of cash.

At first, you thought nothing of it. The amount started off small, some days he would get fifties, other days he would get hundreds. You assumed it was just money he let his friends borrow, but then the neighborhoods started to get shadier and shadier. Soon, the fifties turned into hundreds and those hundreds started tuning into three hundred.

And now here you were, in the middle of some shady neighborhood on the worst side of town, waiting in Jiho’s car. You had some idea of how he could hussel money so hard, but you always pushed that thought to the side. Some things were better left unknown. The materialistic things were great, but it wasn’t why you were with him. You and Jiho have been together before he had money.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard the driver side door open. Glancing at your boyfriend, the smile on your face faltered. He looked pissed and like he just got out of a fight. With a huff, he sat down and stuffed his hand out of his pocket. He rolled his neck , allowing a popping sound to come from the area. He handed you whatever it was that he had stuffed in his pocket.

“Count this for me.”  

You do as you’re told and grab the stack of twenties folded in his hand. Whenever Jiho took you on one of his late night runs, it always made you nervous. Spending time with your boyfriend was great and you enjoyed it, but something about seeing him in business made your stomach knot up. Instead of voicing these opinions, you continued to count the bills.

Before you could finish counting the bills, you hear a knock from the driver side. Both you and Jiho look up and he lets out a frustrating sigh. He rolls down the window, one hand on the steering wheel, the other under his chin. Just looking at him makes you feel inferior; he always made himself seem superior when he went on one of his runs.

“What do you want.” He demanded, venom almost dripping off of his voice.

You look from your boyfriend to the man standing outside his car. It’s then that you notice the bruises on the man’s face and the bruises on your boyfriend’s knuckles. What exactly happened in that store? Was this man really Jihos friend, or was he just a ‘friend.’

“I’m sorry Zico.” The man mumbled, bowing his head down. “It won’t happen again.”

Zico? You thought, confusion running through your brain. Why was this man calling Jiho, Zico? Jiho looks at you from the corner of his eye and then positions himself more toward the man outside his window. He raises a finger and tells him to lean in closer. You lean back against the car seat and pretend to be counting the bills, which you’ve counted at least a dozen times since he’s gotten back in the car.

“Next time, it’s double.” Jiho whispers, in a dangerously low tone. “And if you up, it’s game over.”

Clearing your throat, you place the bills in the cup holder, signaling to Jiho that it was time to go. The man outside the window stares at you and then back at Jiho. He nods his head and steps away from the car, mumbling an apology. Jiho rolls up the window and looks at you with a smile that’s a little too happy for the moment.

“Five hundred.” You state, looking forward.

“Are you okay babe.” He questions, placing a hand behind your neck. “You look a little pale.”

You close your eyes and relish in the feeling of him running his fingers through your hair. He always knew how to make little sparks buzz throughout your body. You hum an incoherent ‘yes’ before he’s turning your face towards him. He gently grabs a fist full of your hair and places his lips on yours.

“I’m okay.” You mumble, once he removes his lips from yours.

He looks at you like he knows what you’re thinking, but he nods his head and puts his seatbelt on. You know he’s the kind of guy your mother warned you about, something about him screamed ‘bad’. Your mother always said that boys who go from zero to ninety out of nowhere were the type of boys that didn’t have a clear future. You know that you should recognize the signs, the same ones that all your uncles held before they went to jail.

But you avoided them. Ignored them. Embraced them, even. He made you happy, and if he made you happy, you wanted to stay. Before you could go to war with the thoughts resonating in your head, you felt him wrap his hand around yours. You looked at him, but he kept his focus on the road. One hand on the wheel, the other in your hand it was hard to fight the smile forming on your face.

You placed a quick kiss on his cheek and sat back in your spot. He let out a chuckle before returning the gesture.

“Pay attention to driving!” You laughed, pushing him away with your free hand. “I don’t feel like dying!”

“Not tonight?” He joked, focusing on the road once again.

Happy. You were certainly happy with this man and you only hoped he was as happy with you.

“Jiho, what do you…” You your lips. “Do?”

You felt him squeeze your hand before he let out a tiny sigh. Your heart was pounding in its chest and you weren’t sure if you wanted to throw up or take back your question. Did you upset him? Was asking him not allowed? Maybe you should have just left it to your imagination. The car stopped at a red light and he turned towards you, giving you a smile.

“Are you sure you want to know?” He questioned, pressing down on the accelerator once the light turned green,

You thought about it, as you stared at the red light. Some part of you wanted to know, but another part of you felt like you already knew the answer. You took in a breath and looked at him, a smile on your face. You shook your head and placed a chaste kiss to his lips.

“I’d rather not.” You mumbled.

“Okay.” He whispered, giving you a smile and kiss on the nose.

“I love you.” You stated, smiling back at him.

“I love you too.”

The light turned green and you two continued to drive.

. . . . .

The adrenaline running through your veins excluded any feeling but fear. You glanced at Jiho driving and your eyes quickly made its way to the speedometer. The needle was quickly making its way to over a hundred miles per hour. Your attention was then brought back to the bright sirens flashing behind you.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. You counted, your lips.

“Five.” You mumbled to Jiho, feeling like you were going to puke.

“Hold on babe.” He replied, looking you in the eyes. “I’m going to get us out of here.”

You know you should’ve been terrified. Your logic should have kicked in and told you that there was no way you were going to out run the cops, and there was no way you two were going to walk away from this without any harm done. But you didn’t think of any of those things.

“You promise?” You whispered voice barely audible.

“I promise.” He whispered back, placing a kiss to your hand.

You braced yourself for the sharp turn coming up. You trusted him, you always have and you always will. He was there for you when you needed him and vice versa. You gave all you had to him and he returned the favor. Life without him wouldn’t be the same so if running away with him is how you could keep him, you would do it. Hell, you would walk to the end of the earth for him. The sirens seemed to die down with each turn Jiho took. The fear started to be replaced with relief, you two actually had a chance to make it out of this. You two were going to run away and start new.

“Almost there.” He smiled, looking at you.

Turning to face him your smile quickly died when you saw headlights come your way. You screamed his name and told him to turn but it was too late. Before you could get your hands on the wheel, the impact of the police car hitting Jiho’s car had you two spinning. Your stomach seemed to lag with each spin, and all you could feel was pain everywhere throughout your body.

The car came to a stop, the feeling of being upside down leaving you breathless. You quickly crawl out of the car. You hear someone mumbled your name and you looked over at Jiho. The sight made you want to puke. He was covered in blood, eyes barely managing to stay open. Your breathing started to become frantic. You needed to do something to help him.

“Don’t worry about me.” Jiho said, slowly slipping out of consciousness. “I’m more worried about you.”

“What are you talking about.”You cry, trying desperately to do something to help him. “You’re bleeding everywhere! We need to help you.”

Jiho looks at you with sympathy written all over his face, he reaches his hand towards you and you gladly take it. You didn’t know how to process the situation; you weren’t sure what was going on. All you can remember is that one of his sales went wrong and instead of being caught he decided to run. Your eyes start to sting as you see the life slowly slipping out of him.

“Babe.” He mumbles, tears falling from his eyes. “You look worse than me.”

You furrow your brows, looking at him like he’s crazy. How could you look worse than him? He laughs and points next to him, glancing behind him, you see yourself. You widen your eyes and examine your body. Bloody with shards of glass lodged into your stomach. It looks like you’ve fractured your arm and your seatbelt seems to have cut into your neck. You look back and he’s fading in and out of sleep.

“No.” You mumble, trying to shake him awake. “”

“It’s okay baby.” He says, placing a hand on your cheek. “I’m going to be okay.”

His hand drops and you’re not sure if he’s sleeping or if he’s gone. Frankly, you’re too terrified to find out. You stare at your body and then back at his. How is it possible to be out of your own body. Things like this never happens, right? You cry, hugging yourself and rocking back and forth.

“Jiho.” You sob, shaking him again.”Wake up!  Please wake up! ”

How did it all go wrong. Where did it all go wrong? You two were so close to being free. You two were so close to getting away from everything. Tonight was supposed to be his last sale and he was going to quit. You two were going to move away and start a family. You were going to be happy and live a life you always wanted.

How could it end like this?

“Why are you crying?”

Opening your eyes, you turn around to find the source of the voice. You look up to see Jiho, a version that isn’t bloody and battered. You your lips and stand. Was he real? Were you real? Slowly, you step towards him.

“What’s going on?”

“I promised you we would be together, right?” He replies and slips his hand into yours.



            Today, the infamous drug dealer Zico, also known as Woo Jiho, was involved in a high speed police chase after completing one of his usual rounds. It is said that after taking an unexpected turn a police car rammed into the side of the drug dealers car, causing the car to flip numerous times before finally landing upside down. After ambulance and more police men arrived on the scene, it is said that his girlfriend was in the car with him at the time. Unfortunately she died instantly in the accident with wounds to her stomach and neck. Jiho is said to have died a short couple of minutes after. We will keep you updated as more information is given out next week. That is all tonight on the seven o’clock news, stay tuned.  

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BabyBecky12 #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god... I can't even explain how I feel right now... Not gonna lie i did cry a bit... Amazing story
Chapter 1: Oh god no ;_; I'm on the verge of crying! I really really liked this one shot! Thank you for uploading it~
Chapter 1: Oh crap that was really sad. Made me shed a tear!

I wouldn't mind reading if this turns into a chaptered story. Like talking about how they met and how Zico started the drug business