the boy and the lamp



chapter one | the boy and the lamp |


Kim Namjoon figured out early into their strange friendship that there are two sides to the enigma that was Min Yoongi. Although he tended to defy any and every conventional category or label Namjoon had ever tried to dream up for him, Yoongi generally either fit into one of two personalities: the "hot-as-" side, and the "what-the-"side.

Today, it seemed that he was leaning more towards the "what the " side.

"Holler, holler, holler!"

Indeed, what the .

Namjoon often worried for his best friend. Not for his sanity, oh no, that was lost years ago. Najoon worried more for his safety than anything else. Not only that, he worried about Yoongi's loneliness. It was a little known fact that Yoongi was lonely. All he wanted was the warmth and companionship of someone who loved him-someone who could love him.

Sure, he had his "hot as " side, but whomever was even remotely interested in him was usually immediately scared off or weirded out by his "what the " side. Yoongi pretended it didn't bother him, but Namjoon wasn't his best and closest friend for nothing.

And watching Yoongi prance carelessly across his room, flailing his arms with apparent abandon intime to TaeTiSeo's "Holler" only made him worry more.

You want me, want me, holler at me, baby!"

Yes, Namjoon worried for his friend. And also for that lamp that was situated dangerously near Yoongi's swinging arms.

What a beautiful lamp it was. Namjoon loved that lamp. That lamp had been withhim through absolutely everything, and he cherished it with his life. Namjoon's beloved lamp (he had even named it - jinn, after the the genie and the lamp myths.)

"That lamp isn't going to survive, is it?" Namjoon thought in despair.

A sudden crash coupled with a loud groan confirmed his suspicions.

"Ouch. Man down, man down!"

"My lamp!"  Namjoon lamented. "I actually really liked that lamp. Now I have to go find a new one."

"LOL, I'm hollering! Why don't you holler at me, I know you like what you see!"

Namjoon wept silently over the loss of his beloved Jinn amidst Yoongi's crazed laughter.



author's note:

                        hihi^^ congratulations if you made it thus far!! this is just a short introduction into namjoon and yoongi's friendship (sort of like a prologue) so not all of the chapters will be this short.

thank you for reading, remember to comment and subscribe if you like it so far.

comments make me feel less lonely.

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Chapter 1: Lol... Hope you update soon ^^
The story looks interesting...
Chapter 1: This seems like an interesting story! I want to read more now :)