Coffee Shop Graphics


Hello there Asianfanfics writer ^_^

Do you want an appropriate poster for your story?

Then request in my shop right away~


Requirements :

1. Must vote and suscribe in this story

2. Please don't think of this as a very bad graphic shop due to the lack of photos, poor qualities of texts like this one and so on. The operator of this account is just 13 years old, and has nothing to do with layouts and such.

3. Fill up the  following requirements and comment below along with your answers:

Story Title:

Author username:

Characters (people in the cover):


Concept (ex. Gothic, dark, sweet, cute etc):

Anything to add:

Photo links (optional, but please describe the photo if you don't have the link:



That's all guys!! Please don't worry on how ugly my foreword and descriptions are. I'll do my best in order to make your poster awesome!! Please follow me also on Tumblr and Wattpad!! Links below



Wattpad: ------>

Tumblr: ---->



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