›: BUB TEA :‹ advertisement shop  /  NEW & OPEN. CHECK US OUT?


Bub Tea 
ft. HunHan
*Please do remember that this shop would really find people that will be interested in your story and not just some random users that we manage to find. 

bub tea ads is willing to serve you at any time of the day. rushing us, wouldn't help your request be finished faster. and please be mindful that once you didn't fulfill to your promises of payments, you will be blacklisted. 

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03: payment is to be transfered right after your request is fulfilled.
04: be patient and strictly no bashing.
05: requests can only be cancelled within 48 hourse.
06: to ensure that you had read the rules, the passwords is: hunhan
07: lastly, to those who would request, please support us with our banner located below. thank you!
Story Request Form                                                                                          Roleplay Request Form
Title:                                                                                                                         Title:
Story Link:                                                                                                              Roleplay Link:
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Main Character:                                                                                                    Poster Link:
*Quote:                                                                                                                    + password
Description: [ keep it short and simple! ]
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◬ Free Package: *doesn't cost anything

◬ Package #1: 25 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 35 wall posts

◬ Package #2: 40 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 50 wall posts

◬ Package #3: 55 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 65 wall posts + 1 upvote

◬ Package #4: 70 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 80 wall posts + 2 upvotes

◬ Package #5: 85 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 95 wall posts + 3 upvotes

◬ Package #6: 100 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 110 wall posts + 1 upvotse + blogpost + feature for 3 days

◬ Package #7: 150 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 160 wall posts + 2 upvotes + 2 bloposts + feature for 3 days

◬ Package #8: 200 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 190 wall posts + 2 upvotes + 3 bloposts + feature for 5 days

◬ Package #9: 300 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 290 wall posts + 3 upvotes + 4 blogposts + feature for a week

◬ Package #10: 500 kpts ︵ chapter ad + 490 wall posts + 3 upvotes + 5 blogposts + feature for two weeks
01. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam.
02. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam



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Title: All it took was a little shove.
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/774431/
Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/774431/
Genre: Romance
Rate: I really don't know what this is lol
Main character: Krystal
''A certain unwanted event is starting to turn my life upside down. All it took was a little shove…and three steps backwards.''
Description: She will turn the guy that he thinks he is upside down and all of this… will happen without her even knowing. But this is the trick. The more she turns him down… the thirstier he gets.Thirstier for her.He wants her.Nothing more and nothing less.
Poster link: https://38.media.tumblr.com/83402170bfa3d5efd841cde80b12bf66/tumblr_n88p8giIrp1rr6vcpo1_500.png
Password: hunhan
thanks for your time!
Can I get package 2? I don't know when to pay, please pm me. Do I do it after I submit this or after you tell me it's been approved?
ByunBaekButt #2
Hi~ I'd like to know when you will start advertising? I already gave you the 200 karma pts~
pandoralacey #3
Hi there, can we be affies?


Thank you.
Hi. I'm starting a shops list and I want to add your shop/gallery/list/contest/roleplay/tutorial :
Read the rules, complete this form , put it in the comments box for this link and you will be on the list.

Author's name:
Author's link:
Banner's link:
Shop's Title:
Shop's link:
Shop genre:
Author's Note:
Info you want to add:
Services/Packs/posters/trailers exp:

ByunBaekButt #5
I hope I did well in the request? I didn't get what you meant by the 'quote' and 'profile' information xD
ByunBaekButt #6
Title: Under the rainbow
Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/841021/under-the-rainbow-angst-romance-exo-luhan-sehun-hunhan
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/552674
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama, , One-shot
Rate: T (13 yo+ because of self-harm?)
Main Character: Luhan and Sehun
*Quote: “I love you.”

You already knew it, but I loved to say it, again and again. I could repeat it endlessly without ever getting tired. I love you to death, and that, Sehun-ah, you have understood it very well now...
Description: 'What would you do for love?' Is that a question hard for you? Well, Luhan knew perfectly what to do to show his love.

Staring Luhan and Sehun, be in the shoes of Luhan, who came to see his beloved one before his departure. Where is he going? Why is he leaving? What did he do to Sehun? Let's discover it together. /!\ This is a ANGST story!
Poster Link: http://i.imgur.com/NBayM0X.jpg
+ passsword: Hunhan