Chapter 2

Life is difficult without you

[A/N]: Okay, so here is the update. Again, sorry for any typos, I always try my best ^-^. And thanks for the 11 subs *-* I hope you enjoy this Chapter! The beginning is a bit boring I think, but it gets better to the end of the Chapter ^^'' 




''I'm too tired for this, man'' he said as he stripped his shirt off and laid down on the mattress Mrs. Do put on the floor for him.


''I ing hate being stuck here.'' he said mumbling while turning around.



I remember the first time I saw you.

It was winter.  I just entered your life without caring about consequences. After my father got into a horrible car accident and was in a coma for months, it was like my own mother wasn't there anymore. She was only at the hospital, she didn't eat or sleep. She forgot about me.


Every day there was painful. I had to take care of myself on my own. My older brother simply moved out and we haven't had contact ever since. I wanted to run away too. I packed all of my things and was about to go when I saw a familiar face. It was our neighbour, I knew her for a very long time. I cried a lot and just told her everything. She said she wanted to do the least she could and help me.


The elderly women said I had to go somewhere safe, somewhere where my mother would appreciate me staying.

I wondered if my mother would've ever found out if I just died in the house for instance, but I couldn't do anything but agree. She lead me back into our house and made a few phone calls.


Your mom, Mrs. Do, a good friend of my mother, decided it was best if I would stay at your house for the time being. I think they knew each other from the Christian community of the area, even though they lived in different cities. She mentioned her a couple of times.

I felt like I would never be able to return if I once turned my back on the life I lived so far.



Generally, it meant a whole lot of change. I had to move to another city, change schools and basically start a new life without anyone asking me if I wanted to or not.


The friendly neighbour bought me a train ticket and gave me directions to where I had to go.

It was all written on a small piece of paper with a very neat hand writing.


Your mother was already waiting in front of the door when I reached the desired destination.


She looked rather scary, to be honest. Pretty, but kind of worn out.

She welcomed me with a very big fake smile, and introduced herself.

The house behind her looked big and decent, but not welcoming.


She lead me inside the house into the living room. I was surrounded by all kinds of things. There were pictures of religious figures, but also those of family members. It felt a little like home in a rather sarcastic way.


Mrs. Do told me to wait in the living room until her son as she said, returned from school since it were only a few minutes until you'd have arrived.

One thing she added right before leaving to go to the upper floor to clean something up, she told me something that made me wonder. She said that her son suffered from muteness almost all of his life.

I wondered at that time what would cause a human being to be mute, but I had no time to think.

As your mother said, a few minutes later I saw a young men entering the house.


You looked more than fragile to me, similar to your mother – pretty, but worn out . Short, skinny, and those frightend staring eyes of yours really fit to what I thought you would look like. There was something about your appearance that made me feel uncomfortable. It probably was that you embodied what I felt like inside. I hated being confronted with that.




After staying with the Do's for a few weeks, things in this household clearly changed already. Kyungsoo's mother might have not said for the good, but that didn't bother anyone but her.


One day, his roommate Kai just couldn't take the poor sense of fashion he was faced everyday when looking at the short boy anymore.


They went to town (more like Kai dragged Kyungsoo there), and got some new clothes.

It was a wonder what a new outfit and a fresh haircut could do for someone's good, but in Kyungsoo's case it was more than that.

He felt pretty emotional since he usually didn't like the smallest changes in his life. It didn't matter if on the outside or inside either.


He enjoyed himself, and that was a big step into getting better. After collecting all the strength and confidence he could possibly bring together, he did something vague.


''Thank you,'' he said lightly with a real smile on his face as they walked down the road to catch their bus home ''for all of this'' Kai looked at him a little startled. Since his arrival he only heard Kyungsoo speak one word.

''You know, I wondered, why are you mute?'' that question came up in his mind and was spoken without thinking.


It was not what Kyungsoo wanted to hear, not now, not ever. His smile quickly faded, he didn't want to talk about this. He wanted to hide or run away. Confrontation was something he couldn't deal with.


''It's just, okay and this might sound incredibly stupid, but - '' as he saw Kyungsoo's smile fade he picked up the speaking pace ''I read like a definition on Wikipedia, and it said that muteness is triggered by some kind of emotional trauma and, well – hey, wait!'' But too late, with these last few words he kicked Kyungsoo's just gained comfort down a cliff.


Of course, freak, weirdo, those were the words Kyungsoo's been associated with almost all of his life. Kai probably thought the same of him and now he wanted to know just how ed in the head he was. Everything goes back to normal again as always.


Bad thoughts infected his mind - he should've expected that. If he had kept his mouth shut, nothing would've happened.


At that moment, Kyungsoo promised himself that he'd never talk to Kai again.


He didn't know where he ran, but he was quicker than he expected with his fragile body. After taking a quick glimpse behind him, he saw Kai stand there with his mouth slightly open. Of course he wouldn't follow him, how much of a fool could he possibly be to have believed that for a second?


It got dark way too quickly. Kyungsoo didn't know where he was, or where he wanted to go.

After some more time he was too exhausted to go further and simply sat on the edge of a random sidewalk.


''I shouldn't have run so far'' he thought.

There he was again, alone. But this time around Kyungsoo didn't feel the usual comfort by the loneliness. He was scared, and he wanted someone to be there to rescue him from that feeling.


''Hey if that isn't our mute friend over there'' said a voice Kyungsoo hadn't feared in a very long time.

''Don't you think we should company him?'' general agreement was heard.

A group of four made their way to the small boy. Kyungsoo closed his eyes. This couldn't be true, it must've been some kind of dream


They reached the sidewalk after a few moments. This particular street was almost empty. Kyungsoo was hissing in his thoughts. Why did he sit down in this empty street where he couldn't be rescued any way?


''Come on, little Do, get on up!'' it was the leader of a well known 'gang' from school, Wu Yifan also known as Kris. Next to him stood Park Chanyeol, behind the two were Oh Sehun and Byun Baekhyun. The hierarchy was so obvious and sickening, and the saddest thing was that Kai was a part of them.

Kai basically joined this 'group of friends' at his first day of school. And he fit them. Good looking, athletic, a rascal. e wasn't here now, ironically.


Kai knew they had bullied Kyungsoo, but never said anything about it. When the 'gang' made a derogatory comment of how stupid and dumb Kyungsoo was, he just coincidentally looked in a different direction. It was nauseating.


He closed his eyes a little harder just to open them abprubtly. This wasn't a dream.

Slowly and carefully, he then got up to face his bullies


''You know what a lucky son of a you are in school don't you?'' said Kris, while his face got a little more serious ''That Joonmyeon guy did a great job protecting you didn't he? Well, he is not here now, is he?'' he laughed, so the others also laughed even if they didn't find it funny. From the corner of his eye Kyungsoo saw Baekhyun gulp in tension.


Kris took note of it too ''Come on Bacon, we'll just have a little fun with him, right? Words don't hurt'' he said in a sarcastic baby voice ''but this will definitly'' he pointed to his fist ''maybe that will even make him talk.'' they laughed again ''more like, beg'' Chanyeol added. He always wanted to have the last word.

Kris went a step closer to Kyungsoo. ''It's not too late to beg for mercy''. Kyungsoo opened and closed his mouth, but couldn't bring himself to speak. Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes.

They couldn't stop laughing ''What a ing moron, isn't he?'' Sehun said while grabbing his belly from laughter.





The words went very quickly through his mind.

Maybe you deserve this ... ?


''Okay, let's get to it'' Kris said, still laughing, but now clenching his fists. 




[A/N]: Thank you if you read to the end! I hope you guys liked this, as always I would really appreciate any type of comment! Much love, your DevilMaid <3




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Chapter 1: Of course I'll be patient! This is good. It already raises questions on the first chapter... Or is it just me?

Why is Kyungsoo so anti-social? What could be the most probable reason for Jongin staying in his room? I'll start guessing... (Haha, please don't confirm any of it. I'd prefer if my questions were answered through the updates.) Is it because Jongin and his parents fought and he left the house? Is it because they fought and he was sent to live there by his parents so he could be away from his friends (I'm really making a wild guess at this point) which were bad influences to him? Is it because they're going to study in the same school?

I'm quite curious. Is this a flashback of some kind from the actual fight they, Kyungsoo and Jongin, may or may not have in the future? The narration tells me that it is, in a way, a flashback. Especially this line:

“Everything should change that day.There was an unknown car to the left, parked on our property. Wondering whose car that could possibly be followed by some legitimate reasoning, I was about to witness something I wouldn't have thought was possible.”

It makes me feel like Kyungsoo's looking back to how they met while they're fighting in the present (or not, it's just my theory).

I could imagine Kyungsoo on top of a mountain, dreaming of that first few paragraphs. Overall, this is very good! ^_^ I did notice a few typos though so, when you have time, I'd like it if you consider a bit of revising this chapter to check for typos. :-) I'm not saying this to discourage you in writing. I just wanted to point it out. That's all.

Thank you for updating so quickly! ^_^