Thinking Out Loud


Well, I fall in love with you every single day. -SS


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Favebolous 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: After 2 years,i'm reading again
Favebolous 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: story of 2014 and I just read it in 2018
Syahun97 #3
hyep sorry to bother since i am new to wenrene otp, so who is the "man" in this otp?? nice story authour :)
Chapter 1: i'm cringing all along the story
but it's a good shot c:
nekokawaii #5
Chapter 1: i like it!! but it was short for me hehe you could write wenrene more and will support u<3
JeTigasm #6
Chapter 1: It's not bad at all. Please write again..that was short T.T
Btw I'm curious, what makes you ship WenRene? XD