Chapter 3

My last Gift

After having a heartful supper, everybody went to sleep, except minho who were in a deep thinking. He was happy ofcourse, He'll be having his vacation on his parents house, not only that, he'll be spending his whole vaation with his group; Shinee. What could he be ask for? A lover? It was never on his intention. Besides he had hundreds of female fans who are willing to be his date. He's not bragging or something. he just thought of a possibilities which is true.


It was quarter to 6 when minho woke up, He didnt realize he had fallen asleep while finishing the book that Key had gave him. It was also the reason why he woke up very early. He had a nightmere, a very strange one. To be honest he was a bit terified about his dream so he didn't want to go back to sleep anymore. Just imagine his female fans turn into a bunch of zombies that appear from the snow and went to attack him because he didn't gave them his autograph and pictures!


It was indeed creepy, so minho got up from his bed. Taemin and the others were still fast asleep together with his borther and manager. His parents ofcourse slept at their room. Minho peek at the window it was snowing, just then he realized there was a girl who is sitting at the near bench hugging her knees. Minho thought at once about his dream. He chuckled. "What a foolish thought"


The snow stops. Minho went for jogging, he was wearing tight jacket and knee leveled pant. He passed through the girl. He got a chance to see a closer look. From Minho opinion, he can tell that the girl was fast asleep, because she aren't moving. Minho continue on jogging. He was feeling cold but kept on sweating on the other hand. It was a good thing he went for jogging.  He wanted to go jogging with his mates, but judging their looks, they seems tired. So he didn't disturb them from thier sleep.


The sun was almost up already and it started to snow again, so minho decide to go back. Just then when he was approaching his parent house. He saw the girl on same possition. Minho estimated that he was gone more than an hour, and the girl was still there. It's not good to be sitting outside when snowing, she might catch cold. So minho went to approach her.


He tried to wake her up, but as soon as he touches her skin, she was cold~ dead cold.

       "Is she dead?" His mind running wild "What if she is really dead? this is not a very good scene! He might be even a suspect" he thought crazily. "Should I leave? Ofcourse not! I cannot leave this poor person behind!" Fighting over himself before he could stop himself he shouted for help.


     "JOM DOWA JUSEYO!!! (Please help me!!!)" He yelled from the top of his voice. But it was too early, it's impossible to seek for help from someone. But what choice do he have? So he shouted and shouted.


     "JOM DOWA JUSEYO!!!" He yelled losing his breath and hope "Jebal (please)" he said desperately. But no one came...


     Just then he realized somebody was pulling his jacket behind him. He turn around to see was it was. To his horror it was the girl. She was pale white. Her lips were dark violet! He thought of the book immidietly. Is this possible?


     The girl's eye were unfocused but he can tell she was looking at him in confuse and minho was looking at her terrified.


      "Ne? Can I help you?" She ask weakly.


      Minho fell backwards. The zombie was talking to him like a real person! just then the girl sneeze. She looks cute but to Minho she was horrible.


      "Are you okay?" The zombie ask once more.


She tried to stand up to approach minho. Minho also tried to stand but failed so he back himself. The girl tried 2 steps and fell, the cold must have been penetrate her legs.


Just then Minho realized, Cold cannot penetrate zombie, nor talk, and more over zombies don't sneeze! What was he thinking? This girl might die if he will not help her. So he immidietly stand up without failure and went to the girl.


      "Are you alright?" Minho ask. She really look weak but answered straight.


     "Ne. Don't mind me" She said as she tried to stand once more. But she sneeze and fell down. Minho was afraid that this girl die so he carried her without the girl's permission.


     "Yah! what are you doing?!" She yelled angrily but weak. She was cold and wet.


      "Do you want to die?" What are you doing outside? I'll bring you to the hospital." Minho said without looking at the girl. But the girl begun to cry.


      "Please dont take me there, Just put me down and I can handle my self." The girl said crying.


     "Please stop crying, I will bring you there to make sure your alright." Minho said


      "No!" She said more tears coming out from her eyes. while clutching Minho's jacket. Minho can't stand looking at the girl crying so he stops and put the girl down on a sitting possition. 


      "Remove your coat." Minho said not looking at the girl's eyes.


      "Mwo?" The girl ask aghast. But minho was already taking her coat off. The girl was too weak to stop Minho. The girl embrace her body as Minho successfully  take her coat off. Just then he started to remove his jacket.


     "Yah! What are you doing?" The girl now look horrified. But to her surprise Minho gently place his jacket onto her. and carry her once more.


     "I'm not taking you to hospital. Don't worry." Minho said and smiles at the girl. The girl felt protected at his arms so she didn't ask him anymore. She trust him to a reason she doesn't know. She lean her head on Minho's chest. she could hear his heart beating fast, but it soothes her and she fell asleep.

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baekyeols #1
are you not going to continue this story? :0
AiMei_4 #2
nice chappie update!!!! >:)
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #3
:D You're welcome ^_^ That's good to hear~ UPDATE SOON~!!! ^_~
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
Hahaha~!! Neh~!! UPDATE SOON~!! FIGHTING~!! ^_^
that's for you to find out... i hope you will like it, ill post my first chapter this week. thanks for subscribing
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #6
Update soon~!!! Hmmm....what is Yuki's secret???? :)<br />