what worse?

someone like you





Why we realize a lot of things when the time is gone already? I just sighed when I was in the car, staring at every little thing that catches my eyes. Just this morning I was in my house and I was pissed off because we’ll be going back to that town in our home in Korea. I rested my head on the window and listened to my parents talking and asking each other if they put the things in its place and so. I huffed lowly and closed my eyes then thought about the hell that was waiting for me there.


There was everything that I hate, everyone that I want to kill. Then opened my eyes, not like we were in the airplane already but we were close to it. We were in a bus; it has a really bad smell. Since we’re 7 so we have to take a bus to take us there, I don’t mind it as long as I can close my eyes and rest in peace for a while.


We were waiting for our flight, while my tow younger brothers and sister start to play and run around. They were doing things and we just laugh, they’re crazy… they’re kids come on younhyun! I told myself as I shook my head.


In the plane, I sat in the middle between my younger sister and younger brother. I usually set beside my mother and younger brother but since my father has to reserved sets in different places. I don’t understand my family all the time not just this time.


We were in Korea now, but it’s not the end we have to take a very long trip to our home, to our beloved town and its 5 hours away. I just huffed, oh come on my legs hurt already please I want my beloved wifi!! I can marry it if it was a person! I just watched the excitement on my family’s faces as they sat in the car. But for my relive, my younger brother doesn’t love our town just like me. “It’s not only me! Look at changhyun, he hates it to death” I complained as my mother said how much I hate this place. All the attention turned to changhyun who was crossing his hands and putting that pissed off face, all of us laughed and he only cried because of that.


When we was near, I opened my eyes, and just stared at the empty lands and sheep while the dogs where everywhere to protect the sheep, I don’t understand it just why don’t the dogs eat the sheep?


Then the buildings starts to show up from far away as I stared and remembered this morning when I was in my bed and holding my phone while chatting with friends and say good bye for them. Its summer guys!!!

It’s just annoying me why do my ante has to get married in the begging of my freaking beloved vacation? I huffed again when I remembered that I only watched one drama.


Finally we were in front of our house, a lot of things had changed in one year, and I sighed when I remembered that we don’t have wifi here! I just wanted to cry even more….


The blue sky above of us, and the dark brown land under us, just likes how I left it a year ago. A smile drew itself on my face while I was looking at the trees behind the house; it was like none has come here since ten years. If I missed something about being here, then it’ll be these trees.

My sister followed with a gasp when she saw it, “oh god I’m so happy!” she said then I glared at her “what are you happy about?” I asked, I went back to help my parents with lifting the bags inside the house.

It looked just like we left it before, and I sighed a lot of work is waiting for us!

After kind of three days, the people who called themselves our family came. When I look at their faces I just get confused who are they for real? But like always I would act kindly and never let my anger controls my actions. Even if they let me see my mom crying one day, they still my father’s family and I don’t want him to hate me, because these people are more important for him.


After two weeks, one of my mother’s cousins was traveling to the house in front of ours, my mother was really happy, to be honest I do like this women but I don’t know about her living near us! I want the people I love to stay away from me I don’t want to know who really they are and then hate them.


It was a cold night when I was setting on the chair outside and staring at the view that I can’t see now because of these houses there. I used to stare at the lights from the town that where far away from mine, but still you can see it and see it’s lights in the night. Now I can’t, I huffed again at the sight. Then I saw someone walking on the street right in front of our house, he was putting his hands in his pockets then he stopped when he sat under the light of the lamp above of him. Since it was dark where I was setting I didn’t thought he can see me. Then I heard him, “this life is so…!! Why I can’t even live in peace? Why can’t I be like everyone? Why can’t I live peacefully? Why I chose to be like that??” his questions got my full attention, because I usually ask myself these questions most of times.

So it wasn’t only me who is wondering?? Good then, I didn’t know what to feel about while listening to him but I just want to since I have nothing else to do!


Then he stood up and kicked the stones on the ground, I felt so blank! “What are looking at?” his question shocked me, was he asking me? This ajashi is so freaking scary omg! Then I felt something under my lifted legs, when looked at it I gasped, it was a cat and I don’t hate it but I hate touching it. I screamed it was a black one, now I’m scared I hate black cats to death! I stood up and went far away from it but it kept following me so I couldn’t go inside, and I think all of them are sleep or busy with what they were doing.

I ran and ran but it kept following me, I have no choice other than running out of our house limits.

As I ran that guy stared at me, but I was so freaking out to think about it, so I just ran and ran, and that cat still followed me. Now I want to kill all the cats in this world, I don’t understand why people like it ew! Then I saw that guy running toward me the he stopped me from running by holding my wrist.

Who will not be shocked when a stranger is holding your wrist so tightly?


Oh my god, I’m still young for these things please!!! Then he lowered his body and put his hand on the cat, he just stare at it for awhile then the cat left him. What was that? The he stood up again and let go of my wrist, and I stared at it and saw that it was red, his grip was so tight! He looked at me the silent fell the air, and then I realized that I have to thank him, then I bow “thank you ajashi” I said with a big smile, then I stopped smiling when I remembered how ugly I look while smiling.


He then shook his head and turned around, his back was facing me. “I never thought that I have to save someone from a CAT!” he then started to walk! But wait was he just saying that like he was laughing at me?? Oh no you don’t dare! But then why would I care to explain myself for a stranger and let it go. While I was in my way to my house, I realized that he sat in the same place. He wasn’t far from me I can see his face clearly. “Thank you again for your kindness to save someone from a cat” I said, and then I left.



The next night, I went to the rooftop this time not wanting to face any cats anymore. While I was staring at all these stars in the dark sky, I felt the peace filling this town as the kids left the streets to sleep.

“If I know the answers for all my questions why I keep ask it?” I asked myself as I was watching the stars. Then I heard someone “because we’re stupid, you know if we only tell everybody that we’re together then we would stop lying” I walked slowly to spy at who was talking there, but to my surprise it was the same guy from yesterday and a girl, the lights never failed to show me their faces.


Then they sat there on the same place he sat on yesterday. I sat behind the wall as I decide to spy on them! They will not mind it, and then I laughed at my stupid brain. “I know, but in our lives! We can’t” I heard her voice, it was so familiar to me but I ignore it so I can focus on their conversation. “You know I love you” he said, and she said she does,


Then I stole a glance on them then went back to my position, she were laying her head on his shoulder while they were holding each others hands. “I’m sorry for not being abele to do anything about it, you know these old people, whenever they decide something you can’t stop them from making it happen.” “I know” she sighed after that. And I did too, oh good they are sad for something, you can’t imagine how much I want to go to them and help them with their problems.


“Even if I’m going to get married to who ever the girl is, I promise you that you’ll be always my only one and I’ll never love someone else. Just for one year and everything will be back to how it is now” he said. Then I took a glance and saw them hugging each other.


I heard my mother calling for me to get down from here, so I had to do so I left. When I was watching the TV, I was so angry, why this guy is going to marry another girl if he loves this one! Oh please!!! I just wanna go and keep punching him! “uggggh!” “Yah, stop shouting in the middle of the night” my sister shouted! “Like you’re not shouting now!” I shouted back.


After three weeks, my mom told me that there are some people who would like to come and see my older sister. I gasped, “So you’re going to let her marry? I never thought that you’ll do this till she graduate” after my older brother and sister left our house to study I became the closest one to my mom, she tells me everything and I’m so happy that we’re close. One thing I love about this place is being close to my mom, but there I’m so far away from them I don’t know anything since I’m always in my room.


“she’s 22 so it’s not that bad” I smiled to her, “it’s okay we can stop hearing her complaining  all the time about everything” my mom laughed and then turned to me, “so hurry up and get marry so I can rest” I glared and went to her for a tight hug and she laughed, “oh really, you’ll miss so much!” “I’ll not” I’ll she told her self.


I was teasing my sister all the day and she kept in hitting me and kicking me too. I laughed all the time, I don’t know why but I just felt so. To be honest I don’t want her to go away, she still my sister. But then I remembered that she’s in love with our neighbor how unlucky they’re. They loved each other for more than 5 years and now she’s going to marry another guy, a reason for me to not wanting to have someone to love.


I sighed while I was staring at my sister who was really sad, but she has to be here because he couldn’t stay here so they can be with each other so she has to move on. If I can, I’ll get marry so she can be with him again, I know she still love him, she still think about him. She still waits for him till this moment, she still waiting  for a miracle to happen.


When they came, I was on the rooftop waiting for them to see that guy. But of course I couldn’t because they’ll see me. So I couldn’t see him “urgggggh!” “Shut up” my sisters hushed me. I sighed as it was the fourth time that I couldn’t see him while everyone saw him! Just why???

“He’s so handsome!” our younger sister said. “No he’s not” my elder sister said. “I didn’t see him!!!!!” I said. 


Then my mother told us to come and greet them, oh no oh no oh no!!!!! NOT AGAIN!! The woman here mistakes me as the one she wanted to see!! Then when I turned my head to see that guy, oh my god!!! It was that ajashi! He looked at me then I realized he wasn’t happy at all. “Mom I need to go to the bathroom” my older sister said and ran out of the room leaving me here as that one! The bride! Oooh !.


My younger sister laughed, and then put her hand on and I just glared. “She’s just like her ante, she really looks like her” I smiled and didn’t know what to do.

Oh god help me!!!!!!!!!!!

What worse than that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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