

A/N: aaand... that's the end. I can't believe it took half a year to force myself to get this done.


The ritual of day changing into night was weird in the summer. It didn’t slowly pass like it did during the spring or autumn, but it came and went in around half an hour. Usually it bothered them because suddenly it would be night and they had to go home in the dark, but for their goodbye prank to the people in their town, it fit them perfectly. Then the intervals between the two surprises wouldn’t be too big, which was good. People couldn’t leave in half an hour; they never did when Chanyeol and Baekhyun released their creativity on innocent citizens.

The clock passed nine before they could start their plan. By now everyone would be on the main square in front of the city hall, listening to the mayor’s speech. They had stolen the festival-schedule from a random stand earlier that day, and had decided they would start one minute before the mayor did.

But all of a sudden, both of them felt uneasy. Chanyeol, because he knew things could go wrong. And if it did, it was all his fault. Baekhyun, because he didn’t know if this was good enough. And maybe it was the presence of a certain someone, whose name he wouldn’t even spell out in his mind. They had been like glue from the early ages, so why did he start feeling uneasy now, of all times?

“Hey,” Chanyeol nudged Baekhyun slightly, which caused the latter to jump in surprise. Chanyeol furred his eyebrows, and tilted his head as a question to the unusual behaviour. When Baekhyun didn’t answer the silent request however, he shrugged it off and looked out over the town instead. They were on the top of the observatory, and it was first now that they felt the cold sneaking up on them.

“Let’s get this started, okay?” Baekhyun suddenly said, as the last rays of sun disappeared. He felt like they needed to get this over with, so they could sit back and admire their last work. Chanyeol, who had been staring at something far away, turned his attention to Baekhyun and nodded. Sending him a crooked smile, he took a step back from the railing.

“Yes,” he agreed. “Let’s do this.” Then he grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and squeezed it tightly, just like they always did when they were nervous. But this time Baekhyun didn’t squeeze back, sending him a reassured smile, and Chanyeol felt himself become insecure. Had he done something wrong? He didn’t even realize how his best friend had suddenly become stiff, his pulse rising quickly. Instead, he let go and turned around to start everything off.



It was ten minutes before the mayor was going to be on stage, holding his famous speech. He was currently backstage, looking out on the big crowd that had met up to see him speak there. It was as much as everyone in the town, but still didn’t feel nervous. Instead, he was strangely calm. The people out there knew him – he knew them. Nothing could go wrong, he had done this so many times before.

But still, a small voice in his head told him that something was wrong. Two familiar faces he knew all to well hadn’t appeared this year – not at all. Even when he had sworn that he’d throw them in jail for releasing a flock of birds on him they had still dared come out, but now they hadn’t shown themselves in days. Something was definitely wrong. But instead of pondering on it he pushed the annoying thought away, as he straightened his suit over the round stomach and got ready to go on.

But he never got that far.

Because in that second, the lights outside went on, the ones that was supposed only be when he came out. The crowd applauded somewhat confused because it was before schedule, and no mayor arrived.

“WEEEELL HELLO!” a voice boomed through speakers hidden in the trees planted around the city square. They were so well hidden by Chanyeol that they had been there for days already, no one even noticing. The fact that the old trees’ branches and leaves were very thick didn’t exactly expose it further either.

“Oh god.” The mayor muttered from where he stood, shocked. That was what he had been secretly waiting for to happen, all week. He knew that voice. It belonged to none other than the first half of the most troublesome pair of kids he had ever encountered, Byun Baekhyun.

“So,” Baekhyun continued, a little bit calmer. “As many of you may or may not know, Chanyeol and I are leaving this year for university. We also realized how much we were going to miss this place, and how much you were gonna miss us, so we couldn’t just sit back this last summer festival, could we Yeol?” No one knew where they were. They had hidden themselves for now, talking into a wireless microphone.

“Oh no,” a deeper voice replied Baekhyun’s, also coming from the speakers. The second half of the troublemakers, the mayor noted. Park Chanyeol. “We had to prepare something really special. We still haven’t gotten that megaphone back, the one from years ago, or otherwise we would have shown up in person. But anyways. We’ve already done this and done that. I don’t think there’s a thing you haven’t seen from us. But Baek, this time we had to do something else.”

“Yes, we certainly had to. And I think you will all like it, actually. Though I thought the same when we painted that pedestrian. But nonetheless! Just look up at the sky people. You might just see something fantastic.”

And no more words came. If the mayor had been a little more rational in that moment he would have just stopped everything and started his own speech, but he was too shocked to do anything except stare up like everyone else.

And then it began, as Baekhyun put the microphone down, smiled widely at Chanyeol, and they pressed a button on a small three button-control Chanyeol held, together. Fireworks. In so many different colours Baekhyun wasn’t sure he had seen them all before. They were big and small, and Chanyeol had arranged them in a perfect manner for everyone to admire, even if they hated the couple.

Baekhyun couldn’t do anything but smile up at the dark sky that was illuminated by the beautiful fireworks, wondering how this had come to be, how they had managed to do all this. He knew of course – it was all thanks to Chanyeol. He had done everything, to be honest. In Baekhyun's eyes, everything seemed to be thanks to his best friend. That goofy giant of his – he was precious. He loved him so much it was ridiculous, really. He would never admit that the thought that to himself – and even accepted it. Love. Wasn’t that something one fell for? Baekhyun had never fallen in love. He wasn’t in love either. Maybe love in the best friend-going to be togeter forever-way, but nothing more... He thought? But why did he become so uneasy around the one currently beside him? He remembered the words Chanyeol had spoken hours ago clearly, the ones explaining love. Somehow, they all seemed to fit, though he was so happy he almost felt oblivious.

The fireworks kept on going for another two minutes, and as they slowly faded away the people in the city square were dead silent. They had expected much, but a surprise like this? Not in a million years. This was more like a gift than a prank.

Baekhyun let out a short laugh where they stood on top the observatory. “They think we’re done, don’t they?”

Chanyeol sent a mischievous smile back to him. “You don’t suppose we should let them in on the second thing?”

“Bring it on,”

And the balloons were released. When Baekhyun had first told Chanyeol his plan, the latter had been confused to how they would make the balloons seen in the dark. He had however, quickly thought up a solution, though Baekhyun couldn’t see how they would be able to make that happen. But like every other time, Chanyeol executed the task perfectly. And as the balloons flew up towards the sky, it exceeded even their own expectations. Tiny lights Chanyeol had made from small light bulbs and portable batteries were put into each one of the balloons, and they lit up as Baekhyun hit the button that opened the roof to the observatory. They heard gasps as soon as they released the hoard of colourful lights, and they knew they had won the crowd over. This time, they did it as much for the other people in town, as for themselves.

“Chanyeol…” Baekhyun muttered as he gazed upon the scattering balloons, stars in his eyes. Chanyeol spun around instantly, hearing his name being whispered. He was about to answer, but ended up staring at the smaller brunette instead. He looked mesmerized where he stood, and even though the taller had been sure he couldn’t get any more beautiful than he already was, he somehow managed to do it.

But suddenly, so sudden Chanyeol couldn’t even see his expression change, Baekhyun quickly turned to him. He took a deep breath, a serious look in his eyes.

“Okay,” he said to himself, before locking eyes with Chanyeol. “It has been bothering me all week, and even though it shouldn’t it does and I don’t know how to explain it properly and everything has been so stressful and it's stupid and doesn't make sense at all and…” he stopped, thinking. He had to choose his words carefully, as he was sent a curious and confused look. He certainly seemed stupid now, he knew it. Sighing, he took a step forward. He had to get this over with already.

“Ever since you told me you like someone I can’t seem to get it out of my mind! It’s always nudging in the back of my head that you’ve been meeting other people that I haven’t met and that you like them so much and that I’ll be pushed away and… can I just, please, know who you’re in love with, at least? I want to know who I'm giving you away to,” Baekhyun decided to exclude the part about him finding no one but Chanyeol perfect and how his heart suddenly started beating faster when they were touching and how he made him confused and messed up his feelings and… Baekhyun even confused himself as he thought about it. His eyes turned towards the floor (or roof?), and he felt redness creep into his cheeks. Luckily it was dark, so no one could see it. Byun Baekhyun never blushed, and absolutely not at his best friend. But still his hands just couldn’t stop fidgeting, and his heart wouldn’t stop beating so fast. He tugged the hems of his shirt like he did when he was anxious and worried, shifting his weight. He was a nervous wreck. This was not like the usual, straight-forward Baekhyun at all.

But to his surprise, Chanyeol just laughed, before smiling kindly. He took a step closer as well, so that there were only half a metre between them.

"You know," he said and tilted his head slightly. "You've got really beautiful eyes. Even without makeup,"

Baekhyun furred his eyes at the weird comment at first, wondering where that came from. He had heard that sentence somewhere before. But where? It shook up some distant part of his memory, but he couldn't seem to really get where it came from. It was like water - it slipped right through his fingers when he tried to grab it.

But then it came to him, and he widened his eyes. When Chanyeol first revealed he liked someone. How had he described the person? Pretty. With beautiful eyes, even without make up. Was he…? Hold up a second. Him? Baekhyun? And Chanyeol? What kind of weird cosmic turn of events was this? His brain tried to comprehend it as he connected the dots, but it didn't seem to work because he wasn't getting any less confused. He waited for Chanyeol to burst out laughing, telling him it was a joke, but the taller looked dead serious there he stood. And it made Baekhyun wonder. Had Chanyeol always waited, never said anything? Baekhyun knew he should be shocked like in the dramas, run away and book a random trip to Hawaii. But instead he felt relieved. Happy. He was actually so happy he could die. Chanyeol wasn’t tired of him, looking for someone else. He was still Baekhyun’s, it was still them. Baekhyun didn’t really know if it was love he felt. But he felt something completely new and he just knew that he never wanted to let Chanyeol go, reserving the pair of very soft-looking lips for himself. He wasn’t stupid. He knew what to do now, even though he did everything on impulse. He had never even considered the possibility, yet here it was. And that was not an opportunity he was going to let go of. Chanyeol was never getting away from him, that was for sure.

Chanyeol on his side, looked nervously at Baekhyun, whose eyes grew wide when he realized, solving the puzzle of hints the younger had left during the past days. Was he going to run away? That’s what people usually would do it they got stuff like this slung in their faces. It probably came right out of the blue, and now he would leave, screaming that Chanyeol had destroyed their friendship forever. But still, it felt right of him to say it. He needed to, because Baekhyun deserved to know. It had been so many years, and Chanyeol just couldn’t live with it any more. They were almost grown up now, heading to university. Who knew what would happen there? They could handle stuff like this in a mature way. Probably.

So what Baekhyun did next, shocked him. His face spread into a wide grin, and he jumped on Chanyeol like a four-year old, wrapping his legs around the latter’s waist.

“For god’s sake Yeol!” he exclaimed. “I thought you were going to ditch me forever!” Then he hugged him so tight Chanyeol thought he was going to be strangled To his luck Baekhyun let go, staring into his eyes instead.

“NEVER,” he said. “Make me worry like that ever again, you idiot. I thought I was going to give you up. Heck, I was even preparing for it!”

And when their lips connected, it felt natural. Like it was meant to be, but just hadn’t happened until now. Chanyeol honestly couldn’t believe it was all happening. To him, anything like this had been a faint dream. He had predicted a future where he would have to greet every one of Baekhyun’s girlfriends, pretending that he liked them and fake being sad when they parted ways. This wasn’t a part of his plan at all. But as they finally let go, both gasping for air, he pressed down the third button on his control, the last thing he hadn’t told Baekhyun about. Their eyes were still connected, and neither really wanted to look away, but when they heard the familiar sound of a lone firework being shot up and into the sky, they unwillingly turned to look.

Baekhyun gasped at the huge explosion, colouring the sky in white and blue, as well as lighting up the balloons that were still finding their way through the air. His eyes reflected the explosions, big in wonder. 

“It’s perfect,” he said, but with no voice accompanying it. And then he turned to Chanyeol. Throwing his arms around him again, he smiled as he drew closer, until nothing was parting them, not even air. It was their second kiss with the fireworks and balloons in the background, as well as the knowledge that this day was going to be remembered in more than one way. Spectacular didn't cover a bit of it.

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baekkiluv #1
Chapter 4: Omg! So cute yet so sweet....omg i cant explain this...its just beautiful authornim! >.<
Chapter 4: Chanbaek as the town pranksters <333 it suited them perfectly! Their friendship is A++++ you told about their friendship so beautifully that I think if they werent end up together it was still okay because their friendship was still really precious
The scene where the baloons were released was also beautiful
Thank you for writing this authornim this is wonderful
SoSquishy #3
Chapter 4: this is.. beautiful. <3 Always be remembered. awwe so romantic. <3
Chapter 4: This is definitely going on my list of favorite baekyeol stories
Tamber97 #5
Chapter 4: Aww that was so cute! I loved it! :)
Thanks so much author-nim! <3
*Throws you a lot of love and cookies and rainbows and unicorns* ♡♡♡♡\( * ㅇ * \ )
Chapter 4: This is great :)
Farahamr #7
Chapter 4: That's a really good story. Sappy, yet so good