


The first chapter is done, I just need to edit a few things before I decide to post it. 




Disclaimer : This is a work of fiction and does not reflect the personal or professional lives of any real person or organization portrayed herein. No bodily harm intended whatsoever.




Taemin's confession

“Minho-Hyung….” Minho responded with a simple “Ne?” as continued to gather his things, searching the living room for his phone. The maknae, stood by the wall, leaning on it slowly, and unsure if he had the guts or determination for what he was about say to Minho. He tighten his grip, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest, he breathed in, tried to convince himself that he had the will to open his mouth and tell him.

“Have you seen my phone?” Minho continued to scavenge through the sofas and magazines.

“I love you.” The room went cold and quiet.

Minho looked him confused and laughed “What did you say? Help me find my phone!” He continued to laugh and returned to his search.

“Minho….” Taemin tried to move but he was frozen, he could feel a knot in his throat forming and chocking him. He could feel his right foot beginning to tap on the hardwood floor. He did nothing but look at his foot moving quickly, he wanted to stop but he couldn’t at this point his actions were out of his control. He was ed. Minho looked up and noticed the timid maknae in the corner. He could see he was struggling to keep his posture, he looked uncomfortable, like he was almost lost for words, helpless.

“Taemin-ah! Are you okay?” Minho walked over to the maknae, concerned. “I love you.” Taemin repeated, this time it was quicker and louder, his eyes were glued to the floor, still watching his foot tap rapidly on the floor. His heavy boots were slamming on quickly, he could feel the weight and hear the zippers jingle. It was all he focused on, not on what Minho was going to say, he was too scared. Right now, the floor seemed like the safest place to look at.

Minho stood in front of him, he was also frozen, he watched the desperate maknae get tense and nervous, his eyes on the floor, his foot tapping. Minho could feel his blood run cold and this skin grow scales, tingling his skin. “Taemin-ah….I’m not….I don’t like you that way”

Taemin already knew the answer but it still hurt to physically hear it. He has planned to smile and laugh after confessing, to relieve the awkwardness of the moment but he had choked up, he smile at minho but he could feel his eyes water. God did he hate himself right now. “I know, you just needed to know you know?!?!?!”

Minho awkwardly smiled back, not making eye contact, he did his best to keep his cool, to not say anything more, to just pat Taemin’s head and walk away, but he could feel it, the maknae tensing up, watching him cry was the most heartbreaking thing you could ever see. He had seen him cry before, once, for his brother, he missed his family, but he somehow always managed to hide and it in. He just smiled. This time minho knew it was his fault, this time the maknae would cry for him, over his rejection.

Taemin swallowed hard, using the strength he has to make eye contact with him for a split second, chuckle and walk away. “You’re phone is in the kitchen” He said while chuckling as he walked to his room. Minho smiled doubtfully. Taemin didn’t turn back, not even for a second; he could hear minho’s footsteps going to the kitchen as he closed his room door. As soon as it was closed he breathed out, slowly. His back sliding down the door, his left hand gripping the door knob tightly, his hair getting caught on the surface of the wooden door. “ he whispered under his breathe. He cried, he cried hard, his left hanrd still gripping the door knob, his right hand covering his mouth, keeping any sort of noise from escaping his mouth, as if not even he wanted to know he was crying. Like pretending he couldn’t hear himself. He heard dorm door small shut, minho had left. Taemin had somehow hoped minho would walk in and tell him he was sorry, but he didn’t he walked out the door. Taemin sat by the door, his legs slowly stretched out, he sat flat. His back to the door, his legs stretched with both his hands rubbing on his thighs, wiping the cold sweat. He could feel the tears coming down his face. They were warm and salty. He his puffy lips every time they reached his mouth.

He smiled. This is love, this is what love is. This is what it feels like to be heart broken. Now he knew what their songs were about. Now he knew what it was like to cry for love, to even after being rejected, still be romantic in his heart. He was still in love with minho, that’s why it hurt so much, he loved him so much he couldn’t hate him.

He could feel his teeth tighten as his tears began to slow down. He looked over at his bed. It seemed like the safest place to be, like as soon as he was under the covers, no one would remember him, no one would know who taemin was. He slowly got up and walked to his bed, throwing his heavy boots of his small feet, letting all his weight fall on the bed. He could feel the pressure of his weight on his chest as he lied face down on the bed.





Minho kissed Taemin (This happens months after Taemin had confessed)

Minho leaned over and kissed him. Taemin felt his skin go pale and cold, like his skin would turn to glass and shatter into pieces if Minho kissed him again. His cheek was flushed red, right where it had been kissed. His emotions were unreadable, nothing was clear but the rush of rage over flowing him. The dressing room door opened,interrupting the moment, the members rushed in, sweaty and out of breathe. Onew was still dancing even in the dressing room.

Taemin’s eyes were glued on Minho.  Minho had looked away by now, Taemin could not control the rage he was feeling by this man. How dare he? How dare he play with him like that? First rejecting him and then this? He was angry. It was over. Breaking him and then forgetting him. 

He stood up from the red couch and walked out the dressing room. All the members looked at him surpised, Minho was the first to follow him, Key followed after, being the only one that knew what had happened before, he knew this wasn’t good.

“Taemin-nah! Wait” Taemin continued to walk rapidly down the empty hallway. Key followed quickly, onew and jonghyun stood by the door watching the commotion unwind on the hallways, scared to death.

“Taemin! Wait!”

“Don’t touch me! I hate you right now! You have no idea what you did to me and you give me this hsit. I watched you with other women and rejecting me at every second of my life after I told you how I felt. Why did you kiss me?”


“ you!”

“Taemin stop!” Key shouted terrified. Onew and JOnghyun were both stiff by the doorway. The shouting had caught the attention of a few people, unfortunately one if then was their manager. Onew felt his blood freeze when he saw the manager run towards them. His feet automatically running after him, afraid of what was going to happen, jonghyun was still stuned, watching from the doorway. Terrified.


“No, I don’t want to!”

“What’s going on?!?! Taemin get back in the dressing room now! Everyone get back inside NOW!”

“I quit!”


I stopped there.....I don't know how I feel about it.


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DescentSkye #1
This sounds interesting. Please update soon :D
GrazyLover3 #2
wwwwwwaaaahhhh.. exiting! update sooon pleasee!!!!!!!!<br />