Twenty Questions

Home Sweet Home {Hiatus}
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Today I was feeling it, the jet lag. I thought that if I just jumped right into the schedule of the locals everything would be fine. So far it seems as though I have just been living off of the excitement and adrenaline from my outings with SHINee. There is nothing like a mob of fan girls to keep you awake and on your toes. A little adrenalin rush goes a long way.

Not really caring if the camera crew was here already, I pulled the blanket on my bed up over my head and readjusted to get more comfortable. If someone wanted me out of this bed, they would have to do it physically remove me. They could film me sleeping for all I cared.

A loud thump jarred me awake just as I was drifting back to sleep. Voices soon followed. I wondered how late it was if they boys were already awake. The day before they didn’t seen to want to get out of bed at all. I listened, trying to figure out whom exactly the voices belonged to.

“Hyung, come with us. It won’t kill you,” Taemin’s voice rang loudly outside of my door before he went stomping off down the hall.

“No! I’m not going,” came Key’s annoyed and tired sounding reply.

So much for sleeping in. It sounded like they were arguing. Deciding to go see what all the commotion was about, I just got up.

I opened my door cautiously. The hall was quiet. I looked in the direction the boys’ room at the end of the hall. Minho, Taemin, and Key stood grouped together in front of their door. The three of them stared at me as if they had seen a ghost.

“Abigail! Were we being too loud? Did we wake you?” Minho worried.

I was going to tell him not to worry about it, but Key’s unexpected movement made the words get caught in my throat. He came running towards me shouting, “I’m not going!” I quickly backed up into the room, almost tripping over my feet, as Key came barreling through the door.

“Just go back to sleep,” he told me with an encouraging nod. He shut the door noisily behind him. He fumbled with the lock on the door only to give up and throw his body against the door as it cracked open slightly. It inched shut. The amount of effort Key was putting into keeping it sealed became visible on his face.

“Open the door right now!” Minho yelled.

“Just come for a run with us,” Taemin added in.

That’s what this was all about? Key just didn’t want to go for a run?

There was a loud bang on the door. “You can’t avoid us forever!” Taemin yelled.

“Abigail are you alright in there?” Minho asked. At least someone was finally showing concern for me in this hostage like situation.

“You shouldn’t be in there with her.” That was either Taemin’s voice or I was getting delusional.

I found myself laughing. How did I even get stuck in this situation? One second Key is barricading us in the room while the others yelled at him, and the next they are worried about me. Even the normally indifferent Taemin seemed concerned that Key had locked himself in the room with me. I really hoped the cameras were in the hall capturing this historic moment.

“Your laugh is really cute, you know,” said Key through a laugh of his own.

Suddenly I became very self-conscious of the sound coming from my mouth. I quickly got my laughter under control and looked up to see that Key’s attention had switched from the door to me. I felt the blush creep into my face.

In Key’s moment of distraction, Minho was able to push the door open. Key stumbled backwards, looking like a deer caught in headlights. His only exit from the room was blocked, so he took the next best option. He leaped away from the two boys now entering the room and huddled behind me on the bed.

“Yah, what did you do to her? Why is her face all red?” Minho questioned loudly.

My eyes darted to him and then to Taemin in the doorframe before falling to my lap in embarrassment. Everyone had their attention on me. It wasn’t that I minded, but I couldn’t imagine how horrible I looked with a beet red face after practically rolling out of bed. And to have someone tell me so bluntly that they thought I had a cute laugh was both warming and shocking at the same time.

There was movement on the bed. Key came around to my side, placing his head below mine so he could look at my face. “Are you alright?”

I let a smile tug at my lips before nodding yes. I really was all right.

“Good,” was all he said before throwing himself off the bed and dashing out of the room past the bewildered boys.

I nervously cleared my throat. “Well, I don’t think he needs to go for a run with you guys. He’s getting all his exercise done in here,” I said, changing the subject from me. “I’ll go with you, if you don’t mind me tagging along.”

Minho looked to Taemin for any objection. He only shrugged. What happened to the loud boy from a few minutes ago?

“We’re going to go to out to the park instead of the gym. We want to go as soon as possible before too many people get there,” Minho explained to me.

“Okay, I’ll get changed so we can go.” I shooed the boys out of the room before going to dig through my semi-unpacked suitcase.

I glanced at the clock. It was just getting to be 6am. Korea must be making me crazy because normally I would not have been agreeing to go work out this early if I was still at home. The time also explained why I hadn’t seen any members of the camera crew or Choi PD yet either.

I stepped out into the hall, carrying my sneakers and trying to smooth the bumps out of the crappy ponytail I had pulled my hair into. I headed for the kitchen where I heard the chatter, figuring that’s where everyone had gathered.

The boys sat around the table where Onew and Jonghyun were cutting up some fruit and vegetables. I didn’t even know that they were up already. I figured it would have been hard for them to sleep through all of the commotion going on anyway. I immediately felt lazy, knowing that I was the last one sleeping. Good thing I was going to be making up for it.

“I’m ready to go whenever you guys are,” I said approaching the table.

“Wait, Abigail is going

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It's Shinee!
Chapter 4: Aww Tae why you no like her? She likes you and is nice to you! Oh my God I just can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 2: Awwww yeah SHINee in the house! I can't wait for the next chapter!