Model Plane

Model Plane

Model Plane 


Hyukjae pulls on his black leather jacket over his red V-neck t-shirt. He has on faded blue jeans and stylist heel toed boots. He fixes up his caramel blonde hair in the mirror, making sure he looks good. He has a date with a girl today so he has to look good for her. He grabs a black and red checkered scarf and drapes it over his shoulders. Hyukjae pauses on his way to the door, seeing his large furry hat on the bed. He picks it up, smiling as he puts it on and it covers his ears. He checks himself in the mirror again. Hyukjae makes a satisfied sound when it looks decent on him. 

His eyes land on the model plane hanging from his ceiling and he feels a twinge in his heart. He tears his eyes away from the cruel reminder. It represents happy times and the saddest day of his life. When he closes his eyes, can see it so vividly. The hand of his childish friend guiding the model plane through the air. It was a treasured object. His boyfriend's going away gift. His "goodbye". Hyukjae quickly locks up his small apartment as he leaves, asking himself not for the first time why he has it hanging there for him to stare at whenever he's in his room. 

As Hyukjae descends the elevator, he takes off the hat and tucks it under his arm. It's too hot out for him to be wearing this today. He steps outside and looks up at the sky. He pulls himself together and curls his lips in a smile. Then Hyukjae walks on, heading towards his date. He doesn't notice his hat slip through his arms and fall onto the street. There's no one around to notice for him either. Hyukjae continues on obliviously towards his date. 

While heading towards his destination, he cannot stop the memory from flowing through his head. Donghae is the name of his best friend and ex-boyfriend. His smile saddens a little as he thinks of this. They were in high school back then. Hyukjae was a year older, a grade above him. Donghae was shy and so adorably cute. They met during Donghae's first year of high school. They became friends and during summer break their relationship became more intimate and they started dating. 

Both were serious and intent on taking it slow. They didn't want to rush things and let things like their hormones get in the way of a meaningful relationship. As a result, they didn't go farther than simple making out and neither regretted that. However, before Donghae's last year of high school in the summer of Hyukjae's graduation, there was some bad news. Donghae was moving away. The news upset both of them but there was nothing they could do. It wasn't Donghae's choice. 

The following months were both tense and overwhelmingly meaningful. They spent every waking moment together so as to make as many memories as possible. Neither of them talked about whether they would have a long distance relationship or not and eventually it was the day before Donghae would be leaving. Of course, the two were together. The day went by fine but the atmosphere got tense as night started to creep in on them. 

It was Donghae who eventually said he didn't want to have a long distance relationship. Those words practically crushed Hyukjae's heart and he didn't know how to react. But as he stared at Donghae's downcast face, his lips trembling, all he felt was an overwhelming need to tell Donghae how much he means to him and that he understands. Hyukjae's mind was screaming at him to fight against Donghae's decision but he could tell without saying anything that it wasn't something Donghae could handle. Just looking at his boyfriend's face, he knew this was it. 

Hyukjae accepted it. Not because he wanted to or because it didn't hurt but because Donghae needed him to. This decision has nothing to do with their feelings for each other. It just has to do with the cruel fact that they won't see each other again. Hyukjae wanted to cry. To scream. To tell him he was giving up to easily but he didn't and maybe that made him even worse. Even weaker. He didn't know but it didn't matter either. 

He tried to stay strong for his crumbling boyfriend. Hyukjae shuffled closer to Donghae and pulled him into his arms. Donghae jerked in his arms and then froze up, not even breathing. Then he felt a kiss placed on top of his head and reassuring words murmured into his hair. Donghae gave into his boyfriend's comfort then, a part of him hating himself for it after saying something so hurtful to him, and sobbed into his chest. 

Hyukjae held him close and fell back on the bed. He curled up with him on it and Donghae clung to him. He told Donghae all his feelings, not sure if it was fair for him to do so but sure he would regret it if he didn't. Hyukjae told him about how much he cares about him and how he doesn't regret anything that's happened no matter what. He promises not to forget him and that his feelings won't ever change. He assured Donghae that everything was okay. Even if his broken heart said otherwise. 

Hyukjae stayed the night and Donghae's. They stayed curled up on the bed and Donghae fell asleep to the sweet nothings whispered in his ear. The next morning was awkward. Painful even. They stood outside his house, his family waiting in the car and allowing them to say goodbye to each other. Neither of them said anything and Donghae stared at his feet, fiddling with his beloved model plane. An apologetic call from his mom said they didn't have much time left and prompted them to speak. 

"Here." Donghae suddenly said, ing his plane at him. 

"Huh?" Hyukjae stared in confusion. 

"I want you to have it." Donghae looked embarrassed, blushing, and poked his chest with it. 

Donghae was bent over. He was practically bowing while pressing the toy plane into his chest. 

"...Donghae." Hyukjae whispered softly and his hands gently took the plane from him. 

Then Donghae tried to turn and run away, without properly saying goodbye. Hyukjae won't have any of that though and grabs his wrist in a vice grip. He roughly pulls Donghae back to him. The clumsy teen stumbles into his chest and looks up at him. There is a serious and intensely emotional look in Hyukjae's eyes. Then he abruptly feels his lips passionately against his. Donghae kisses him back and feels Hyukjae's fingers glide down his wrist and squeeze his hand. 

"Goodbye, Donghae." Hyukjae whispered coarsely against his lips before pulling away. 

For a moment, Donghae couldn't speak. All he could do was stare and it felt like his world was crashing around him. Hyukjae's face was stony but in his eyes were tears he was desperately trying to restrain. And Donghae hated that there was nothing he could do about it. Nor anything he could do for him. 

"Goodbye, Hyukkie." Donghae whispered and turned away. 

He ran away from Hyukjae and into the family car. They gave Donghae worried looks as they pulled away. No one commented on, or even thought about, the fact that the two had just kissed so intimately in front of them. Hyukjae stared after them by the road, seeing them off. Tears rolled down their cheeks and neither caught another glimpse of the other. When Donghae's car was out of view Hyukjae crashed to his knees and cried out. 

But the years passed by and they learned to live without the other. Both have finished college and are starting off in their respected professions and leaving their mark on the earth. They've moved on and are looking for someone else to bring them happiness in their lives. Now Hyukjae is meeting up with a girl for their date and the smile he gives her is almost a professional one though the girl shows no signs of noticing. 

In the meantime, on an all too familiar street is an old face. The man is dressed in all in black. He's wearing jeans with a belt through the loops, a black shirt, sleek black boots and a coat. He has stylish brown hair and beautiful soft brown eyes. He sees a furry hat on the road and picks it up. He looks at it and makes a surprised face when he sees the name written on the tag. His heart hammers and he looks around frantically, his hopeful eyes looking for a figure he never sees. He clenches onto the hat and makes a determined face. 

After Hyukjae's date ends, he walks through the streets without a destination in mind. He walks past a small restaurant, Waitrose Marylebone, not bothering to look in. The one customer inside doesn't notice him either. Hyukjae doesn't think his date went well. He can't say it went bad but he didn't feel anything during it. He isn't sure he should. Hyukjae isn't sure he even knows what he's doing but he supposes it was doomed from the start. All he could think about was Donghae during it and he's sorry to the girl who he didn't really give a chance. 

The day progresses unproductively for the two in the city. One wandering with no aim and the other betting on impossible odds at finding him. It gets late and the two glance at the time. They know it is time to turn in. Hyukjae has no reason to stay out and he walks down the sidewalk, thinking about what route to take him. A disappointment fills the other one as a feeling of failure fills him even though he knew things would turn out like this in the end. 

Then the two cross paths as they walk out from two intersecting paths and freeze. They see each other and recognize the other immediately. An inaudible, "Donghae," fills the silent air. Donghae instantly moves forward to hug the man he never stopped loving before hesitating, not knowing if it's okay for him to do so. As if he knows what he's thinking, Hyukjae gives him the brightest smile he's ever seen and tugs him over. No further encouragement is needed and Hyukjae finds himself with a chest full of Donghae. 

Smiling softly at the man that's haunted his dreams at night since he left, Hyukjae wraps his arms around him in a tight embrace. He feels like the part of him that has been empty for so long is being filled again. He doesn't know what Donghae is doing here or why but right now it doesn't matter. Hyukjae has him in front of him, right here and right now, and he doesn't intend to let him go. 

"I've missed you." Hyukjae whispers. 

"I missed you too." Donghae mumbles into his chest. 

Hyukjae doesn't know what else to say. He his lips nervously, a million different feelings swimming through him. His stomach is churning nervously. He wonders what Donghae is doing here but is scared to ask. Scared to find out he isn't here to stay. Then Donghae pulls away and is practically bouncing on the balls of his feet as he smiles up at him. He brings the hat forward with a grin, Hyukjae's eyes being drawn to the lost hat in surprise, and puts it on his head. Hyukjae laughs and realizes Donghae must have spent the whole day looking for him. 

They start walking together without saying anything and Hyukjae slips an arm over his shoulders. The two nudge each other playfully as they walk and Donghae says he wants to go back to a restaurant he was at earlier to eat something. Hyukjae has no power to protest and only nods to him. As long as he gets to be with him he doesn't care where they go. So, Donghae takes him back to the restaurant he was at earlier and enters the classy establishment. 

The two walk in unison to a booth, not needing to confirm the spot with each other. It is easily the most private area that they decide on. Hyukjae slips in the seat first and sliding over far enough to give him room to sit next to him. Donghae eagerly settles down next to him, close enough for their arms to brush each other. As they get cuddly with each other, their waiter comes up to them. 

Hyukjae only orders a tea while Donghae orders an appetizer on top of that. The man smiles kindly at them and nodding before leaving. As Hyukjae is almost sprawled intimately on the bench seats with Donghae, he can't help but think that this is what he was missing. It was the thing that none of his dates had or could bring. Hyukjae unconsciously denied them, comparing them to Donghae. That thought doesn't upset him and he finds himself being pleased that they never met his standards. He's happy that none of them could compare to Donghae, even though he knows it is impossible to create the intimacy he has with Donghae in one day. 

The two chat endlessly with each other about nothing in particular. Then they start to talk about more important things, catching up on what has happened since they last saw each other. The waiter comes back with their order and places it in front of them. They thank him and Donghae starts nibbling on his snack. Hyukjae watches him with a smile, sipping at his tea. Donghae glances at him while eating and then grins at him. He hovers a piece in front of his lips. Hyukjae is surprised for a moment before smiling amusedly at him. This is something Donghae did before too. Hyukjae opens his mouth for the tidbit, happy that this hasn't changed about him. 

He notes in the back of his mind that his trait of not sharing his food with others hasn't changed either. Hyukjae swallows the food and then leans towards Donghae. The latter is distracted by his food and doesn't notice him. Then Hyukjae snakes his arms around him and nuzzles his neck. Donghae makes a startled noise but almost immediately calms back down. Without commenting, Donghae continues eating. Noting how Donghae is completely relaxed right now, Hyukjae smiles as he inhales the nostalgic scent. One that he forgot but never stopped missing. 

Even after Donghae finished eating, neither of them moved. When the waiter is walking by though Hyukjae calls out to him for the check. He makes sure to tell him to put it all together. The waiter nods and walks away while Donghae makes a "huh" sound and turns to him in confusion. Hyukjae doesn't respond to the unspoken question because Donghae already knows the answer. 

"You don't have to pay for me, Hyukkie." Donghae mumbles embarrassedly. 

"I always pay for you." Hyukjae says as though it is law. 

"Are you sure?" Donghae says, fiddling with his shirt. 

"Sure. Besides, this was a date." Hyukjae says. "I pay for my dates." 

"Wh-Wha...?! No, it isn't!Donghae exclaims quietly and flushes, pulling away from Hyukjae. 

And Hyukjae chuckles at him, a small smile on his face. 

"Sure it is. We came to a restaurant alone, went to a private corner, you fed me your food, and we cuddled." Hyukjae smirks. "That more than qualifies this as a date. Anyway, I want to pay." 

Donghae makes weird, incoherent noises. While he's blushing and staring at the table, the waiter returns with the check and places it on the table before leaving again. Hyukjae pulls out his wallet while picking up the check and looking at the total. He places the money on the table with the check and urges Donghae to get up. They say thank you to the waiter and leave the restaurant together. Donghae shivers as soon as they step outside. 

Hyukjae stares at him silently and then pulls off his scarf. He wraps it around Donghae's neck and the other looks up at him in surprise. However, the surprised look immediately changes to a smile and he links arms with Hyukjae. Without even thinking about it, Hyukjae brings Donghae back home with him. It is almost second nature for them to go home together even after all these years. 

It is only as they are in the elevator that they realize what they are doing. 

"U-Uh, Hyukkie?" Donghae says uncertainly. 

"Er... Yeah?" Hyukjae says. 

"Um, uh... Is it really okay for me to be coming here?" Donghae asks quietly. 

"Of course it is! U-Unless you don't want to?" Hyukjae says. 

"No! I do!" Donghae says hurriedly. 

An awkward silence fills the elevator with the two too embarrassed to look at each other. When the elevator stops on Hyukjae's floor, he takes Donghae's hand and pulls him to his apartment. He unlocks it and walks inside. He takes Donghae to the living room and they sit down. The situation suddenly feels more real now that they aren't just out on the streets. An uncomfortable silence fills the air and both keep looking around but don't say anything. 

"Um, uh, are you in a relationship with anyone?" Donghae suddenly asks. 

Then Donghae covers his mouth with both hands, eyes wide. His face is screaming "I can't believe I just said that". Hyukjae is surprised by the question too. 

"N-No." Hyukjae stutters. 

"Oh. Um..." Donghae mumbles. 

"Are... Do you live here, Hae?" Hyukjae asks. 

Donghae looks up in surprise at hearing his old nickname and makes a little happy smile afterwards. 

"Yeah. I've been living here for a year." Donghae says. 

"A year? And I haven't seen you until now." Hyukjae sounds irritated that it took them a year to realize the other one was here. 


"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything." 

"Uh... I really missed you Hyukkie." 

"I missed you too Hae." 

"I, um, uh, I..." 


"I-I-I-I... I w-want..." 



Donghae's eyes widen when he feels Hyukjae's lips pressing against his own. Hyukjae is leaning into him, supporting himself with one hand. The other one is caressing his cheek. Donghae stares at Hyukjae's closed eyes. His heart just jumped through the roof and he almost doesn't respond. Donghae gently pushes him back into the cushions and leans into him. The arm supporting Hyukjae's weight now loops around Donghae's waist and holds him against him. 

They gently press their lips together, enjoying something they haven't experienced together in so long. Hyukjae bravely runs his tongue along his maybe-boyfriend's lips, silently asking for them to part for him. Almost without his consent, Donghae parts his lips eagerly. He moans in delight as the foreign appendage explores his warm cavern, tasting him. Hyukjae squeezes him and pulls him into his lap. 

When they pull away from the heated kiss, they are both panting. Donghae is straddling his lap and holding his shoulders. There is a smoldering look in Hyukjae's eyes that makes it impossible for Donghae to look away. Hyukjae's other arm settles around his waist as well. They hold him tightly, silently telling him that there is no escape. Fortunately, Donghae doesn't want to anyway. He  settles into his lap and leans into his chest. He nuzzles his neck and breathes softly. 

After a while of staying like that the two get up and move to Hyukjae's room. They talked things out, addressing things that happened before Donghae moved away and how it affected them, and decided to pursue their relationship again. As they walk into Hyukjae's room Donghae instantly stops. His eyes which curiously looked around locked onto the object that draws the most attention, hanging from the ceiling next to his bed. Hyukjae makes a confused sound as he looks back at him and then follows his gaze and blushes. Donghae turns to him. 

"You... You still have that?" Donghae says meekly. 

"What? Of course I do." Hyukjae says. 

"I mean, you've hung it up and everything." 

"It's meant to be hung up." 

"But, but that's...!" 

"I know what it is, Hae. That's why it's there. I've never stopped thinking of you. I promised you that my feelings would never change and they haven't. I can't feel settled unless I have it up like this." 

Donghae is staring at Hyukjae, but the blonde man is staring off to the side with a blush. Then Donghae's eyes lighted up with happy tears and he bear hugged his boyfriend. Hyukjae jerks before smiling a little. Donghae leans up and kisses him on the cheek. He grins at him, giving Hyukjae his most charming smile. Hyukjae smiles at him and gently pushes him in the direction of that bed. 

Then Hyukjae walks over to his DVD player and puts in the romance movie they picked out earlier. He takes the remote and walks over to Donghae. They crawl into bed together and snuggle into each other. Hyukjae turns the TV on and clicks the play button. The two fall asleep curled up in the other's arms before the movie has finished. The two melded bodies finally found their happily ever after. 

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Chapter 1: oh, what the heck this was so so cute ;A; the angsty bits were just on the right side of sad but not Too Sad, and I could envision Still You's MV in my head even though it's been quite a while since I've seen it last! this was such an adorable oneshot. ^^
thanks for sharing your work! ♡
gotasdemiel #2
Chapter 1: This was so sweet! I loved that they never stopped loving each other, and that when they met it was like they never were separated! It's sad that they have to separated but i kind of get why Hae didn't want to keep a long distance relationship because it's hard and tiring and... idk the constant thought of been thinking of the other and not being able to see each other, and what happens if the other falls for other person and stuff, and besides what if they never get the chance to meet ech other again, it's hard and it was better if they give each other the chance of moving on. Idk, i just get why they decided to just end the relationship.
But anyway, i'm so glad they could meet again and be together, i love fluff eunhae, thanks for this!
Chapter 1: So sweettt <333 thanks for great story authornim xD
Chapter 1: really really heartwarming ;_; I'm happy that hyukjae lost his hat and donghae fortunately, was the one who found it! that hat brought them together hihi

reading their past... somehow, it's saddening me. on how donghae easily give up just like that, he shd have give it at least a try, to see if things between them can work out or not D8 and hyukjae too! being too understanding & such a gentleman material boyfriend, he lets it slip just so donghae'll be happy agddjkdkdl why don't he try to coax donghae that long distance relationship wasnt that bad ???? huf but if they do, these whole london cheesiness won't happen and I don't want that :'DD I love how easily they become comfortable with each other just like that and as far as cuddling in public without talking first if they want to start over! then without they realize they start to went over to hyukjae's apartment awawawwww then THE MAKE OUT GAHHHHH it feels like all gently and lovely! sweetheart, it's too sweet orz;;

I wanted to comment more but it feels like I'm re-writting your story lol so I'll stop here /O// thanks for sharing~
Chapter 1: This is really sweet =)) I love it! Thanks for making this story :)!
mzsuga #6
this was really sweet :) liked it
StarryDream4 #7
Chapter 1: Really sweet story :)
Chapter 1: gahhhhhhhhhhh so cute !!!!!!!!
sjonehae #9
Chapter 1: This is so great
love this story
Chapter 1: Teeeeemmmm~!! I really do love this story so much. <3 It is so sweet and hits me right in the feels. Gaahhh. We are such ing romantic saps man. This is the stuff that sends us into fits. :D Heheh, also, at first it was gift for me and now it is kind of like a gift for Hae's birthday. lol