Chapter Three

Reality vs. Fantasy {Hiatus}

Daehyun faced the children and was finally able to get a good look at them.

The girl was hugging her mother tightly, being careful not to let her arm touch anything. She looked young, at least seven, thought Daehyun. The boy looked to be only a little younger than Daehyun. He was standing on the side watching his mom and sister with a small smile on his face.

Daehyun and Sir Yongguk stepped up to the family.

“We’re just going to take you to our court physician, Junhong. He can treat your wounds,” Daehyun said.

“It’s not far from here, so we don’t have to walk much,” Yongguk added.

“You’re welcome to come, too,” Daehyun said to the mother.

The mother nodded. They set off with Yongguk carrying the girl and Daehyun once again helping the boy.

“I’m Sooyoung,” the girl introduced herself, “And that’s my brother Jongup.”

Jongup smiled shyly at Daehyun and Daehyun couldn’t stop his own smile from forming.

“I’m Sir Daehyun and the one carrying you is Sir Yongguk,” Daehyun said.

Sooyoung giggled into Sir Yongguk’s chest. “Everyone knows who you are! You’re a hero!”

The girl went on to talk about all the stories she’s heard of the knights. Sir Yongguk and Daehyun were smiling broadly. Jongup groaned quietly by he also had a smile on his face.

In a couple of minutes, they had reached the tent Junhong set up. Yongguk walked in first, followed by the mother and then Daehyun and Jongup.

Daehyun stared at the ceiling of his room, trying to ignore the annoying sounds of his alarm.

He was trying, and failing, to not think of the dream he just had. He had dreamed that Jongup was the boy he saved. He dreamed about the boy he just met only yesterday.

He groaned and covered his face with his hands. Daehyun rolled out of his bed, turning off his alarm as he did so.

He got ready for school and quickly ate his breakfast.

He texted Youngjae while he was on the bus.

‘I don’t think I can face Jongup today –Daehyun’

‘Why? You realized you do like him? ;) –Youngjae’

‘No –Daehyun’

‘I mean yes but that’s not why –Daehyun’

‘Then why? –Youngjae’

‘I may or may not have dreamt of him last night –Daehyun’

‘Do I even want to know what you dreamed about last night? –Youngjae’

‘;) –Youngjae’

Daehyun blushed as he sat down at his desk. He was happy that Jongup hadn’t arrived yet.

‘Ew, no, it wasn’t like that –Daehyun’

‘Wait, he’s coming, I’ll tell you later –Daehyun’

He put his phone away just as Jongup sat next to him.

“Hey, Daehyun,” Jongup said, smiling at him.

“Hello,” Daehyun said quietly, and then turned his face away so that his blush wasn’t as noticeable. Jongup looked at him confused. Before he could ask Daehyun what was wrong their teacher started the class.

Daehyun sighed in relief when the teacher started talking. He could feel Jongup staring at him and he tried his best to ignore it while also trying to stop his heart from racing so much.

He finally faced Jongup when the class ended.

“Would you like me to walk you to class again?” He asked. Jongup smiled brightly at Daehyun.

“I’d like that, yes,” Jongup replied.

“How do you like the school so far?” Daehyun asked as they walked.

Jongup shrugged. “I guess its okay. Everyone is always staring at me though. It’s weird.”

Daehyun chuckled. “It’ll be over soon enough. Everyone’s always like that with a new student.”

There was a brief awkward silence.

“Thank you, Daehyun,” Jongup suddenly said.

“For what?” Daehyun asked confused.

“For just showing me around and being nice. I can tell you’re a good person.”

“Oh, uh, thank you and you’re welcome?” Daehyun blushed, making Jongup laugh.

They were outside Jongup’s class now and they separated to go their own ways.

When it was his free period at the library, Daehyun sat down at a table and put his head on the table.

“Daehyun? Are you okay?” Youngjae asked, sitting next to him.

“I’m dying, Youngjae,” he said, his voice muffled by the table. “Because of Jongup, I’m dying.”

He lifted his head up to look at Youngjae. Youngjae was smirking at him.

“So you admit you like him now?”

Daehyun sat up straight. “Yes I like him. I could hardly look at him during class.”

“Oh, yeah, what was your dream about?” Youngjae winked at him.

“It wasn’t like that!” Daehyun exclaimed.

“I told you a couple of days ago about the dream I had where I was a knight, right?”

Youngjae nodded.

“Well for the past few days I keep dreaming about it. It’s not the exact same dream though; it’s more like a continuation of my dreams. The first night, I fought a beast. The second night, I saved children from a fire. And last night, I dreamt that I took them to get treated. And Jongup was the boy I rescued.”

“Wow. Maybe that all happened in your past life. Maybe you and Jongup are just meant to be. Maybe you two are soulmates. Maybe-”

“Maybe you need to shut up,” Daehyun interrupted.

“Alright, sorry. Still, it’s weird that you keep having the same dream. Or sort of. You know what I mean.”

“Now that I think about it, it’s strange. I’m pretty sure I dreamt it was Jongup before I met him. He seemed familiar to me yesterday because of my dream. But how can I dream of someone before I meet them?”

“I’m telling you, you guys are soulmates,” Youngjae said.

“And I’m telling you to shut up about that. We’re not soul mates.”

“Who aren't soul mates?” A voice said from behind Daehyun.

They both jumped and turned to look at the newcomer.

“What are you doing here, Himchan?” Youngjae asked harshly, glaring at him.

“I happen to have a free period now, Youngjae,” Himchan answered, a smirk on his face.

“Yes, but that doesn’t explain why you’re here at this table.”

“Hey, it’s a free country. I can go wherever I’d like.”

“Well, you’re not welcome at this table.”

Daehyun watched amused as the two continued to bicker. He could clearly see now that Youngjae really did like Himchan even if Youngjae didn’t seem to realize it himself.

He wasn’t sure how Himchan felt about Youngjae. He would have to watch him to see.

“Fine, I guess I’ll leave,” Himchan sighed dramatically. “Don’t miss me too much, Youngjae.” He winked at Youngjae and walked away.

“He gets on my nerves. I swear one day I’ll kill him.”

Daehyun tried to hide his amusement in his voice as he replied, “Please don’t. It’s illegal and I’d rather not visit you in jail.”

Youngjae turned his glare on Daehyun.

“Who said I’d get caught?”

Daehyun snorted. “Alright, do whatever you want then, Youngjae.”

“I will!”

The period was soon over and they walked together to their next class. Youngjae winked at Daehyun when they saw Jongup already sitting at his desk and Daehyun rolled his eyes at him.

Daehyun smiled at him as he sat down but didn’t get to say anything as the teacher started talking.

Like his last class with Jongup, Daehyun was aware of Jongup staring at him. He glanced at him and Jongup looked away to stare at the teacher. Daehyun smiled and also turned to face the teacher.

When he got home that day, Daehyun threw himself on his bed. He smiled to himself and realized that he liked Jongup a lot more than he thought.

He hoped Youngjae was right when he said that Jongup liked him, too, although what he’d do if Jongup did like him, Daehyun didn’t know.

He started imagining what it’d be like to be in a relationship with Jongup and ended up falling asleep on his bed.

Junhong looked up from his work when the group walked into his tent.

“Yongguk!” He exclaimed. “And Sir Daehyun! What’s wrong? Are you injured?”

Daehyun shook his head. “We aren’t but the children are.” He gestured to Sooyoung and Jongup. “Her arm was burned in the fire and Jongup is walking with a limp. I’m not sure of any other injuries they might have. Will you look over them?”

“Of course! Just lead them to that bed over there and I’ll be there once I’m done this patient.”

He pointed to a bed in the corner and Sir Yongguk and Daehyun brought them there.

“Would you like us to stay?” Sir Yongguk asked. Jongup shrugged but Sooyoung nodded. The mother just smiled and nodded after her daughter did.

 Daehyun woke up to the sound of knocking.

“Dinner’s ready!” His mom called through the door.

After he ate his dinner and finished his homework, Daehyun went to bed thinking of his dreams. He wondered if maybe Youngjae was right and his dreams happened to him in his past life. He snorted as he made himself more comfortable in bed, thinking he was stupid for even considering the option of a past life and fell back asleep.

Apparently BAP filed a lawsuit against their company??? I just briefly saw it on tumblr so I'm not too sure about what happened but I hope everything turns out okay.

I have no idea where I'm going with this story anymore but who even cares I like writing it :)

I hope you enjoyed!

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crimsonsword248 #1
Chapter 4: take your time :) its going good so far
Chapter 3: if you enjoy what you're writing, the readers will enjoy what they are reading too ^^ lol that's my drive while writing hehe and this story is nice!!! the plot is so original (and i always LOVEEEE himjae in a daejong story lmao) i'm curious if daehyun's dream is just a dream or it might've really happened in his past life lol will wait patiently for this story to develop >< goodluck :DDD
J-hopearmy #3
Chapter 2: woooooohoo... hehehehehe.... can't wait can't wait!!!
Chapter 2: Waaaaaah Jongup is so freaking cute!!!! And the daejong couple is simply perfection! Those shy smiles, those glances asdfghjkl they are simply perfect together! *w*
And, yep, y not? A little of himjae and banglo never, and i say NEVAH, hurts!
I will wait your next update
Hyrichi #5
Chapter 2: I cannot with this much cuteness!!! DaeJong both of you so shy, but i hope it wont make you hard to face each other ;)
J-hopearmy #6
Chapter 1: owh... it's to short... :( but it's interesting!!!
Hyrichi #7
Chapter 1: It looks interesting, please continue updating :)
Chapter 1: Cute first chapter! :3 i think it will be a beautiful story, so i want you to update again soon...pls ;w;
Yay! Im curious! :3 i will be waiting your update, fighting!~