
I know the feeling...

After Tao's outburst at Baekhyun and the rest of the group, Sehun vowed to himself that he would never have to experience what his friend was going through. Watching how pitiful he looked, how the whole situation was slowly begin to take its toll on him... Sehun didn't want that. 

Of course, deep down, there was that fear; the fear that maybe one day somebody else was going to leave and not come back. But people learn from experiences like this, don't they? It makes people stronger, makes their bonds tighter and lets them know that if they can get through this then they can get through any situation. 

After the ouburst, Sehun vowed that he would never lose Luhan like Tao had lost Kris


"Will you please just try something?" Kyungsoo asked, sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for Sehun to at least do or say something 
"I'm not hungry" he finally piped up as Kyungsoo sighed and shook his head. 

"Please? Will you just eat it for me? Do you know how long me and Yixing were in the kitchen making this for you?" he tried, watching as Sehun remained motionless, continuing to face away from him 
"I said I'm not hungry" he shot back, voice raised slightly and showing a hint of aggitation. It was there Kyungsoo decided to just give up; he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere for now. 

"Alright then. If you change your mind, I'll leave it in the fridge and you can always re-heat it" walking out of the room where the others were stood, waiting, as he shook his head and moved back to the kitchen. 


"Are you sure you're alright?" Sehun asked, hearing Luhan laugh gently from the other line 
"I'm fine Sehun, really. I just... need some time to rest that's all. I think people would prefer to see me perform at full health rather than looking like death right?" he replied. 

Nobody really blamed Sehun for worrying. Whilst he and the others were busy getting ready for the Thailand stop of their tour, Luhan was resting up in China. It wasn't as if Sehun could have forced Luhan to come along and rest up with him in Thailand- he knew that if he was feeling just as bad as Luhan was he wouldn't be sticking around with the others. Oh no. His bed back in Seoul would be calling for him and he knew that once he hit the bed, he wouldn't be getting out of it anytime soon. 

The last time somebody stayed in China though, they didn't come back... 

"Look Sehun I'll be fine. I'll get better quickly so I can come perform in Beijing! Now go enjoy your time tonight and stop worrying about me, okay?" 
"Okay" and Luhan could hear a slight whine in his voice, but he didn't bother to on it. That would come later. 

Sehun was sure that the others knew something he didn't know. He could read it in their expressions, how they would cast knowing glances at each other and cast glances at him... almost pitiful glances. Yet no matter how many times he would ask them if everything was alright, he never got an answer. 

Something was up and it infuriated Sehun that he had no idea on what was going on.. 


Hearing footsteps walk back from the hallway, everyone turned their heads to find Kyungsoo walk into the room 
"Well?" Joonmyun asked, eyes trailing down to the meal still in Kyungsoo's hands as he and everyone else let out a sigh. 

All to common this was becoming. Every day either Kyungsoo or Yixing would try to attempt to get Sehun to come out of his room or at least try to eat something. Each time they would be turned away with worrying glances from the other members greeting them on their way. 

One of the first things Joonmyun did was to make sure that Baekhyun kept his mouth shut this time. He didn't want another argument breaking out and not have another member ignore Baekhyun for a further two months, he didn't need it right now! Of course he gave the speech on how they should give Sehun time, how even though it was hurting him and the others, it would hurt Sehun just that bit more.

Even he had to admit though, Sehun was beginning to worry him. When this happened the first time round with Tao, at least he ate and slept. Sure it was just a tiny amount, but at least he was willing to co-operate and do what others asked of him. Sehun, well he was doing the complete opposite and Joonmyun feared that if he didn't start eating or sleeping properly sometime soon, he was going to do something to hurt himself.

"That kid is beginning to worry me" Minseok piped up, voicing what everybody else had been thinking, as Tao stood up and made his way down the hall

"I'll go talk to him. No offense to you guys, but I think I'm the only one who can get down to his level right now"


Why hadn't Luhan been returning his calls? Answering his text messages?

Since the Beijing stop of their tour, he hadn't heard from him once. Sehun didn't particularly like the fact that he couldn't stay for even just a day or two after the concert. He didn't like the fact that for the first few days after the concert all he had was a few five minute conversations, if that, over the phone with him. 

Now with Luhan not answering anything, Sehun didn't know what to do or how to feel. Did he do something to anger the guy? Was Luhan now ignoring him? Had... had something happened to him? 

Hey... just checking up on you, seeing if you're okay... 
Probably tired of me doing this, but I'm your boyfriend it's my job too! 
So yeah... I love you... >.< 

With the message sent, Sehun threw his phone down onto the bed in a huff. If only he was allowed to go over to see Luhan... even if it was just for a day or even for a few hours, at least then he would know if everything was alright and it would put him mind at ease. He hated being kept in the dark like this and not know what was going on! 


He hated it when Joonmyun used that tone on him. He hated it just as much when both Joonmyun and Yixing came to talk to him. Usually it meant trouble. 

"W-what's going on?" was the first thing he asked, watching Joonmyun and Yixing shoot each other worried glances 
"Can you come with us, we're holding a group meeting" was all Joonmyun would say and stood there waiting until Sehun followed him. 


Sehun was interrupted in his thoughts when he felt the bed dip and a hand gently comb its way through his hair 

"Is this what you felt like?" he asked, the movement through his hair stopping momentarily before it started up again 
"Like what?" Tao asked letting Sehun take his time before he answered. 

"Feeling angry, betrayed, a total sense of abandonement. I worked so hard to make sure this didn't happen!" he finally explained, harshness ripping through his voice 
"In the beginning I felt like that... I felt like that for a long time. Then I remember all the good times we had, all the happy memories we shared. Even though they're gone, it doesn't really mean they're gone forever does it? All it takes is time and one day, one day" Tao replied, pausing when he felt Sehun begin to shake, silent sobs raking their way through the room. 

"Shh, it's alright" Tao muttered 
"W-what are you o-on about? I-I'm not crying" Sehun choked out as Tao smiled and gently patted him on the head. 

"Of course not" as he laid down next to Sehun and pulled him close to his chest, letting him cry it all out 


Man you have no idea how many re-writes this had to go through before I was satisfied with this! 

Hopefull this has done some justice... 

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Chapter 1: yeah it hurts but eventually we need to move on ;)
hope all of them can share the same stage again :)