

The bell rang signaling the end of morning classes and the most awaited lunch time. Naeul sighed and rested her head on the table. She was so relieved she got through the first half of her day without any trouble; well, barely. She had a hard time answering her classmates’ anxious questions. First, she wasn’t that sociable and second, her having amnesia and not remembering anything wasn’t of any help at all. She didn’t know the answer to most of the questions asked.

She felt stupid and horrible. It’s like she didn’t know anything about herself at all. With another heavy sigh, she started fixing her things. Lunch would be another battle for her. She could picture herself already sitting all alone in the noisy lunchroom.


She looked up and saw Chunji by her desk, looking down at her. Beside him was L.Joe and she couldn’t help but stare at him as he looked at her with intensity Naeul can’t describe. She felt something different after seeing those pictures yesterday; something even she can’t explain. Naul was only snapped out of her trance when she heard Chunji continuing his sentence. “Wanna sit with us this lunch?”

“Is it alright with you guys? I mean, I don’t want to be a bother.”

Chunji chuckled. “Nonsense. Before, you would even get angry at us if we didn’t save you a seat. There’s not much of a difference from then and now.”

Naeul was still hesitant. She bit her lip, contemplating whether or not she should agree. Well, she knows that she was close with them judging from what her mom said but something inside her is stopping her from saying yes right away.

“You should really join us.” Naeul and Chunji looked at L.Joe, surprised that he had spoken. “We kinda missed you too. It would be nice to catch up.”

“Alright, fine.” Naeul said. “Just give me a minute to pack my things.”

Chunji nodded. “We’ll wait for you outside the classroom.”

Naeul stuffed her things inside her bag as Chunji and L.Joe went outside to wait. As soon as they were out of Naeul’s ear and eyeshot, Chunji nudged L.Joe lightly on the rib. “What was that?”

“What was what?”

“Don’t act dumb,” Chunji said. “Is it really ‘we’ or just ‘you’ who missed her? Stop using us as an excuse you lovesick smurf!”

L.Joe glared and smacked Chunji on the head. “It’s not like that! Don’t tell me you didn’t miss her at all?”

“Well… I did but—“

Naeul joined them, cutting Chunji from finishing his statement. “Let’s go?”

“Look, it’s hyungs with Naeul noona!” Ricky exclaimed as he saw the three enter the lunchroom. He stood up and waved his arms up in the air. “Hyuuuuuuuuuuung! Noonaaaaaaaa! Here here!”

“Ugh look, Ricky’s being an embarrassment again.” Changjo said.

Niel hid his face in his palms and said, “If anyone asks, he’s just a stranger who asked to sit with us.”

Ricky heard them and sat down with a pout. “Meanies.”

Naeul, Chunji and L.Joe arrived and took their seats. Naeul sat beside CAP who smiled at her warmly. “Hey Naeul. It’s great you could join us.”

Naeul smiled shyly and nodded. Ricky sighed and looked at his friends saying, “Waah this feels so nice! It’s been a while since we’ve last sat like this! It just feels so empty without Naeul Noona and L.Joe hyung.”

All heads snapped to Ricky as he said the last part. The five boys look bewildered while Naeul was shocked and confused. “Wait, what do you mean? L.Joe doesn’t sit with you guys too…?”

“Come on Naeul, let’s go get food while the line’s still short.” L.Joe said, pulling her up.


“Come on.”

As soon as the two left the table, the boys attacked Ricky with slaps and punches. “Yah! Think before blurting anything out! Pabo!”

“I’m sorry, I forgot! It was an honest mistake!”

Chunji snorted. “Yeah. Too honest.”

"It's still true though," Ricky shrugged. "Everyone knows L.Joe hyung stopped sitting with us when Naeul noona left. He started being emo and stuff."

"Still, you can't let Naeul know."

"Yeah yeah."

L.Joe and Naeul were waiting in line, carrying their own trays. They were quiet, both thinking about what Ricky said earlier.

“Just ignore him,” L.Joe said, finally striking a conversation. “Kid says things that don’t make sense.”

Naeul chuckled. “Alright if you say so.”

It was finally their turn. Naeul watched as L.Joe took a bottle of Milk and a cinnamon roll and was surprised when L.Joe put it on her tray.

L.Joe realized what he had done and reached out to withdrew the food he put on Naeul’s tray. “I’m- I’m sorry. I—“

“Aniya, it’s okay.” Naeul replied. “I like them. Thanks L.Joe.”

L.Joe fought a smile and nodded. “I um, I’ll be getting my food now. You should probably pick yours too…”

Naeul couldn’t help but giggle at how awkward he got just by what she said. She thought it was adorable. The two of them chose their lunches and headed back to the table.

“Uwa, noona you got the usual eh? I thought you had amnesia? How can you remember your favorite lunch food?” Niel asked as he was what was on Naeul’s tray.

“Oh I didn’t. L.Joe got them for me.”

Silence enveloped the table and the boys looked at L.Joe. They were saying something with their eyes only they could understand and Naeul was left totally lost.

“Is that so?” CAP said. “Well, we better get our food now too.”

Naeul nodded but was a bit reluctant.

Them getting their own food means she would be left alone with L.Joe again.

She sighed and started eating. “A few more minutes of awkwardness, I guess.”

She looked over at L.Joe who was eating fries quietly. “So… how did you know I liked cinnamon breads? And that I liked eating it with milk?”

L.Joe coughed and avoided her gaze. “I um… I didn’t. I mean, who doesn’t like cinnamon bread with milk?”

Naeul blinked and just let the topic drop.



L.Joe hit Ricky on the head with a notebook. “You’re too loud.”

“No way! Who?” Niel asked.

“There, the girl getting food!”

The boys looked over the counter and saw two girls filling their trays with food. “Oooh I see… the hot one getting the salad?” Chunji asked.

“No, not that one.” Ricky said. “The one beside her!”

“Mwoya? The plain looking one?” Chunji erupted in laughter. “And I thought CAP hyung has the worst taste in girls.”

L.Joe stepped on Chunji’s foot and that made the lad stop laughing. “You know her?”

“Hyung, everyone does.” Niel answered. “She’s like the talk in town because of how weird she is.”

“She’s not weird,” L.Joe defended, giving Niel a dirty look. “She’s just… unique and misunderstood.”

“Yeah right she—”

“One more word and I’ll kill you.”

The entire table was silent as L.Joe stood up and walked towards the girl. He was so nervous he could feel his fingers shaking. Annoyed, he stuck them inside his pocket.


The girl stopped from what she was doing and looked at him. She looked confused. “Are you talking to me?”

L.Joe bit his lip. She was adorable. The way her doe-like eyes looked at him made her look so innocent. “I um- yes. Do you need help carrying your tray?”

“Um, no.”

L.Joe did a mental face palm. Of course she doesn’t need help carrying the tray. It wasn’t even heavy. She could even lift it with just her fingers if she wanted to.

“…although I do need help picking what to eat. Which is better, bread or cake?”

L.Joe was surprised at her follow-up question. He felt a bit happy too. It means he didn’t scare her and she wanted to talk to him more. “How about you try this?” L.Joe picked up a cinnamon bread and a bottle of milk and placed it on her tray. “My favorite combination. Try it.”

The girl smiled. “Thanks! It’s my first time trying this kind of bread as well.” She looked at her table where her friends are waiting, then back to him again. “I better get going. My friends are waiting.”

She started walking away and L.Joe was panicking because he wanted to talk to her more. “Wait! I didn’t get your name!” Lies. Of course he knew her name.

“Naeul!” She smiled. “My name’s Naeul. Bye!”

He smiled as he walked back to his friends. It was a good start. For him at least.


She didn’t get his name.


Of course, L.Joe knows cinnamon bread with milk is her favorite. It has always been ever since he told her that combination when he first talked to her. What happened earlier was a force of habit, maybe. He’d always be the one to put that in her tray whenever they’d eat together. He didn’t even know he did it if it wasn’t for Naeul pointing it out.

He glanced at her and saw her eating the bread; she was smiling.

He missed her that was for sure.

He wanted to be the reason of that smile again.

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