Mind Your Own Business

Latching on to the Traitor
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Hello, my fellow Minwoo minions~! I have too much angst in my body because Minwoo fanfic author-nims love angst nowadays and as I've mentioned, this story will end much earlier than my other chaptered-fic. And I'm sorry if I'll sort of change some facts. I thought Sungjoo was still part of YG Entertainment. Apparently, YG let go of that perfect dude. Why, YG? Why?! This chapter is long because there will be a scene that runs around a single scenario with three different POVs. You'll know later.

Don't worry, I am currently writing the next "The Last Descendant of Lee Seunghoon" chapter. I just need enough crack feels. >_<

Anyway, thank you for supporting this fanfic with soooo much love! It has 60+ subscribers and 7 upvotes. WHY?! After all I've done to you aka making you wait forever, you still give me love. Thank you soooooooo much~!!! Please give the other Minwoo fanfic author-nims your love and support~!

Speaking of author-nims, I am really sad that the author-nim of "Oppa is Big," the lone Minwoo before we were blessed with amazing Minwoo writers has deactivated her AFF account, deleting that historical and once-a-rare gem with her. TT_TT

Please enjoy and spread the Minwoo love~! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOP-OPPA~! :*

LATCHING ON TO THE TRAITOR (by kaijin-taichou)
Chapter Three – Mind Your Own Business

Rating: PG or K+ (just to be safe)
Genre: Series; Angst (I can't believe I am writing angst); Romance (cringe!)
Main Characters: Kim Jinwoo, Song Minho,
Recurring Characters: Lee Seunghoon, Nam Taehyun, Kang Seungyoon, Kim Sungjoo
Pairing: Minwoo; MinoxJinwoo; Joowoo(?) or Jinjoo(?)
Summary: Mino feels abandoned when Jinwoo left YG Entertainment almost four years ago without a clear explanation. And now that Jinwoo's back as part of a new duo group, Mino doesn't want to share the same stage with a traitor.


Chapter Three



Mino couldn't believe what he just heard. Jinwoo didn't leave Winner on his own will. Jinwoo didn't choose his dream over Winner, over him.

Jinwoo didn't want to leave Mino. But the rapper lived for four years believing otherwise. He believed in that bull for four ing years.

However, what Mino couldn't understand was why Yang Hyunsuk terminated Jinwoo's contract.

"Hyung, you know that Yang-sajangnim is not really fond of Jinwoo-hyung, right?" Taehyun began.

That's it? Just because he wasn't fond of Jinwoo-hyung, he terminated his contract?

"Remember that Seungri-hyung got involved with another scandal that year, too. That scandal four years ago got out of sajangnim's hand. It seemed like it was sajangnim's sort of reprimand against Seungri-hyung for all the scandals and issues he brought to the agency. And you know how Seungri-hyung cares about Jinwoo-hyung. Yang-sajangnim hit two birds with one stone. He used the tape scandal to get rid of Jinwoo-hyung in the company, at the same time the attention was diverted to Jinwoo-hyung and eventually, Sungjoo-yah. But I think Jinwoo-hyung has an idea that the company would let him go during those times," Seunghoon said.

How could their CEO be this mean? Mino thought.

But I think Jinwoo-hyung has an idea that the company would let him go during those times. Seunghoon's voice echoed in Mino's mind. Then he was drifted away to the past, four years ago.

"Mino-yah," Jinwoo said as he was hugging Mino from the back. Mino was in charge of washing the dishes that day. While the other boys were in the living room, Jinwoo decided to stay and accompany him in the kitchen.

"Hmmmm?" Mino was getting annoyed with the plate he was washing. "Who ate on this plate? Did he glue the dirt on this?"

He heard Jinwoo laugh.

"Mino-yah~" Jinwoo called his name again, in a very cute way.

"I'm listening, Jinu-sang~" Mino replied with aegyo. Jinwoo giggled.

"Would you support me in everything I will do or want to do in the future?" he asked him quietly.

Mino stopped rubbing the plate and tried to look at his back.

"Of course I will," Mino replied sweetly.

"What if I want to write a song? Would you support me?" Jinwoo asked.

"In case you are not aware, we didn't have last night because you were very stubborn to finish the song you want to include in our next album. And maybe you also forgot that you threatened me that you won't allow me to, what was your term? Oh, wallbang you, if I don't help with the rap lyrics," Mino teased his boyfriend. The rapper cried 'ouch' when Jinwoo pinched his stomach.

"What if I want to rap, would you support me?" the vocalist asked again.

"I will let you have my parts in our next album if I have to," Mino started scrubbing the plate again.

"What if I want to replace you as Winner's rapper?" Jinwoo told him.

"As long as I sing the high notes, yes, you can have my position as the rapper," Mino answered.

Then Jinwoo paused. Mino waited as he was still scrubbing the dirt off the plate.

"Mino-yah, what if I want to do those things… in a different company… in a new agency… w-would y-you still support me and my dreams?" Mino felt Jinwoo's hug tightened.

Mino stopped what he was doing and faced his Jinwoo-hyung.

"Jinwoo-hyung, YG Entertainment is our home. We are family here. And leaving the company? That's a no-no. Yang-sajangnim gave us our big break. Can we be thankful by not leaving the company just yet? But I will support you in every decision you will make," Mino put some bubbles on Jinwoo's nose.

Two weeks after that conversation, Jinwoo told Mino that he will leave YG Entertainment.

"Are you crazy, Jinwoo-hyung? You worked hard for this! And now you are telling me this that you want to leave the company? You want to leave us? You want to leave me?" Mino tried to be calm. Jinwoo was crying in his room after trying to explain to him his decision to leave the agency.

"I will never leave you. You are my life, Mino-yah. But please try to understand—"

"I am trying! I swear I'm trying really hard here. Even if it's difficult. I want to understand you because I love you! But your reasons are selfish! We are still a new group! Your time to compose and produce songs will come! You are the most patient among us, hyung! You will have your turn!" Mino almost yelled at Jinwoo.

However, Jinwoo was really determined. He just shook his head.

"I won't have those opportunities here. I will never—"

", Jinwoo-hyung! Are you this selfish?! Okay, if you leave this agency and find a company that will grant your childish demands, what will happen to us? What will happen to Winner? Think of us, hyung! Think of me! I've waited for this all my life!" the rapper couldn't control his anger now.

"Mino-yah, you said you will support me—"

"Don't give me that bull, Kim Jinwoo! Yes, I will support you in everything but can't you see why I am against this? You have four other dreamers in your group, hyung! You will shatter our dreams because of your selfishness!" Mino emphasized.

But Jinwoo just cried.

His hyung tried to reason out his decision to leave the agency but Mino couldn't understand him. Then Jinwoo gave up on explaining his side. Mino thought everything was okay. After two days of not talking to each other, Jinwoo knocked on his door, grabbed him by his shirt, kissed him passionately, and told him...

"Hold me, Mino-yah, like the way we first did this in Japan. And I will be yours like I've never been yours before."

That night, they made love like it was the last time...

...because it was indeed the last time...

Jinwoo made his official announcement that he will leave the agency through a lawyer the following day.

Jinwoo was no longer staying in their dorm.

Jinwoo was no longer joining their practice.

Then Jinwoo left their dorm for good. Kneeling, the mat hyung bowed at them, thanking them for the opportunity and wished them the best of luck.

Taehyun and Seunghoon wept quietly while Seungyoon stormed to the room he once shared with Jinwoo and slammed the door. Mino punched the wall of their living room. It startled Taehyun and Seunghoon but Jinwoo just flinched. The vocalist stood up, he wasn't crying though he said "I'm really sorry" with a very shaky voice.

Jinwoo opened the dorm's room and did his last bow. Mino closed his eyes and let his mind flood him with his last memory of Jinwoo: Jinwoo's back, stepping out of their dorm and closing the door.

As the door closed, Mino knew the book of friendship and love he and Jinwoo were writing has come to an end. Jinwoo had put down the pen and closed their book for good as well.

Two days after Jinwoo left, Sungjoo got the spotlight as he also announced his departure from the agency.

A week after that, Mino snapped.

He began cursing Jinwoo. Blaming Jinwoo for everything that happened. Winner's comeback was postponed so as working on their album.

He was very angry. Mino listened to his Tablo-hyung's version of Eyes, Nose, Lips, twenty-four hours a day since Jinwoo left. It was on repeat. It was his song. Mino was really mad that the rapper vented out his anger on his Twitter account. He was the master of wordplay after all.

"1004, I hate those numbers."

"Before I said I hate ants? Well looks like I love them now. At least they are not selfish unlike some deer." (Some EXO fans reacted though.)

And Seunghoon found out about how Mino dissed Jinwoo on his Twitter account.

Mino could tell that his Seunghoon-hyung was dying to punch him. The older rapper's fist would surely hit his face if Seungyoon wasn't stopping Seunghoon. Taehyun's breathing was telling Mino that he wanted to do the same thing, too. But he glared at them.

"You say you lost a teammate, a friend, a brother," Mino said. His voice was shaking badly. "But I didn't only lose a teammate, a friend, a brother. I lost a boyfriend. I lost my life. I lost my everything. He took away my dream! Jinwoo-hyung took away our dreams with him!"

"Your dream is more important than Jinwoo-hyung?" Seunghoon asked him disbelievingly.

Mino smirked. "Did you ask your favorite hyung if his dream was more important than us before he decided to leave Winner?"

"Song Minho!" It was Taehyun. Mino knew that the maknae's patience would snap anytime now but he didn't care. He stopped caring when Jinwoo walked away, out of their dorm, out of their lives.

"Why do I feel like I am the villain here? Did you read the articles? Well, let me read them for you," Mino grabbed his phone on the sofa and opened his Twitter account. He looked at one of the articles about Jinwoo. It didn't take him a minute or so because different articles were all over the social networking sites.

"Kim Jinwoo leaves Winner; YG releases statement, confirming Jinwoo leaving the company; Kim Jinwoo leaves YG, Winner's status still unknown. We should be thankful that the company didn't file a lawsuit against him and just terminated his contract—" Mino wasn't able to continue what he was saying because Seunghoon's fist landed on his cheek.

"I swear to God, you will regret everything you are saying, Song Minho! I swear!" Seunghoon pointed at him as Seungyoon hugged the choreographer and dragged him away from Mino.

Mino wiped his lips with his back palm. Blood. Seungyoon and Taehyun looked at him worriedly. Seunghoon seemed to regain his composure and realized what he did.

"Mino-yah, I'm sorry—"

But Mino shook his head. "It's okay, hyung. Thank you for punching me." The younger rapper gave a fake laugh.

"I wish I was having a nightmare. But since there is this blood, I guess, this is all happening for real."


No one talked for about two minutes. Seungyoon let go of a calmer Seunghoon.

"Jinwoo-hyung… he… Jinwoo-hyung really left the group… he really… did…" Mino mumbled.

All of them looked at him sadly. Mino looked at them too, hoping that they would burst into laughter and his Jinwoo-hyung would come out of nowhere. Then Jinwoo would give him a hug and apologize to him for ganging up with Seunghoon, Seungyoon, and Taehyun on their prank against him. Then Mino would pout but Jinwoo would kiss his cheek and smile at him.

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Chapter 10: I just read this again. T_T
I'm on a read-every-minwoo-fanfic-you-know-again phase.
I hope you update this someday in the future. (:
Chapter 10: Shermaaaaa... ♡
Thank you for writing this amazing story...author-nim..
I been searching mino and jinwoo story...
teripotz #4
Chapter 10: Thank you!!!! for never forgetting about this fic :) i hope you get your inspiration back in writing!
wineooo #5
CrystalT #6
Haha my dear jinwoo is so wrong this time, it isnt impossible to be in love with a stranger especially when that person is your precious Mino. Go for it, Mino!! But I hope that it will not be too easy on Mino too, maybe a little bit of angst for Mino will do HAHAHA
Anyway, I'm really glad that u didn't give up on this fic <3 And I definitely wouldn't tell u that I created a LJ account just to follow ur fics >//< Will be waiting for ur next update <3 HWAITING
Chapter 10: Before I log off and not leave a comment, let me leave some of my presence here. SHERMA!!! Thank you so much for the update. The angst, oh the angst, I've been feeling it for minwoo and this hit my heart but in a good way? I'm so happy Jinwoo is being selfish for once but also so so happy that he's giving Mino a chance. >=D What will Mino do now? Will Jinwoo resist or give in easily? These are the questions going through my head...I'm hoping for Mino to really work for him! Jinwoo deserves to be fought for after so much!!! Ugh, I love and hate the angst. Thank you so much once again for the update!!! The writer's block is understandable and we shall...well I am willing to wait when you are ready. ^3^♥♥♥
TOPfiiaaa #8
Chapter 10: Omg.. I miss you so muchhhhh sherma <333 /hugs/
Thank you for updating /cries/
Well Jinwoo-yah for this one just listen to your heart please.. you won't regret it.. and the treatment is good too for your own health.. ugh so glad he finally say yes after Mino persuade him >.<
Thank you for updating <3333
ayaayawae #9
Chapter 10: Tks for updating :)