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2JUN Collections

“Junhyung-ah, are you going anywhere today?” asked Dujun to his newlywed spouse.

“Eoh? I’m not going anywhere I guess,” replied Junhyung, looking everywhere except Dujun. He keeps playing with his fingers.

“Heyy~ You don’t have to feel shy around me,” smiled Dujun sweetly and Junhyung heart skip a beat.

“Err… I will try,” replied Junhyung, stuttering. The marriage between Dujun and him was an arrange marriage. That explained why he still feel awkward around Dujun, his own husband.

“I gotta go to work now. There’s another car in the basement if you want to go somewhere. The key is in the keys box. See you later at night,” said Dujun while giving Junhyung a kiss on the latter crown. Junhyung tries his best not to blush which he failed miserably.

“Take care and be safe,” said Junhyung while sending his husband away.

“Ughhhh! Why he had to be so freaking handsome? Dear heart, please behave yourself,” sighed Junhyung. He admitted that his husband is really good looking and he somehow feels like he had fallen for the said man.



“Yah hyung! Did you buy a new car?” asked Yoseob, Junhyung best friend.

“It’s Dujun’s,” replied Junhyung.

“Whoaaa~ Your husband must be really rich, right?” added Kikwang, Junhyung best friend too.

“It’s him who wealthy, not me,” said Junhyung while sipping his coffee.

“By the way, why are you here hyung? Aren’t you supposed to be at home right now?” asked Kikwang.

“I’m bored so I decide to hang out with you guys. At least before evening,” shrugged Junhyung.

“Don’t your husband come home for lunch?” asked Yoseob.

“He doesn’t. He need to attend few meetings today so he will be back in the evening. Why you guys are so curious about him?” asked Junhyung, feeling odd.

“Nothing. It just we still couldn’t believe that you were married to your husband,” grinned Kikwang.

“Why? Did you guys think I will be a loner till the end?” Junhyung rolled his eyes.

“Ani~ But you are someone who didn’t really have a serious relationship before. So when you said you are going to marry your husband, we kind of surprised,” grinned Yoseob innocently.

“I have no choice but I think I made a right decision to marry him,” said Junhyung casually. Both Kikwang and Yoseob were looking at each other.

“Why no regret?”

“Because I think I had fallen for him,” admitted Junhyung shyly. Both Kikwang and Yoseob jaw dropped.

“You gotta be kidding me,” said Yoseob.

“I’m serious. That’s one of the reason why I’m here. Since you two already married before me, any advices?” asked Junhyung.

“Yah hyung! I’m not dreaming right?” asked Kikwang. Junhyung smacks Kikwang on his head instead.

“Oww~~ That’s hurt hyung,” whined Kikwang.

“That’s prove that you are not dreaming,”

“But hyung, are you really sure? You really love him?” asked Yoseob seriously.

“I didn’t say that I love him yet but I do like him. Maybe adore him too,” sighed Junhyung.

“It’s only 2 weeks since you guys married and that was fast hyung,” said Kikwang.

“I know but I can’t help it. My heart always flutters when he was around. Especially when he kissed me on my crown, every morning before he went to work,” uttered Junhyung.

“Awwwww, so sweet of you guys,” cooed Yoseob.

“I think Dujun hyung also love you,” added Kikwang.

“I’m not sure about that,” replied Junhyung.

“Eyyy hyung. If he doesn’t love you, I don’t think he will agree to marry you in the first place,” stated Kikwang. Yoseob nodded, agreed with his husband hypothesis.

“But I don’t remember if he was our schoolmate before,” retorted Junhyung.

“He was our senior. Maybe he was low profile before?” reasoned Yoseob.

“Sounds logical,” said Junhyung.

“So tell me hyung, what had really happened between you guys?” smirked Kikwang. Junhyung face already tinted a shade of pink.

“Nothing special,” replied Junhyung, trying to maintain his cool face but sadly he failed.

“So that’s mean he had touch you right?” smirked Yoseob. Junhyung choked his drink.

“Yahhh~ Is that even appropriate to ask?”

“Since we are all married so I think it’s more than relevant to ask,” giggled Kikwang.

“Aishh, chinca you guys~~” grunted Junhyung.

“Kiki, I think we can dream of a nephew or niece later on,” said Yoseob while smiling at Kikwang.

“Yahh~ Don’t talk nonsense, could you?”

“But you are blushing hyung. Awww~ So cute of you,” cooed Kikwang. Junhyung could only face palm.

“You know what hyung, you guys should be lovey-dovey. Why don’t you prepare breakfast and dinner for him? In the morning, you can fix his tie while he’s getting ready to go to work. Or maybe you can pay a surprise visit to his office?” suggested Yoseob.

“Breakfast and dinner, I always prepared for him. Fix his tie? Never. Visit to his office also never,”

“So why don’t you try. Seriously, it is romantic to stand in front of each other with you fixing his tie. Awwwww~~ I can already imagine it,” said Yoseob excitedly.

“And I bet you must be blushing hard because Dujun hyung is staring intensely at you,” added Kikwang. Junhyung somehow feel shy with their statement.

“Look Seobie, Junnie hyung already blushing thinking about it,” teased Kikwang.




“I’m home,” said Dujun, announcing his arrival.

“You are late today,” said Junhyung. Dujun smile apologetically.

“I’m sorry,” said Dujun.

“Ani, it’s okay. It just weird for you to come back late. Plus, you didn’t inform me anything,” said Junhyung. He somehow sounds like he was sulking.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t expect the meeting would last for hours,” said Dujun. Junhyung looks at Dujun tired face and he somehow feel sorry for that man.

“It’s okay. At least you are here now, safe and sound. Wanna eat? I know it almost midnight but you maybe want to eat something,” said Junhyung.

“You cooked?” asked Dujun. Junhyung nodded. Dujun smiled secretly.

“Reheat it. I will freshen up myself then we will eat together, okay?” said Dujun and ruffled Junhyung hair. Junhyung could only smile. His heart totally swelled with happiness.


“Whoaaa~~ This is delicious! I never thought you could cook something like this,” said Dujun.

“I’m glad that you like it,” smiled Junhyung. He was beyond happy to see Dujun digging his home-cooked meal.

“I’m so gonna eat dinner at home after this. Thank you for cooking me these delicious food,” said Dujun sincerely.

“Ani~ It’s my job tho. Tomorrow I will cook something new. Or do you have something in mind?” asked Junhyung.

“I will eat anything you cook so don’t worry,” grinned Dujun happily.

“Then it’s done! Make sure to come home early tomorrow night, arasso?” threatened Junhyung. Dujun laugh his heart out instead. Junhyung pouted when he thought Dujun was laughing at him.

“You are so cute,” said Dujun. “With pouty lips like that,” added Dujun. Junhyung face instantly become pink.

“And now you are even cuter when you’re blushing like this,” teased Dujun.

“Yahhh~~~” whined Junhyung. Dujun chuckled.

“Arasso, arasso. I’ll stop teasing you, for today,” winked Dujun. He pinched Junhyung cheeks lightly and that’s make Junhyung pouting again.

“You are bad,” mumbled Junhyung but Dujun heard it.

“I’m not bad. I’m just naughty,”


“Dujunie, wear this suit,” said Junhyung while shoving his husband a suit he chose.

“This one? Are you sure?” asked Dujun. Junhyung nodded his head.

“You will look extra handsome with this suit,” added Junhyung.

“Eoh? So you admitted that I’m handsome, right?” teased Dujun. Junhyung face instantly heat up.

“Aww~~ Look at you blushing. Cuteeee~~~” Dujun pinched Junhyung cheeks.

“Yahhh~~” whined Junhyung. He’s rubbing his cheeks.

“Let me change into this first, okay?” smiled Dujun. Junhyung nodded. After some moment, Dujun finally get out.

“See, I told you. You really look dashing in this,” praised Junhyung. Dujun smile widely.

“Thanks,” said Dujun and kiss Junhyung on his head.

“Now, let me fix your tie,” said Junhyung. His hand expertly ties up the tie around Dujun neck.

“Junnie-ah, I’m not dreaming right?” asked Dujun.

“Eoh? What’s with that question?” asked Junhyung while looking up to Dujun.

“Nothing. It just feels surreal,” chuckled Dujun. Junhyung also chuckled because he knew the meaning behind the question.

“Alright, done!” said Junhyung while fixing Dujun suit for the last time.

“Thank you, sweetie,” said Dujun and peck Junhyung on the lips. Junhyung was stunned but only for a moment. He then escorts Dujun till the front door.

“I’m going first. Take care of yourself, okay?” said Dujun. Junhyung nodded.

“Dujunie,” called Junhyung.

“Yes?” instead of answering Dujun, Junhyung pecks Dujun on the cheek.

“Take care and get back home safely, okay? I’ll cook dinner tonight,” said Junhyung shyly. Dujun chuckled.

“Alright, wifey. I haven’t go to work yet but I already feel like I’m gonna miss you like crazy,” grunts Dujun. Junhyung chuckled.

“Enough, you better go now or you’ll be late,” said Junhyung. Dujun only nodded. Soon after, he left and Junhyung was standing alone at the door frame, smiling happily.

“I guess, my new title as Mrs. Yoon isn’t really bad,” chuckled Junhyung to himself.



updated !!

another failed fluff from me..

anyway, happy reading even though it's long hahaha

feel free to drop any comment ^_^


22nd July 2016, Friday, 0156

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Chapter 43: omg u updated >< and awww they are so cute!! T^T
Pn1998 #4
Chapter 26: Thank for writing a good fiction.
Pn1998 #5
Chapter 25: I love 2jun
Livanna_shin01 #6
Chapter 42: I think i'm in love with all of ur fic.... so cute and fluffy.. i'm dying in happiness
Chapter 42: Hello, you're back! Happy to see you again ^^
It's short but sweet, I like it so much! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 42: Wahhh you're back ♡♡ Maybe I should go back to writing too :3 And anyways this is adorable I can't believe that I get to read this the moment I woke up ♡.♡
Chapter 42: Finally youre backkk!!! So happy to be able to read 2Jun fic ♡♡
YongImily #10
Chapter 2: Yahhh~~▪So cute