2nd chappie!!

Mr.Dangerous strongest addiction


 “Dear… love?” Your earlobe suddenly feels hot, and then you remember his eyes, unusual brownish colour

“RUN!” He shouts, the entire evil vampire attack him, you instead hide behind him, “I SAID RUN!”

“No! I won’t leave you alone!” You replied,

“Fine then,” in a blink of eyes he already killed 8 vampires, you are totally amaze, more vampire coming towards him, you decide to ask for help and scream,

“SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!!” some of the vampire attention runs to you, they growl with hunger, suddenly 6 vampires jump from the building and help Myungsoo, you are completely stun by the fight, 7 vs 40? INSANE,

“They are easy!” one of them said all the evil vampires are gone,

“So what are we going to do with this girl?” the tallest vampire asks, you look at their uniform, they were all from the same academy as yours, you know who they are, most girls attention run to them in their academy, you know them because your classmates always talk about them,

“She’s mine!” Myungsoo said,

“Yah L! You know our rules!” Dongwoo remind,

“I’m not going to EAT her!” He answers annoyingly, “Her…She’s my soul mate,” He stares at you,

“Soul mate?  Me? No…No impossible,” You stuttered, “Isn’t it suppose to be vampire with vampire?” you stood up,

“Yah! L you don’t even taste her bloo-“

“I did, and only from her I can gain my power,” He looks at Woohyun, you are a bit shock you secretly want to run but accidentally fall making your knees injured, your blood smells strong making L fangs appear,

“! Everyone stops him,” Sunggyu lift you up and run in a flash to the coven,

“What’s wrong with him?” You shyly asks, Sunggyu quickly recover your blood by using his power,

“He’s the only one who don’t have his soul mate yet, so he can’t feed on human, he can only drink animals blood,” He replied,

“I don’t get you,”

“As you heard, you are the only one can give him power that’s mean you are his one aka soul mate,” then somebody knock the door,

“Oppah~” a soft voice of a girl same age as you entered, you know her and you are very surprise to see her, she was in your biology class, she was categorized like you ‘THE GEEKYS’

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EternallyTVXQ #1
Loving the foreword already!
HiDaTOP #2
Chapter 5: aww... cute ending =D
sivheng96 #3
too great ;)
MySujuFan #4
OMG ! Awesome story! :D
Scarshin796 #5
@litttleboo & @marry_kim Thanks guys! appreciate that!<br />
love this...