Chapter 22

Is this Love?-Completed

A week before his scheduled flight and Jiro have not heard from Selina.He knew that her on going silence could only mean one thing,she cannot leave Alex.The chances of being with Selina is getting diminished as the days goes on.Finally,he can't wait anymore,as he waited for her by her car.

Selina was not at all surprised to see him.She have been expecting him to pop out from somewhere one of these days.She did not call him for she doesn't have the courage to tell him what is her decision was.He still look the same like the first time she saw him except for that smile.She robbed him off, his beautiful smiles.She felt so guilty for taking that away from him.Why can't it be like before...then he wont be hurting and then I won't be feeling guilty for causing him this much pain.

She tried to force a smile from her face,although,she very much want to cry once again.But they have cried too much already,enough for those tears for now.Can't we just have a break for once,Selina thought.But as they say when it rains ,it pours,and I guess the rain decided to let it all out ,maybe once and for all ,until it dried out.Pretty soon,she will dry out soon,but the pain remains she guess.The pain will remain forever.

"Selina,I have not heard from you."Jiro said.His eyes sad,for he knows the answer to all his questions, just one look at her.He bit his lips.But he continued to stare at her.Maybe ,this will be the last time,he will looked at her like this.

"Jiro can we go somewhere.Take me some place."Selina said.

"They end up in the park where there is nothing but vast fields of green grass.Some yellow dandelions thrown in them,that stand out in the greens.Jiro looked at the sun,he was about to set soon.They walked and walked in the grass,not talking but holding hands.His hands are cold against her warm hands.They saw a bench in the corner as they sat and watch the never ending fields.

"Jiro,I have thought about everything and..."Selina said.

"I know,you don't have to say it.I do understand.Alex is lucky to have you,to have your love and understanding." Jiro said.Tears started rolling by and he can't help himself."I do understand more than you know.I still love you Selina,and if by chance we happen to meet in the future,I know I will still love you.Take care of yourself and Samantha."

Selina can't help herself anymore,she cried as she hold him."I am so sorry for causing you this pain,I am so sorry. I love you too Jiro but I guess that is not enough.We have so many odds to fight,and I don't think I can do it,for your sake and for Samantha.I can't do that to both of you."

"I guess this is our goodbye,we keep saying goodbye to each other."Selina said as she wiped her tears away.This time she was the one who wiping the tears away from Jiro.Jiro held her hands and kissed them one by one.

They were quiet on their way back.Nobody dared to talk anymore.As they looked at each other for the last time.

"Good bye Selina"

"Good bye Jiro"


If You're Not Here {By My Side}

Gotta catch that plane at 7:30
Why you haven't come to say goodbye
Time is running out and I'm still waiting
I'm so lost with out you I could die
Yesterday you said you love me
Everything seemed to be fine
Today you're not here I'm so lonely
It's the waiting that driving me out of my mind
Don't know how I'll sing in that big city
How can i perform if you're not there
This will be the worst of all my journeys
The image of your face will follow me everywhere
I need your tender kisses
The feel of your hands,your caress
Your perfume has me burning
My heart is yearning to touch you
I need you so much
If you're not here,by my side
Only your love keeps me alive
No sense in dreaming
My life has no meaning
If you're not here

I need you're tender kisses
The feel of your hands,your caress
Your perfume has me burning
My heart is yearning to touch you
I need you so much
If you're not here,by my side
Can't hold back the tears
I try to hide
Don't think I can take it
I know I won't make it
Make it without you
If you're not here,by my side
Only your love keeps me alive
No sense in dreaming
My life has no meaning If you're not here.


The flight to New York City was announced on the speaker as Jiro waved to his friends,Chun,Arron and Calvin and his parents,as he went in the departure gate.He can feel the stabbing pain in his chest as he walked away.

Selina was in the bathroom crying,until she can't cry no more,as she slumped on the floor.Jiro is gone forever from her life.At that time ,she just want to vanished ,to die for nothing is worth it anymore.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
saludlang #4
yes it is!!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5