Chapter 12

Is this Love?-Completed
Selina browsed from store to store,looking for a nice gift for her friend who will be having bridal shower tomorrow.She finally settled for a y negligee and some colorful bikini for her.She went to the counter and paid for it.

As she went out of the store,she thought she saw Cyndi from the corner of her eye but quickly vanished from the crowd.She went back to the Kid Place and did not see Samantha and Jiro there.She get her cellphone and call Jiro to ask where they are.

And soon enough,Selina found Jiro and Samantha eating ice cream and seating in one of the benches.Both are having fun together talking and laughing at the same time.Jiro even have a napkin in his hand as he tried to clean up Samantha's face.

Selina was touched of what she saw.She noticed the patience and the affection he showered to Samantha and she is not even related to him.Jiro will be a good Father someday,Selina thought.Some how the thought gave Selina a sense of regret,regret of what she does not know.Somehow she wished that she is still free,free to love somebody like Jiro who seems to have all the endearing qualities that she wished for her man.

The thoughts gave her chills and some sense of disappointment set in.Marriage she found out,is not all bed of roses,not all hugs and kisses,and not at all togetherness.Somehow,she feels more alone now than when she and Alex are dating.At least before,Alex will be available at her beck and call,and always willing to be with her.Now,he just leave her alone like today and preferred to be with his buddies or being alone at home.
Or maybe something might have gone wrong somewhere.Selina could not pinpoint how and where.Is he getting bored being married to her?Did the novelty wear off already,and so soon?Gone are the smiles in his face but was replaced by annoyance and impatience everytime he have to repeat himself.No he was not the Alex that she married before but a changed man.

Samantha's giggles brought her to the present,as she walked to them.Smiling at the sight of her little girl,who is the only one who brought colors to her world nowadays.

"Hello,sweetheart."Selina said "Are you done playing?"

"Yeah,I was hungry and uncle Jiro bought me an ice cream and it taste so good."Samantha answered."You want to have some"as she offered her cone to Selina.

"No it's okay"Selina answered."I hope you did not give Uncle Jiro a hard time."

"No,she has been pretty good."Jiro answered."And we had a good time,right Sam"

"Yeah,he even went with me in the rides,and he was not scared"Samantha said."I even won a prize ,look Mommy I have pinky pig and it is so cute."

"All right it seems yiu really have a good time". Selina said with a smile.

"I am getting tired now."Samantha said.

"Alright,we better be going"Selina said."Thank You Jiro for watching her for me."

"You are more than welcome,if you need a baby sitter,just put my name in"Jiro said with a smile."I guess I better go now" as he got up from the bench.He looked at Selina and was about to say something and changed his mind.

Somehow his mind is saying"Let it go,Jiro,just let her go" as he walked away from her,not looking back.His heart heavy with every steps that he took...Just love her ,love her from a far...he keep saying to himself.He will never understand,no,he will never understand,what went wrong somewhere,and why he is feeling this he hastened his pace before he changed his mind.....

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Dailycommenter #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
saludlang #4
yes it is!!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5