Otra Vez

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I don't know where I was running to in this ruined dress. So many cars honked at me for wandering on the side of the busy road. Kai's hurtful words only made me want to jump in front of one of them...he was right when he said all of those things. Rain poured over my lost soul. I tied my hair in a messy bun and continued my useless adventure. 

I ruined his life, the life I am so grateful for exisiting. Kim Jongin, I am sorry for being such a burden to you. If you only said something from the beginning, I would have let you go...

No, that's a lie. I would've pleaded you to stay but that would only be selfish of me. I could never do such a thing to you. I love you.

Somehow, I managed to get myself to Kai's house. His real house. His home. 

"Is Mrs. Kim here?"

"Uh...neh. Give me a moment, please."

The maid closed the door and left me out in the rain waiting. Soon the clacking of heels returned and she allowed me in. I was guided into a elegant corridor and then into a office with a matching style. Inside, there was the same woman from, on the phone, her eyes not leaving mine. She bid her farewell to whoever was on the other line before she gestured me to sit down on the black leathered couch in the middle.

"Didn't think I'd see you here."

She spoke with a plain tone, no emotion expressed, while clearing her desk.

"Mrs. Kim, I'm here to tell you that...I-I promise to let your son go..."

Her eyes darted upwards to meet mine once again, testing me if I was serious or not. I was, I want her to take care of him. She was able of doing so, unlike my pitiful self. She called for the maid and ordered her to bring a towel and some green tea. Once the maid left, she stared at me examining my face probably. No words left her lips, only awkward silence filled the spacious office. She stood up from her desk and walked over, taking a seat on the couch across from me.

"Ma'am, this is for you."

The maid handed me a soft velvet shower robe with a matching colored towel. I'm stunned, completely. I thanked her many times before taking it into my hands, The feeling of the cloth felt nice on my cold wet skin, I wrapped the towel around the damp hair before giving the woman my attention once again. 

"What led you to this decision?"

"Your son deserves way more than what I could ever give him. He is a prince...and I'm the witch that is out to ruin his happiness with his actual princess..."

"...Why did you choose those comparisons?"

I chuckled lightly,"My mom, used to read to me when I was little. She bought many books for me. However, after a fire incident, all those books were burnt to ashes. So she decided to create plots all in her head. My mom was very good at it, too. She then realized I adored her stories that dealt with princesses and their princes who saved them from evil. So I thought, I too would have prince that would save my mom and I from my evil father..."

Tears trickled down my face, dammit she wasn't suppose to see me like this. 

"Soo Kyun, you had wonderful mother. I wish I would have done something similar for my son... I want to confess something. Two things actually. First, I got pregnant before getting married to Jongin's father. It was a one night stand that caused chaos between us two. I had to marry him, which I did not want at all. However, I did what was best for my baby. Jongin never experienced his father's affection yet he grew fine without it. I wanted him to continue doing greater things than his father. However, when I found out he fell in love with a woman that his father would never approve of, I became worried. Worried, that Jongin will lose his role as the heir. He deserves that title, Soo Kyun... I'm sorry for the harsh things I ever said... I was just afraid for my son not being recognized..."

The woman began to sob in front of me. Who am I to judge? Her intentions were only to help her son. I knew I was a burden to him, god dammit I should have never let him help me. 

"Mrs. Kim... I understand you completely...my mother would have done the same...I would have done the same. However, I think it's Jongin who should step up to his father and show him the man he has become. But, I'll help you...when I leave...please support him...

Shot after drink after shot, Kai filled his body with the poisonous liquid. He continued to sob while the others around him shunned his pity-self. Luhan sat across from him and sympathized his friend. He couldn't handle this sight anymore. Soon his fingers dialed a number.

"Uh...yes it's the closest bar near my apartment. He's here, but he's hurting terribly. Alright, Mrs. Kim."

After 20 minutes of waiting, Luhan was sent home by the middle-aged woman. She looked at her son with pity and regret. Her son didn't deserve this, no one did.

She approached him, he who was sitting by the counter, sobbing into his arms that were placed on the counter besides many empty glasses.

"Jongin, please come back home baby," his mother tried cooing his broken son.

"Umma...I hurt her..."

"She forgives you sweetie," she tenderly rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

"Umma why...did you have to trick me like that?"

"I only tried to do the best for you. But now I know she was the best for you...she promised to come back..."

"You...you talked to her?"

"Yes, she came to me this morning. I explained everything, but now she only wants you to stand up to your position and your father. She said she forgives you and that she loves you. There's a letter back at home for you...come now," she helped the wasted latter up from the ground and together they stumbled their way into the car. Kai only had his girlfriend in his head, Sookyun's warm loving smile, smooth soft skin, long sleek brown hair and everything else she owned on her body. Tears of sorrow escaped from his swollen eyes. His mother pulled him into her and laid his head onto her chest and hushed him to sleep.


"Here you go, Jongin. It's the letter that Sookyun left. I hope it gives you some relief."

Kai's hand trembled as he felt the touch of the paper in his hands. Just knowing that his Soo touched this paper before him made him feel grateful and closer to her.

He quickly remembered about the other letter she written back at the trailer. His hands rushed into his pocket and pulled out the multi-folded paper along with the rings.

Kai began to read the first written letter:

Dear Kai,
I might have angered you by spending most of my time with Luhan oppa. I'm sorry about that. You see, I thought you trusted him with your all. He's been helping me find jobs that suite and benefit me. He was also the one that gave me the idea of proposing. It was silly, right? I shouldn't have done that...

The same day you arrived, there was a dispute between your mother and me. Luhan was the one to stop it and then tried to talk me out of the idea of proposing to you. But I couldn't, I had to pop the question that I always wanted to hear from your lips. I didn't care if you slept with that woman. I just needed to tell you that I loved you and I wanted to spend my whole life with you. But you were so quick to assume that I cheated on you with the man who threw make-up on me to cover the bruises. The man who helped me find a job that let me afford this dress and those rings. The man who we both called friend. Don't blame him, Kai. It was my fault for not telling you. Hopefully we'll meet again in the future. I love you, Kim Jongin.

Truly yours,

Kai wiped his tears, feeling guilty. He never knew why he jumped to that conclusion. His stress and tiredness made him snap. Sookyun never deserved those cruel words. If anything, Sookyun was too good for him. He knew that, which is why is cherished her.  His hands landed on the other folded letter beside him.

It read:

Dear Kai,

Remember how we met? You saved me from being reckless that night? How you captured me with your arms before I jumped off the bridge? How you comforted me the whole night because you were afraid I will repeat the act once again... Not only did you save me...but you made me want to live again. I thank you for that. However, it's time for you to live your life.

I spoke with your mother. She confessed many things that made me understand why she treated me the way she did. I don't blame her, she did it all for you. So don't let her hard work go to a waste. Claim your position and stand up to your father. I promise that one day we'll meet again. I hope to see as the young, handsome and successful man I know you already are. Tell Luhan oppa, thank you. He's helped me a lot and he's a friend should never lose.

I love you, Kai. I forgive you, I know now that you only tried to protect me from getting hurt. Don't become bitter or cold, if you do I swear we'll never meet again. Ha, I love you.

P.S Next time we meet,

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I'm working on the bonus chapter. Should be up by tomorrow night!


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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: What an .
Ramasu #2
Chapter 3: This is so good! I like it!!!
eternal_exol_ot12 #3
Chapter 3: DAEBAEK but instead of don't cry baby it should be baby don't cry XD
me-123 #4
Chapter 3: Wow such an amazing storyy
Amazing ending!!!:)
Love your storyyyyy!!!!!
Chapter 3: i love this! so glad they ended up together! love the happy ending.
Loveexo1 #6
Chapter 3: Aw OMG this is so good! Amazing ending <3~~~~
Chapter 3: glad it was a happy ending
Loveexo1 #8
Chapter 3: This was so good!
Chapter 3: YESS! HAPPY ENDING~~ /rainbows and unicorns everywhere~/
I was getting sad at the first chapter but then the storm went away and dozens of rainbows appeared everywhere yayay~
Chapter 3: Happy ending :)