Chapter 2

Once I was Real

To say that you were surprised wasn't even close. You were shocked. There was this boy standing in front of you, a character that you may or may have not made and the worst thing of all, you can't control him. Well, that's what he says.

''What do you mean with I can't control you?'', you asked warily, wondering if what the tall light blue-haired said was wright, but shaking your head seconds later. It can't be. It's impossible, unthinkable, if he is one of your characters, you can order him around as much as you pleased.

''I think you are wrong'', you stated, now standing up to be on the same eye level as the boy, who was telling complete nonsense, only to find out that you are a lot shorter than him.

The statement you made only amused the boy and he leaned forward slightly to be on the same eye-level as you. Smiling brightly he said:'' But my dear, I think you are the one that is wrong. I don't follow orders. From no one at all.''

Sighting, you let out a breath you had been holding and cleared your thoughts.

''So, how old are you?'' you asked him curiously.

The taller fake frowned and questioned:'' Shouldn't you ask for my name first?''

You rolled his eyes. ''Okay, what's your name then Mister I-Will-Not-Tell-You-My-Age-Until-You-Asked-Me-For-My-Name?''

''But my dear Writer girl, shouldn't you know my name. I mean you are the one who created me after all'', the brow eyed boy mentioned teasingly or was he...WAS HE FLIRTING??!!

No, you thought. No that can't- he can't-'s wrong. While you tried to collect your thoughts, the taller lad closed the distance between the two of you, putting one of his large hands on your small waist. The touch startled you quite a bit. You weren't used to someone being that close to you, even though you know, some of your fans would like to be. Taking in a deep breath you looked the tall boy in the eye and spoke ''Ravi, I order you to let me go.'', and as if you worked magic Ravi stiffly removed his hand from your waist.

''Look who's talking now. Who said I couldn't control him?'', you questioned and cheered inwardly, because you were worried for a while that what the taller boy had said was true, not noticing the glint in the boys eyes as he slipped behind you, took both of his hands in one hand and pinned them behind your back. You noticed too late what he was doing and tried to squirm out of the boys grip, but to no avail.

Oh right, you thought. ''I order you to let me go'', you commanded him.

Laying his head on your shoulder the taller boy replied, while shaking his head a little: ''No.''

You could see the smile now prominent on the slightly tanned boys face, while you looked at yourself in the mirror seeing a shocked expression next to the relaxed one of Ravi. ''I told you to let me go'', you insisted, closing your eyes, concentrating every nerve in your muscles to free your hands, but again to no avail. Sighting loudly you asked ''What do you want?''

''A kiss'', Ravi answered immediately, a grin spreading on his face.

''No'', you reply, your voice turning quieter from embarrassment as your cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink.

''Why not? Don't you like me? I mean you made me. You should be happy, right?'' Ravi questioned tilting his head in confusion.

Yes, Ravi was correct that you thought about making him, but you didn't actually write it down. So Ravi literally wrote himself, not you, even though from your knowledge that can't be possible, but here Ravi was standing behind you, having you who is normally in control, under control his control. And you did not like it. Saying that you were annoyed wasn't even close, but you can't bring yourself to be mad at the boy, because yeah you anyway intended to write him sooner or later, so now that he was here, you didn't have that much trouble anymore. You could write little stories about how Hongbin or N and Ravi met, because Hongbin was still the main character of course. It would be interesting how such a cheerful and beautiful boy like Hongbin would hang out with someone as laid back as Ravi. You had it all in your head already. Every detail planned out and ready to be written, wouldn't there be the problem that the tall boy was standing right behind you, hindering your thoughts to meet the paper.

Finally giving in you said ''Okay, yeah I like you and of course I made you. Don't be ridiculous.''

''So I will get my kiss?'', Ravi asked excitedly, his eyes glistening intensively.

Sighting again you answered ''Sure'', quickly adding ''But only if you will leave me alone for the next few hours.'' Ravi nodded quickly, as if he was a little child, whose parents promised him ice cream if he would finish his vegetables. Ravi let go of your hands, took his head off of your shoulder and turned you around pointing at his cheek.

Cute, you thought as you started to smile leaning up to kiss the boys cheek, only to have him turn his head, so that you were now kissing him lips on lips. Shocked you fall backward and Ravi grinned cheekily.

''You didn't actually think I would let you get away with a kiss on my cheek, did you?'', Ravi asked raising one eyebrow.

'''',you ranted quietly feeling at loss, blushing furiously. Yes it sounds pityful for a girl your age not having kissed anybody yet.

''Ohhh.So I was your first'', Ravi smirked, happily jumping up and down.

While looking up at him you shake your head as if you couldn't understand the boy in front of you, only to see said boy leaving out of the door, leaning his head back in to say ''I hope I'll also be your first real kiss. I mean it was great and stuff, but it doesn't count if there was no tongue involved. I'll let you work now. See you later.''

Turning a darker tone of red you looked at your feet thinking: Stupid Ravi. Why would he do that? That's so mean. I have to calm down.

Breathing in you looked around to see your clock, telling you it was already 12am. How in the world will you finish a new chapter with all of these thoughts running around in your head. But you won't just give up now. You already got a new character, maybe had to kill some other ones in order to spice it up a little, but five and now maybe six characters were always there. They never left. They never died. Maybe they got injured, but you didn't want to hurt them too much. Standing up from the floor you made your way to your desk, only to see that there was a new chapter already, mostly about Ravi and little bits of N, Leo and Ken. The thing is you never wrote that. You may have thought of that stuff, but you never really planned to write it. But in the end you are happy that what you were supposed to do is done without you having to do anything. Even though it was slightly scary and mysterious, you can't bring yourself to care. If the Ravi parts of the story wanted to write themselves, why not. It doesn't cause any harm, but you would have to keep an eye on it.

Leaving your office room, you go to the kitchen to pour yourself some tea and quickly go to bed so that you will have better ideas tomorrow. As you enter your bedroom you see a bump on your bed. Thinking it was only your clothes you sometimes hide under the blanket, when Hongbin tells you to clean up you slide under the covers, close your eyes and feel really warm. In fact you feel too warm and something was also around your waist now. As you look down you see arms wrapped around your waist. You turned your head a little, to see if it was either Leo, Hyuk or N, because they would occasionally do that, when they felt lonely. But you didn't expect to see light blue hair covering a slightly tanned face and looking a bit closer you see a smile on his face. Definitely 100% asleep and so cute. But you would never admit that out loud. Feeling uncomfortable with this situation you tried to slip out of the bed again, only to be held back by those arms wrapped around your waist. How could you forget? Trying to loosen them you put your own hands on Ravis', to find out that Ravis' hands were pretty big and that the effect you had was quite the opposite as Ravi wrapped his arms more tightly around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest and nuzzling in your neck. You were now turning as red as a tomato, because you had never been in this kind of situation, well of course with Hongbin and N and maybe even Leo, being the biggest cuddlers in the world yeah, but they were fully clothed, while Ravi did not have a shirt on.

This was different. You didn't even really know the guy. You knew N, Ken, Leo, Hyuk and Hongbin because you wrote about them and created their personalities, but Ravi wrote himself. You know nothing about the boy and you had lied to Ravi when you said that you wrote him, because you never did.

This was just getting weirder and weirder from minute to minute. Ravi brought his knees up a little and you not expecting the boy to move turned around to see if he was waking up, only to see an even bigger smile on the blue-haired boys lips.

Is he having a good dream, you thought. Noticing quickly that the position you were now being held in was not something you felt comfortable with at the moment, you try to turn a little. But that didn't work, so you were stuck like that. Stuck in the hold of that cheeky boy that still hasn't answered your question about his age and reading it from your own book would just be too weird.

Excepting your fate you lay down your head on the pillow letting sleep wash over yourself.

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*le me* "I don't care" *also le me* "You haven't written in ages" *first le me* "I'm a horrible person, i hate this, i hate me. Shame on me"


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Chapter 2: Wow! Only just found this. WHAT A GEM!
fluffybunny70 #2
Chapter 31: Finally! This is one of my favorites!
Idk why but I'm getting emo just imagining it's ending ;#;
I've following this for so long....aaah!
But I can't wait for the end.
Excited for the next chapters! *w*
nadhirah #3
Chapter 31: Welcome back! Life is like a rollercoaster. So dont feel bad and come back when u feel better. Hwaiting!
bipssince2012 #4
Chapter 9: it's scary how the story write himself, and the writer will be clueless many times.. its a bad thing as well.. i hope the self writing story won't affect the boys relationship.
bipssince2012 #5
Chapter 8: i didnt know that this will be hard to read if you obsessed with one pairing from vixx
bipssince2012 #6
Chapter 7: yeah n its not fair. very not fair.leo how xone you just eat that toast
bipssince2012 #7
Chapter 6: i wish everyone can go out next
bipssince2012 #8
Chapter 3: Ok I understand now why the writer doesn't want the characters die... They are her company, her friend. I was only thought about messy house and the damages.. I bet Ravi won't die.. he's superior after all
bipssince2012 #9
Chapter 2: It's still creepy.. who is wonshik... why is he different...