

a/n: I'm not used to write in long formats, this is one of my first tries.. sorry =_=


“Is it alive?” Their voices are so close, and his chest hurts, it burns, like it has never been used before, like a newborn’s first breath. It hurts. “I thought… Well, maybe it’s just a slow one.” He can feel it now, someone touching him, exanimating his body, whoever it is press cold metal up his chest, and then there’s this sudden pain on his arm, as if someone had just prickled him.

He doesn’t like it, so he does the only thing his brain could think, he cries.


His sniffles get louder, and he struggles to open his eyes.

“He’s crying! He’s sad!”

“Oh gosh, he’s crying. I need help!” The voice screams, “Boss, help! He’s crying, I can’t do with… feels!”

He can’t hear steps, but he hears some shuffling, and then a needle-like stab on his neck. Everything blacks out, slowly.

He sleeps.


Next time he wakes up, he’s sitting on an examination table, he can open his eyes, and breathing doesn’t burn like it did, his whole body feels heavy though.

There’s this black haired man faces inches from his, he has tired eyes, thin rimmed glasses and a friendly, easy going smile. He seems happy.

“Hey there, young boy” The male says as he backs away. His whole attire is white, white lab overcoat, with a white shirt underneath, everything white, save for his dark blue jeans.

“I’m Akira, and you’re –“ He’s interrupted by the loud noise of the door being harshly open, both of them look, the boy and Akira, to the culprit.

The boy hears a whine from Akira as they spot the intruder; it’s another man, one that seems unfazed by the attention. Brown wavy hair, bored eyes that focus on the boy sitting on the pristine table, the newest project of this branch. They said this one should be like Heechul, since some of the coding are the same, with some few changes to make this subject less of an unruly one like Heechul is.

“Ignore him!” Akira says, his attention back to the boy, ”anyway, as I was saying, your name is…” He stops to examine the folder on his hands, which was hidden from the boy’s view. “Well, here says your DNA came from an enka singer, so… Yesung? It’s a Korean name, but you will be living among Koreans…”

The man besides the door scoffs, rolling his eyes “he’s not an idol or something, Give him a normal name.” Akira pouts, and the boy finds it endearing, but he doesn’t know how to express such thought, he remains quiet. The man opens his mouth again, “he looks kind of aloof to me. Jongwoon maybe?”

“I don’t understand how does Jongwoon translates as aloof, but as you wish. It does seem like a regular name.”

So his name is Jongwoon, the boy concludes. Akira looks back to the boy, Jongwoon, and smiles in that friendly, dopey way of his. “Can you say it, Jongwoon? Your name.”

Say it?

It seems like a difficult task, but he tries anyways.


Akira grins, satisfied.

“Yes, Jongwoon.”

“Jongwoon.” The boy repeats.


Akira and the man keep him company for the next day, supplying him with information about himself, and discovering his own personal inclinations.

His name is Kim Jongwoon, he’s twenty two or seventeen years old, the duo still hasn’t decided on it yet, both arguing that he looks too old to be an adolescent, but too young for twenty two (Jongwoon tried to say nineteen, but he got ignored). He’s a naturally good singer, something that came with his given DNA, like his passion for coffee and liking of animals, the enka singer liked those things, so does him. He lacks proficiency with calculus and things alike, which is strange since Heechul is a genius in most academic areas.

He learns later that the man’s name is Kyuhyun, and Heechul is his brother. Akira says he should be his father, since he made most of Jongwoon.

Jongwoon also learns later, he’s a clone, from the same series as Heechul. He’s got some of his features from a deceased enka singer, but most others were changed with the help of science. Like his genre, the color of his skin and hair, the sizes of his hands, and so on.

Nowadays clones aren’t unusual, that being a way for humans to try and reach perfection. Heechul is not only beautiful but also smart, and was the first to be born with emotions, personality.

 Jongwoon was the second of his line, but he came with a small malfunction.

He can tell that he feels but he can’t show it. He knows Akira’s antics are funny but he doesn’t know how to laugh, giggle or smile. He can tell it that Kyuhyun is scary, and mean, but he cannot express his discontent with the other’s actions. The only emotions he seems to be able to show and not tell are confusion, understanding, surprise and pain, but it’s all too robotic, except for his cries, everything lacks something.


This world they live in isn’t a futuristic one, like many of the elders thought it would be, with flying cars and teleporting. Instead, other things were developed. Like the esper, and human clones.

Espers are humans that have gone through the Academy City's Power Curriculum Program.

The Academy City is a strong city-estate situated in Tokyo, Japan. Being an independent state, it shows the greatest technology and medicine advances, varying from clones to the most moderns and independents AIs. Its popularity increased up to the point other countries followed the suit: creating a metropolis for science, what is conducted inside of an Academy City isn’t exactly safe or acceptable in other places. South Korea, U.S, Russia and Chile are the other most notable, U.S falling behind only to Japan.

The Power Curriculum Program is what makes espers what they are, what make them so special. It unlocks their power with the help of a series of tests, studies, lectures, medicines, body stimulations and hypnosis; it modifies a person’s brain so that they can unlock their very own Personal Reality: a reality that is unique for each individual, and is the very foundation of an esper's power, the source from which all esper powers and phenomena are brought into the real world.

Essentially, espers are scientifically created super humans.

Clones were made from several ways: through DNA samples, through artificial and existing chemicals, and so many others. This technology is still hidden from the mass, still not par to the perfection researchers need.

It already reached a surprising level, though. Clones can be imbued with needs(food, sleep) , memories, feelings artificial (as it happens with every clone) or not (as in the newest 001 and 002’ numbers from the SK branch), with that they can obtain an esper ability, it’s a complicated process that is still up to its testing stages, but SK has shown that it is possible, 001 being one of the strongest espers to exist.

The only problem with clones is that they aren’t truly independent. They need a network to exist, and only four clones (one of them being a prototype) seem to age with time, while the rest start to fail within four to six years.

This and they aren’t truly accepted as humans.


Kyuhyun doesn’t know why he signed that damned document. He really doesn’t.

He knows that he regrets his decision immensely.

It’s not that Jongwoon is annoying or something, he’s awfully quiet and respectful. He does questions a lot, but that’s just expected, Kyuhyun concluded. He’s curious; he’s been awake for three days or so, it’s only natural.

He's just afraid of the upcomings of his decision. That's all. 

Jongwoon walks ahead of Kyuhyun, as they head for the latter’s dorm. His eyes aren’t as bright as Heechul, but he does show the excitement and mirth, in a smaller scale. Kyuhyun thinks that’s probably due to the mellow and calm demeanor they input on Jongwoon’s codes. Maybe it affected the way he reacts to things, made it less exuberant as it should be.

It’s all silence until Jongwoon looks up to Kyuhyun, who readies himself to answer the clone, “I’m hungry, and I prompt us to stop somewhere to eat.”

Kyuhyun sighs, but complies anyway, “there’s a bakery the next block.”



As soon as they enter the bakery that also works as a small coffee shop, they both bathe in the sweet smells and warmth that welcomes them, Jongwoon is quick to sit though, probably tired since he’s not used to walk.

Kyuhyun runs a quick scan through the place, spotting a familiar face that seem to notice the new customers and is quick to glance at them, smiling sweetly at the other who groans.

Because that’s Ryeowook, and not only is Ryeowook an annoying little he’s also a bit of a pushover and he will want to know more about Jongwoon, not only that but he will suspect as to why Kyuhyun, the biggest loner ever since Changmin and Victoria were gone to Japan’s Academic City, is with a new friend.

As Kyuhyun sits besides Jongwoon, already awaiting Ryeowook’s inquiring tone and crystal like voice, he can’t help but glance at Jongwoon, there’s just something strange about him, an aura of sorts, yet while he’s distracted with it, Ryeowook pops up their front, a welcoming smile on his face as he eyes Jongwoon.

“Good afternoon and welcome to Eiffel 77!”

And there it is, the voice that alone bothers Kyuhyun.

“May I take your orders?”

Jongwoon blinks, his knowledge of food is scarce, and he looks to Kyuhyun, hoping the other will order for them both. Kyuhyun senses his helplessness and since he’s not very familiar with the coffee shop (he only comes here to buy sweets and energetics) “Surprise us.”

The waiter grins before nodding, “as you wish!” He’s about to turn when he widens his eyes, “but before that… What’s your name?” Ryeowook says looking to Jongwoon.


“Pretty name! Well, that’s all. I’ll call you two when it’s ready, and don’t scare him off Kyu!”

That confuses Jongwoon but he doesn’t mention it.




final notes:

I don't know how to end things so i settled for this.. Next chap will be less of explaining (i hope)..

Humm Heechul's appearance is already scheduled for chap 2 or 3... He's the third or fourth strongest esper around the SK Academic City. He's a prodigy, the top of his school, he's said to have 18/19 biological years (he's been alive for four years tho). 

Kyuhyun is 15/16. Completely human. He's a math genius and doesn't really bother going to school. He's also an esper, but i don't wanna explain his power now. I also don't know if i was able to stress that Kyuhyun isn't mean or rude, he's just nonchalant about things..

Ryeowook is an esper with the teleport ability (more to the point a "move point" teleporter, he can teleport not only people but things far away from him, he doesn't need closure to teleport). He's been friends with Kyuhyun for a long time but both of them doesn't like admiting their friendship.

There won't be a weird plot around Jongwoon's malfunctions, maybe he'll get a virus or something but beside that the main thing about the story isn't him. His problems will just make things difficult or funny here and there.


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Chapter 1: Oh I hope you still come back to continue this. The backstory and set up seems so fresh and interesting!
mayosh #2
Chapter 1: I hope you update soon. I'm getting curious. Nice story ^^
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 1: interesting! need another chapter to make it clearer though. update soon :)