Interview and Interrogation

Never Surrender


~ First Person Evangaline ~

"Good Luck Eva!!!" Lucas calls out to me, as I leave through the ground door of his apartment complex. I wave goodbye to him, my smile slapped on my lips. I walk down the semi busy sidewalk, my heart is doing flips in my chest. My hands are shaking, as I grip my breife case, thightly with my good hand. My stomach is churning, I feel a cold sweat on the back of my neck. Which is not helping with the ache in my shoulder, even though my arm is in a sling, so I don't put alot of presure on it. Along with the brusies on my legs, from using to much of the guardians power. All of which are pounding as if they have their own heart beats. Stop it!! He probable won't even be there! Plus, I'm a shoe-in for the job! NOW BE QUIET SO I CAN THINK STRAIGHT!!!! I mentally scream at my body, then I take a deep cleansing breath. My body calms down at once, and I sigh in relief. See? was that so bad? I can't be a hopeless wreck and except to get the job, now can I? I shake my head at myself and let out a sigh. I swear one of these days there gonna stick me in a looney bin. 

I turn down rose petal alley, rose petals of all colors are all over the ground. Making the alley way look like a enchanted forest life area, rose petles slowly fall from high above me, and right beside me. "Somethings never change" I whisper happily, a small smile on my lips. "Good marrow' to you Eva!" I hear a framiliar voice call from above me, causeing me to quickly look up. "Good marrow' to you peter! me ol' friend!" I call up to peter, who is dressed like ezio from "assasins creed", and perched on the third teer of the fire escape, looking like he is about to use "eagle vision". "Where are you bound this time?" peter ask, not moving from his spot, of course, again, somethings never change... "A job interview! I'm in a bit of a hurry! I'll talk later!" I yell up to him. I break into a jog, truly I'm getting there very early. I just want to be able to protect taemin as soon as possible. I whistle a tune to myself, as I walk down the sidewalk, finally I am at the HQ of SMentertainment. 

I fix the bussiness coat, lucas is letting me barrow, so it's not rumpled from my jog. I feel my hair, which is luckily not frizzing and is still in place. I take a deep breath, and then whisper a short praryer. "Bringers of Hope Esperanza, Luck Venturo, Please please!! Let me get this job!" I take another deep breath, let it out and then walk into the modern looking building, right up to the pure white front desk. "May I help you?" the receptionist ask in korean. "Annyeong Haseyo, I am Park Evangaline, I am here for the bodyguard interview" I say very politely. "Ah, your very early you know? goodness what happened to your arm?" she asks me, I nod "Yes ma'am I prefer not to waste time when it come to anything. Oh this? I was helping a friend build a tree house the other week, and one of the beams fell right on me, I should be healed within a day or two though." I reply. She nods with a approving and sympathetic smile, "Very well, please have a seat, The manager will be down in a moment" she says. I nod, then bow and go sit in a fashionable wing-back chair. I let out a sigh in relief, but sit straight in my chair, I look out the glass doors as people pass by. Well,that went well, at least I didn't clam up and mumble, like I usually do, I think to myself encouragingly, I smile a little at the thought. {Now don't go getting your high hopes up, you never know what can happen during the interview.} The voice of reason in the back of my head chides me,I scowl from a minute. 

Must you be such a buzz kill?! Keep quiet! and let me enjoy the moment!! I scold it. It stays quiet, and I grumble a few curse words, under my breath for a moment. I then pull a short book from my breife case and begin to read. "Ms. Park, the manager will see you now" I hear the voice of the receptionist, calling me from the world of my book, back to reality. "Gamsahabnida"** I say and get up and bow, I put my book back into my breife case and scoop it with my good hand. "This is it" I whisper and go to the elevators on the left wall, of the lobby. "Third floor, fifth door on the right" I remind myself as I wait for the doors to open. The elevator dings, then opens, revealing a luckily empty elevator. "Thank you Venturo" I whisper to myself and quickly walk in, hitting the third floor button as I do so. The elevator shuts, with yet another ding, and beings to glide up the floors. SHINee's Noona Nemou Yeppeo (Replay)comes on. I smile and hum along, tapping my foot to the beat. 

I hear the elevator ding again, and the doors open, it's my floor. "It's show time" I whisper to myself, head held up, I head down the hall, looking straight forward. I get to the door, and out of habit I knock. WAIT! CRAP! Hold on, was I suppose to knock?or go right on in?..ah!!! I'm not sure! ! "Come in" I hear a mans' voice say, I can't help but gulp once in fear. I quickly open the door and walk in then bow a full ninety degrees once I hear the door click shut behind me. "Annyeong Hasyeo, Evangaline Inmida" I say in my best polite korean voice. "Annyeong Haseyo Yoonduk inmida" I hear the man's voice say. Thank vertuero and esparanza! I walk in and reach my hand over the table, "pleasure to meet you sir" I say. "Thank you, you as well" he says and shakes my hand. He gestures for me to sit, which I do, and he opens the folder on his side of the table. "Well then Ms. Park..." he begins the interview. 


"Okay everyone lets take a fifteen minute break" Suho sudjest, streching a bit. The two groups have just done three full hours of practice, and everyone nods. Everyone goes to the coolers in the far corner of the room, and get water bottles and cold towels. Wiping the sweat from their brows, and chuging the water bottles to quench their thirst. Taemin opens up his laptop, and minho notices "going to investigate?" he ask. Taemin nods, a serious look on his face, "whatever cut those lights wasn't human minho-hyung, I want to find out what it was," taemin says in a serious voice. "Count me in, when I find out who cut that rope, I'll kick it's " kai says, coming to sit by taemin. "Hold on, we don't know that yet, someone could have very well put some freddy cruger claws on and cut the light, or could have used a special knife or something to cut the light fixture," key says, in a firm voice."Then how where they not caught? Another thing, those light fixtures are strong, even the shrapest of knifes or claws could not have cut it that fast. The light profesionals checked those lights before the concert even started, and they where secure.The guards also check up there not a minute before we all went on stage, and no one was their. Also no fabrics where left on the lights, no one can be up there and not leave a little trace of clothes.You and I both know somethign is up, Kibum-hyung, you just don't want to admit it" taemin says, looking right into keys eyes. Key stares back, not backing down, silently declaring a battle. The room gose dangerously quiet, and tense, jonghyun decides to cough to clear the silence.  

 "Hey, what about the person who saved us? I want to find out who they are so we can thank them properly" sehun says, coming to sit on taemin's other side. "That to.." taemin says, and pulls up the video of the concert. Everyone gathers around, and watches the video, when suddenly onew gasp, "pause it taeminnie!" onew suddenly shouts. Taemin quickly pauses it, and looks to onew, only to see his hyungs face go pale and his brown eyes go wide, in pure fear. Taemin quickly looks at the computer screen, and gasp himself, not beliving what he is seeing. Hanging from the left over ropes, of the light fixture, are two dark figures, obviously not human, but to dark to even tell what they are. "..No ing way...its not..." key stutters, sounding trully frightened. Kai gulps, and moves his hand to continue the video. Everyone watches it through completly, and hearing their savors voice, a deep male tone, they assume that their savor is a young man. "..How is it that their is no blood on the stage? also! how the ! did he hold up that light by himself?" Tao suddenly ask, a questionging tone to his voice. Everyone goes quiet, stumped at what the maknae just asked. 

"..Maybe our hero isn't human either?" Suho suddenly sudjest, and everyone looks at him surprised. "Hear me out, that person used a body guards shoulder as a bridge to the stage, managed to knock down four of us with ease, then catches a almost ton weight light, set it down without getting blood on the stage, then throws cards, which seem to kill the things that cut the light. All without leaving a single trance of himself, except for the video, which he probably didn't even notice was going on," suho says. Everyone nods, suho proves a very good point, then D.O interjects. "I think your points are good suho-gege, but adriniline can make people very stong as well.." "You have a point, but I don't think adriniline alone could make someone catch a almost 1 ton light, without getting blood and possible bone fragment on the floor," suho says. D.O nods, and so does everyone else, and sehun lets out a sad sigh. "What wrong hunnie?" luhan ask, wraping his arms around sehun gently. "Well, this person might not be human, or maybe super human, if either of those are true, it's going to be very hard to track him down, and tell him thank you," sehun says. Chanyeol nods, a frown on his usually happy face. "Sehun-ah is right..superheros never reveal their true identy unless they have to, even then, some can wipe peoples memories,"chanyeol says. 

The others all nods, and let out collective sighs of sadness, groans of dissapointment, and huffs of anger. "....When do you guys think your manager will be done with the interviews?" Xiu Min ask. "..He said their where only a few people qualified, I say about three more days," onew says. "How about you guys?" minho ask suho, "I'm not sure, our managers are still looking through files, who knows, maybe we'll share a body guard for a while?" suho says with a chuckle. The others all chuckle as well, "that would very interesting" jonghyung says with a grin and a short laugh. "...I hope we can get to the bottom of this soon" Taemin says, running a hand through his light red brown hair. Everyone nods, in silent agrement, "..Okay everyone, lets get back to practice" kris suddenly says, with a clap of his hands. Everyone gets up, and chen turns the cd player back on and the two groups get right back into the flow of practice. 

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