
Evolution [Oneshot]

“I was enchanted to meet you.”

Their meeting was a particular one, to say the least; one of them running to class, dodging people left and right, the other just taking a leisurely stroll about the college campus. Taemin had just transferred to the university last week due to financing issues. More often than not, he caught himself running to class to avoid being late. Being a new student, maneuvering about the large campus was a bit of a hassle.

Kibum on the other hand, being a seasoned sophomore, knew the lay of the land perfectly. He had a few hours to himself, so he chose to walk around. When Taemin crashed into him, it was like getting hit by a truck; talk about someone being stronger than they look. Papers and pencils went flying, the occasional paintbrush here and there, too. Luckily, the breeze hadn’t begun to pick up just yet. “I am so sorry!” Taemin fretted, moving quickly on his hands and knees to diligently scoop up papers.  “It’s fine,” Kibum grumbled as he picked himself up off the ground, patting down his clothes for any signs of filth.

“I’m just late for class, and I had to run, and just-“

“I said it is fine,” Kibum snapped, shoving papers back into his shoulder bag. A comfortable silence soon fell over them as they studied one another. Taemin’s appearance sure was appealing; was it the way his skinny jeans were nearly painted on, leaving little to the imagination? Or was it the way his shoulder length auburn hair fell, framing his beautiful face?  His body was tall, and his frame was small. Kibum found the way Taemin awkwardly shifted his weight to his heels adorable.

Kibum wasn’t too bad off himself; black hair that was cut asymmetrically, shielding one feline-like eye from view, soft, pouty lips that were curled up into a warm smile, and perfect milky white skin. He wore a tank top that read “fabulous” across the chest in big, bold letters. He suddenly felt extremely hot, or maybe it was just the way Taemin was looking at him.

“Your papers,” Taemin smiled sheepishly, extending a long arm out. “Thank you,” Kibum nearly snatched the papers away. Taemin emitted an audible sigh; thumbing the hem of his shirt as he shifted his weight back and forth on his heels again. “Taemin,” he offered a friendly hand. “Kibum,” the older male chuckled. When their hands touched, it was like fire; Taemin felt it, and he hoped Kibum did, too.  “I have to get to class,” Taemin frowned, flipping his hair out of his eyes. “See you around?” Kibum proposed, secretly hoping the answer was yes. “Yeah, totally,” Taemin nodded, and Kibum watched in amusement as his hair bounced with each movement.

“Well, see you,” Taemin his heels, beginning to walk away. Hopefully he wouldn’t bump into anyone else this time. Kibum stood and watched as Taemin’s figure grew smaller and smaller in the distance, until he was gone. He was completely captivated; he needed to see Taemin again.

It was that next Friday when they did meet again. Rain was coming down hard, and wind threatened to shake the café to its very core. Kibum sat alone in the far corner, reading glasses on his face and a book in hand. The front door swung open with a ding of the overhead bell and Kibum looked up, placing his book back down on the table.

There Taemin stood; dripping wet and shivering. He had come to grab a quick bite to eat and some coffee, but he wasn’t expecting this sudden torrential downpour. Kibum sighed, suddenly feeling sorry for him. Taemin’s usual silky long hair was now clumped together, sticking to his forehead and the side of his face. His clothes weren’t in any better shape. His two-sizes-too big shirt clung to him, defining a clear outline of his well-toned chest and abdomen. His shoes, clearly full of water, made a sickly squishing sound with every step he took, only succeeding in drawing more attention in his direction. Spotting Kibum staring at him, he became hyper-aware of his seemingly pathetic appearance.

Kibum ushered him over to his secluded table. “Hey,” Taemin waved, wringing out his shirt with his free hand. “I remember you,” his eyes sparkled as he looked his new friend over. “We met last Tuesday, after I ran into you,” he took it upon himself to take the seat across from Kibum. “I don’t know,” the older male shrugged as he took a long sip from his coffee. “I meet a lot of guys a lot of places,” he smirked, driving his feline-like eyes right through his counterpart. “Yeah,” Taemin shrugged, shifting uncomfortably in his seat under the scrutinizing stare. “Look, I’m really sorry about last week. I was just in a rush; school is so stressful-“

“I said it’s fine,” Kibum waved a hand in the air, shooing away the tension. “Listen,” he leaned in closer. “I don’t really do this, but you’re really cute. So, there’s this party next Friday, do you want to go with me?” he asked. “I would like that,” Taemin smiled, feeling his heart jump to his throat and a crimson red creep across his cheeks. “See you then,” Kibum gathered up his things, preparing to leave. It was now Taemin’s turn to stare. “You’re leaving?” He cocked his head to the side, the disappointment in his voice more apparent than he had hoped. “I have to get back to my dorm! I have a paper to write, ugh,” Kibum groaned, smoothing his hair down. “But look,” he took a piece of paper from his notebook and scribbled on it. “Call me tonight?” He asked, biting his lip as he shoved the paper in Taemin’s direction. “Only if you promise to wait by the phone for me,” Taemin winked, sending a shiver up Kibum’s spine that he would deny to this day. “Promise,” Kibum nodded. “Bye!” he waved, heading for the door. He looked back just in time to see Taemin still staring in his direction.


Jump Then Fall;
“Don’t be afraid to jump then fall into me.”

They talked on to the phone that night; and every night for the next few days. Talking was never awkward for them. They always pushed each other; seeing who would crack first. Taemin felt himself falling for Kibum harder and harder each day, and he prayed Kibum would be there to catch him before he hit the ground.

Thursday night, Taemin was lounging out at Kibum’s dorm room, like he usually did. Kibum’s room was much tidier than his, with not a speck of dirt or dust present. Magazines and books were piled neatly in the corner with art supplies right next to them. “So you’re an art major?” Taemin asked as he thumbed through Kibum’s supposedly hidden portfolio. “We’ve been talking for how long and you don’t even know my major?” Kibum jokingly scolded before snatching his artwork away. “Well, it just never came up!” Taemin held his hands up in defense.  “Excuses, excuses,” Kibum rolled his eyes. “So tell me,” Kibum shoved Taemin’s legs away, making room for himself on the couch, earning a displeased glance. “Why did you transfer here?” He asked. A frown graced his features when he noticed Taemin’s entire body tense. “Well,” he began, completely sitting up. “You see, my family has never had a lot of money; we actually had to live in our car for a while, but that’s a different story. Anyway, my dad wanted me to go to school to become a doctor so our family could finally have some money, but I didn’t want to be a doctor. Nevertheless, he sent me off to medical school anyway. I just couldn’t do it; all I really want to do is study art and dance. So, I pretty much ran away, transferred schools, and now I’m here. No one knows where I am,” he finished, looking up at Kibum for feedback. “So you’re just here all by yourself?” Kibum offered a comforting hand for Taemin to take. “Yep, all by my lonesome,” Taemin chuckled, giving Kibum’s hand a light squeeze. “Hey! You said you dance, right?” Kibum asked, his eyes lighting up. “I knew this was coming!” Taemin groaned. “I can’t dance right now! I just ate, and I’m all bloated and-“

“If you like me, you’ll dance for me.”

Taemin’s breath caught in his throat. He really, really liked Kibum, and dancing for him couldn’t hurt. “Okay, fine,” he grumbled, heaving his body upright. He heard Kibum mumble something under his breath; probably along the lines of “I always get my way.” Kibum grabbed the remote to his stereo and flipped it on, listening as a heavy American rap song blasted through the speakers.

Watching Taemin dance was like nothing Kibum had ever seen before; the way his body moved and seemed to mesh into the music was perfect. He popped and locked as the bass thumped through the room and shook everything. His hips rolled in waves, and his feet moved quickly. The concentration and passion he exhibited was mind-blowing. Biting his lips one last time, he rolled and then snapped his hips to the last few seconds of the song. When it ended, he bowed and scurried back to the couch. “Wow,” Kibum breathed; he wasn’t expecting anything like that from someone so innocent looking. The way Taemin worked his body was sensual and seductive, almost asking to be taken right there. “Just wow,” Kibum looked over at a now blushing Taemin. “I know,” Taemin smiled haughtily. “Oh, shut up!” Kibum shoved him lightly, laughing loudly as he watched him topple to the ground. “That hurt!” Taemin pouted before pouncing on Kibum, earning a shrill cry. They wrestled for over thirty minutes; pinning each other down and laughing the entire time. They ended up on the floor, Taemin on top of Kibum, holding him down with strong leg muscles. “I can’t let you win this!” Kibum mustered all of his strength before flipping the pair over. Taemin gasped, Kibum was also stronger than he looks.

They stared at each other with neither one making an attempt to move. Kibum brushed strands of hair out of Taemin’s face, admiring his sheer beauty. Taemin was a rarity; a diamond in the rough. Taemin looked up at Kibum, brown eyes lidded. Kibum leaned down closer, kissing Taemin lightly. When their lips touched, it was like an electric shock ran through both of them; it was completely perfect. It didn’t last long enough though; soon, Taemin found himself staring up at Kibum again as he tried to control his erratic heartbeat. “That was,” Taemin faltered, no words could describe how it was. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Never in his life had he felt so much from one little kiss. “I know,” Kibum smiled, sitting up. “It’s late,” Taemin frowned, looking at his watch. “You can stay here,” Kibum offered. “Besides, my roommate won’t be back tonight, and we have the party tomorrow so we can just hang out all day and stuff.”

“Sounds like a plan! Now let me up!” Taemin rolled them over again so he was on top. “You’re pretty weak,” he whispered in Kibum’s ear. “I like it.” That night, they didn’t sleep much, being preoccupied with play fighting and snuggling under the covers.

“Wake up!” Kibum yelled as he snatched the covers from Taemin’s half frame. Light cascaded down through the overhead window and casted shadows on Taemin’s skin, leaving Kibum in awe. “It’s too early,” Taemin grumbled, rolling over to face the wall. “We have stuff to do today!” Kibum shook Taemin’s shoulder. “Ugh, nooooo,” Taemin whined, grabbing for the blankets. He clearly was not a morning person. “Get the hell up!” Kibum snapped, dragging Taemin’s lifeless body out of the bed. “Okay, okay, I’m up!” Taemin shot up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Your hair,” Kibum giggled, pointing to the matted mess that sat on top of Taemin’s head. “You don’t look too hot yourself,” Taemin frowned, mind still in a fog.

Two hours later, they were dressed and ready to head out the door. “Why do you take so long to get ready?” Taemin asked as he tightened his ponytail. “I take so long because this perfection,” Kibum ran a hand down his body, “takes time and effort.” Taemin just chuckled and rolled his eyes. “You are something else! What do we even have to do today?” Taemin asked, casually grabbing hold of Kibum’s hand as they walked. They weren’t a couple, but they sure acted like they were. “We’re going shopping!” Kibum smiled, unlocking his car and climbing into the driver’s seat. “Oh, how fun,” Taemin sarcastically cheered.

By the time shopping was over, it was nearly eight o’ clock. “I’m going to die,” Taemin complained, plopping into the passenger seat of Kibum’s fancy car. “I had fun,” Kibum shrugged, piling his endless amount of bags into the back seat. “It was fun up until that lady took it upon herself to do my hair. What was with her?” Taemin complained. “What do you expect, Taemin?” Kibum asked, clicking his seatbelt into place before starting the car. “Your hair is long and pretty,” he shrugged again, rounding a sharp turn. “It’s only okay if you play with it,” Taemin nearly whispered. Kibum smiled to himself, pretending not to have heard Taemin’s comment.

“Okay, let’s see,” Kibum enthusiastically clapped his hands together, making Taemin roll his eyes. “It’s nine now, party at ten. Time to get ready,” Taemin nodded idly. Kibum emerged from the bathroom – a cloud of hairspray and cologne behind him – forty-five minutes later wearing tight, black skinny jeans and a red shirt. Taemin sported dark blue skinny jeans, and a yellow shirt. They complemented each other well.

“Let’s roll.”

The party scene was unlike anything Taemin had ever experienced; people were everywhere, and music bumped through the stereo with the bass so loud, it could be felt all the way to the bone. Strobe lights flashed on and on off periodically and there was alcohol everywhere the pair turned. “Stay close to me,” Kibum yelled over the music as he dragged Taemin through the throngs of drunken people. Kibum was headed straight for the alcohol. “Are you sure you should be drinking?” Taemin asked, cringing away from the girl that was standing a little too close for his liking. “I’ll just have one or two!” Kibum shrugged, grabbing a cup. Taemin found himself being dragged to the dance floor. “Hyung,” he whined, not really wanting to dance. “Taemin, you’re at a party! Come one, let loose!” Kibum provoked, thumbing the hem of Taemin’s shirt.

Many songs – and drinks – later, Taemin and Kibum were out on the floor dancing together; grinding in a mix of sweat and thumping beats. Perfect bodies moved together as one. Kibum's feet were planted shoulder width apart and Taemin's knees were in between them as they worked against each other. Bodies so close, one could feel the other's heart pounding in his chest. Their bodies curved into a perfect roll, sharp s-lines arching, rolling, and popping against each other. Turning himself around, Taemin worked his hips into a series of perfectly executed swivels as Kibum's hands instantly flew to his hips. Reaching around, Taemin wrapped an arm around Kibum’s neck and tilted his head up, capturing his lips in a hot, kiss. Turning back around, they kept the kiss going, letting their tongues dance together as well as their bodies. Taemin moaned into the kiss, grinding against Kibum harder.

Breaking away, Kibum dragged Taemin away from the dance floor and outside. “We need to leave,” Kibum yelled over the music that could still be heard from outside. “Why? We were having fun,” Taemin whined, poking his lips into a pout. “It’s like, two in the morning!” Kibum groaned. “Come on, we’re going back to my place,” Kibum smiled, pulling Taemin to the car. “Fine,” Taemin shrugged, letting himself be dragged away. Back in the car, Kibum hummed a tune to himself to alleviate the silence. “So, you should tell me the real reason we’re leaving. The party was just getting good if you ask me,” Taemin frowned, peaking at Kibum through his shield of hair. “We have to talk.”

The rest of the car ride was full of tension so obvious, it was nearly tangible.

Back at Kibum’s dorm, they found themselves sprawled on his large bed, wearing comfy pajamas. Taemin nervously twirled a strand of hair around his finger as the studied each other, the same way they did when they first met. “Stop that,” Kibum frowned, taking Taemin’s hand in his. Taemin looked down at their intertwined hands; then back up to Kibum, whose feline eyes pierced him. “We should talk.”

“About earlier; the kiss,” Kibum began. “It made me feel, I don’t know-“

“Did you not want me to kiss you? I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have-“

Taemin’s apologies were cut short when a pair of lips crashed onto his. Kibum pulled away, wearing a devious smile. “What was that far?” Taemin asked, cocking his head to the side. “There is no getting through to you, is there?” Kibum jokingly grumbled. “I like you! I want to be with you!” Kibum admitted shyly. “Are you sure? Because-“

“Oh, just shut up and kiss me,” Kibum smirked, nearly pouncing on top of Taemin. Tongues fought for dominance as they rolled around in the sheet, removing one item of clothing at a time until they were left just in their boxers. “Wait,” Taemin breathed, sitting up. “What?” Kibum asked, scooting back to give Taemin room. “I want to be with you, but I want to wait to do this,” he averted his eyes, looking down at his lap and hoping Kibum wouldn’t think less of him. “I’m glad,” Kibum smiled, feeling the weight being lifted off of his shoulders. “I wanted to wait, too.”

They spent the rest of that night snuggled close together; skin to skin, and heart to heart. They talked and laughed, just enjoying their first night as an official couple. They played games and kissed until a ray of sunshine was evident through the open blinds. That was their only cue to call it a night, and they hoped they’d have many more nights like that to come.


“You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.”

Two months have passed, and they were still as happy as ever together. The school year was long over, leaving Taemin and Kibum some well-deserved alone time. They visited Kibum’s parents back in June and it went well; his mother could not get over how pretty Taemin was. Of course Taemin was used to being called pretty, so he took it in stride. On this particular day in July, they decided to take a trip to the beach. Always one to pack too much, Kibum packed a total of seven bags for a three day trip. Taemin on the other hand, forget almost everything he would need.

When they finally made it there, it was absolutely stunning; Kibum had booked a spacious room that overlooked the ocean. “This is so nice,” Taemin breathed, letting his eyes wander around the large space, finding something new each time. “Eh, thank my dad,” Kibum huffed as he shoved the last of his bags into the small overhead compartment.

“Let’s hit the beach!”

Stepping out onto the hot sand, Taemin breathed a sigh of relief as he smelled the salty air. It had been years since he visited the beach; long before debts threatened to swallow his family whole. Darting a tongue over his lips, he surveyed his surroundings; waves crashed against the shore, and the chatter of seagulls could be heard. The water was a deep blue shade and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. “Let’s get in,” Kibum flashed a child-like smile, grabbing Taemin by the hand and running toward the water’s edge. “Aren’t you going to go?” Taemin coaxed, lightly shoving Kibum into the water. “Yah, I was just waiting for you!” Kibum picked Taemin up, heaving him over his shoulder and running far out into the water. “No, no, no!” Taemin screamed as the delved deeper into the clear, warm water. He could see a school fish swim by just under his head, and he wanted to reach out and touch them. Kibum laughed out loud as he dropping Taemin into the water and watched him flair and gasp for air. “I could have died!” Taemin grumbled, picking seaweed from his hair.

“Well, you didn’t! So it’s still funny,” Kibum teased. He then dove below the water’s surface and swam to Taemin, popping up right in front of him. He flashed a winning smile before planting a kiss on Taemin’s salty lips. Taemin wrapped his arms around Kibum’s neck, deepening the kiss. Kibum picked him up completely and wrapped Taemin’s legs around his waist. They both laughed as they spun around, holding each other tight as if the other could drift away any second. They kissed and whispered sweet nothings into each other’s ears all day; nothing else in the world mattered as long as they were together. They had a race and a diving contest, which Taemin won both of, leaving Kibum to accuse him of cheating each chance he got. By the time the pair made it out of the water, the sun had just begun to dip below the horizon, leaving they sky a mix of pink and purple hues. The temperature had dropped a considerable amount, so they decided it was best to start heading back; but not before staying to watch the sun completely set. Trudging back to their room, Taemin looked back at the beach; neon stars now dotted the black sky, leaving constellations in their wake. The moon was large and pure white, with its reflections on the dark waters below. The sand now felt cool under their feet as they walked. Taemin also noticed how perfect Kibum looked; hair dripping wet, and skin a tad darker. He looked like an angel.

Back in the room, the decorations were outstanding; red and white rose pedals were sprinkled over the bed and the floor surrounding, Vanilla scented candles were placed over by the large window that was propped open, leaving a cool breeze to sneak in and tickle Taemin’s skin. The fireplace on the far side of the room was set ablaze, and the soft crackling sounds alleviated the comfortable silence. “I want you,” Kibum rasped into Taemin’s ear as he wrapped his arms around him from behind. “We have to shower first! Come on,” Taemin giggled as he pulled his boyfriend toward the master bathroom. They showered together like they usually did, scrubbing each other and letting the sweet scent of vanilla body wash make nest in their noses. They helped each other dry off, and Kibum grabbed Taemin by the hand and pulled him towards the bed. Taemin would be lying if he said he wasn’t a nervous wreck.

“I’ll go as slow as you need me to,” Kibum reassured, picking up on the boy’s apprehensive body language.

Passionate kisses and tender touches followed soon after. They took the entire night to explore each other’s bodies; to learn their likes and dislikes. Kibum took everything slow like he promised, Until Taemin was left begging for more. Loud moans and ragged breath filled the air. The way Taemin said his name and dug his nails into Kibum’s back drove the older male absolutely insane. They moved as one, doing what they could to please each other. Kibum loved the way Taemin’s back arched high as he hit that special spot over and over again. Kibum marveled at the vulgarities that spilled from Taemin’s swollen lips as he neared the end. Their bodies trembled and they let out groans and moans as ic pleasure rolled through them in waves. They finally asleep in each other’s embrace, energy completely spent.

Kibum woke up first, rolling over to find a still sleeping Taemin. He let his eyes wander over the contours of the boy’s body, eyes taking in the smooth slope of his shoulder and down his back to the curve in his waste and the arch of his hip, barely covered by the white satin sheet. He examined the way Taemin’s chest rose and fell with each breath, and the way his hair draped down onto the pillow, some of it framing his face. He looked so beautiful; so pure and innocent.

Taemin’s eyes suddenly fluttered open. “Hello,” he said in a voice that was thick with sleep. He stared at Kibum with wide eyes before blinking the sleep away. “Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?” Kibum asked, reaching out to Taemin’s cheek. “I slept beautifully,” Taemin grinned, reaching his arms high above him in a feline like stretch.  “I’m glad you’re rested,” Kibum smiled, getting out of bed to grab him and Taemin some boxers. “We have things to do today!”

“Things like?” Taemin inquired, slipping on his undergarments.

“You’ll see.”

‘Things to do today’ consisted of playing board games, watching TV, and just lounging around. They took hundreds of pictures together; them making funny faces, Kibum poking a sleeping Taemin’s face and even some of them making out.

By nightfall, they were spent, exhaustion clinging to their bones. “I’m so bored,” Kibum groaned, idly staring at the drama that played out in front of him on the television. Taemin felt a tinge of annoyance begin to bubble up in his system, threatening to spill out with harsh words. “You’re bored because we haven’t done anything all day!” Taemin snapped, glaring at Kibum.

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing,” Taemin rolled his eyes, slumping back into his seat. “No, you obviously have a problem. What the hell is wrong with you?” Kibum flipped off the only source of entertainment in the room and peeked at Taemin through his freshly dyed brown hair. “I’m bored!” Taemin raised his voice. “We never do anything anymore! I mean, even here, all we’ve done was stay in the room all day. I’m sure there is plenty of fun stuff to do outside. But no, we’re in here,” Taemin grumbled, getting to his feet at this point. “Well then,” Kibum kept his voice at an even tone. “I’m sorry you’re so bored. Maybe you should find someone who can keep you entertained.”


That’s when the fighting broke out; harsh words were thrown like daggers, and each man sustained injuries. Blood boiled as tension rose to an unimaginable level. They never physically his each other; that was one line they wouldn’t cross. They didn’t need to use fists though, not with words so lethal. Taemin spat a slew of curse words that burned his tongue like acid, and Kibum returned fire twice as hard.

“You know what,” Taemin gathered his coat and slipped his shoes on. “I’m leaving.”

“And where are you going to go?” Kibum mused, not bothering to stop him.

“I don’t know,” Taemin’s voice cracked as a tear slid down his cheek.

As he walked, he secretly hoped Kibum would come stop him. That was all he needed; to be wrapped in Kibum’s warm embrace once again. He peeked over his shoulder then entire time he was walking. Taemin walked until his feet couldn’t carry him anymore; he found himself on the beach, curled up behind a large rock. He hugged his knees close to his chest for warmth as he sobbed quietly to himself, letting the occasional hiccup escape. He couldn’t believe that Kibum had been so rude; how could he be so mean? He loved Kibum, he really did, and it killed him to fight like that. Taemin’s mind raced with so many thoughts. Looking out onto the water, he silently cursed it; it held all of the happy memories of them from just the day before. He wished with every fiber of his being that they could go back to those times. Maybe he was just blowing everything out of proportion, yes; but Kibum was his first everything and he didn’t know how to handle fighting with him. The idea of losing the one stable thing in his life nearly made him sick to his stomach.

The sounds of quick footsteps were soon heard over the crashing waves. “What are you doing here, Taemin?” Kibum asked, peering down at his boyfriend. Red and swollen eyes met his own, sending a sad shudder through his body. “Can’t you see? I’m having a party,” Taemin rested his chin on his knees and sighed, wiping away a few stray tears. “I’m so sorry,” Kibum consoled, plopping down to Taemin on the cool sand. “I should be the sorry one,” Taemin frowned, resting his head on Kibum’s shoulder. “No, you shouldn’t,” Kibum pulled him close and his hair.

“Are you going to leave me like everyone else?” Taemin asked, playing with Kibum’s fingers.

Taemin’s questions threw Kibum completely for a loop. Why would Taemin think something like that? “Why would you ask me that?” Kibum frowned as his heart dropped to his stomach. “I don’t know,” Taemin shrugged, feeling tears begin to well up in his eyes again. “I’m irrational, and annoying, and weird, and my hair’s too long, and I overthink things, and I doubt myself all of the time. I just, I don’t know. Why are you still with me? All I know is; I love you. Please don’t leave me,” Taemin was sobbing at this point, his words nearly incoherent. “You’re all I have; all I know, and all I want. I don’t know what I would do without you. Please stay with me,” he sobbed, clutching onto Kibum’s jacket as he cried his soul out into Kibum’s chest.

“Hey, ssshh,” Kibum cooed, feeling hot tears fill his own eyes. “Nothing you ever do would make me want to leave you,” Kibum wiped away Taemin’s salty tears. “I love you, Lee Taemin,” He smiled.

“I love you, too, Kim Kibum,” Taemin giggled through his tears.

“Let’s head back then,” Kibum stood up, pulling Taemin with him. They walked back hand in hand, bathed in comfortable silence. “Race you!” Kibum challenged, taking off in a run. “Wait!” Taemin called after him as his feet pounded the sand. Kibum stopped short, leaving Taemin to crash into him. They collided together just like they did that fateful Tuesday afternoon, and together is how they planned to spend the rest of their days.

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Sweet kibumm~~ and hot headed taemin, ahhahaa, great combination!!
taekey1012 #2
Thank you!
This was so sweeet!<br />
And Key tops! I like it when Key tops :D<br />
Please write more keytae stories! =)<br />
You did really great job! :)
taekey1012 #4
Nooo, thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it~
This was a very sweet story. Thank you.
taekey1012 #6
thank youuuu! There are no more D:
WAHHHH!!!! SOOOO SWEEET!!!! Me love it totally!!!!! XD XD You did a GREAT JOB!!!! I want more chappies!!! (If there are...) :( Please updatey soon? O.O Please?? :)