She like his red hair,she like to hear his voice,silently listen. She like his tall-not too high and not too short.


His cold expressions,expressionless,she attracted of him even never once she saw him smile. Sometimes,she can I fall to this expressionless boy?


Slowly,she make her way towards him. Step by step...every time its getting nearer. Her hand is trembling but her feet move on,show no sign to stop. Her mind can't control the step.


Without she realize,she now is standing beside him who still reading,either he don't notice her appearance or he just acting as if.


She stands there,waiting for him to give her a permission to speak out. He finally lift his head,look at her. 


"What?", he asks.


"Can I say something?!", she asks,hesitate. He nods. His expression is like telling her something like 'is it such extra super double triple so important that u must ask me whether u can ask me something or not?'


She gain some strength from the nature - like she really did gain them - she close her eyes and tell her self to keep going. IT'S NOW OR NEVER!!


" Park Chanyeol,I like you!!!",


Hah?! I made it? I finally confessed? Awesome!! I made it!! Mom! I confessed to my prince charming!!!!


She open her right eye. Park Chanyeol look at her. Expressionless. But suddenly he stand up. Making steps and cause their distance between each other even closer.


He looks like to say something. Will he accept me? 


Park Chanyeol hit her head. With his thick book. What?!!! Chanyeol hit ne instead of saying an answer?!!!


What the...


"Hey!! Are you crazy or what?!", indeed,Chae Young back to the reality. Park Chanyeol is still there. Reading. She is still standing far from him. She still didn't have any chance to talk to him. And the worst thing that really make pissed off is that the reality of Chanyeol hit her with his book is actually Chae Min who hit her with a real thick Oxford dictionary. This girl really....


"What? I just taking some fresh air. Is it wrong to you?", liar.


"Haha yeah right. You watching him don't you?",


"No,I'm not!",


"Don't lie to me. Its obvious that you were looking at him. The only way to know is when you are smiling alone like a crazy woman who going nuts because her husband cheat her.", pretty long definition of craziness for Chae Min.


"No I don't look like a crazy woman who going nuts because her husband cheat her. I don't even have a husband.",


"Oh yes you are.",Chae Min still defending her definition of craziness for Chae Young. Suddenly Chae.Min look at somewhere else. 


"Oh my god!!! It's Minseok!!!!", and without any words she runs after Minseok who start running away once he saw her and leave Chae Young alone.


Chae Min, you say I'm crazy ,but actually your definition of craziness should be dedicated to you yourself. You are extra crazy every time you see that Minseok. Even Minseok is scared of her craziness on him.

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Chapter 1: .
Chapter 1: Ooo it seems interesting. :)