Chapter 2

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Minseok almost cried too as he saw Luhan crying. For a moment, Minseok was glad

that Minseok didn't allow myself to fall for someone in such a way. But Luhan...

He was always going to be the one who had his heart shattered by someone.

Minseok just wished that it wasn't Sehun. He and Luhan would have

been the perfect match together. But ridiculously weird, both of them is slightly

weird in a sort of sweet way, both were meant for each other. And he actually made

Luhan happy, in a way he never been with Kris. Fair enough, in my opinion,

Sehun was a whole lot better than Luhan's last long term relationship anyway,

but something about the two of them together just fit, and now it was over.

Minseok had seen Suho on his way to the kitchen and he told Minseok that Sehun had howled all day,

so much that Suho wanted to help Sehun too, just like Minseok want to help Luhan.

Minseok looked at Luhan, and wondered what should he do. A tiny part of me was crying

'run for the hills', but the part that Minseok truly loved him couldn't. So, although Minseok

had no clue how would go and calm his friend or to cheer him up, and then,

Minseok didn't even realize he started gently the back of Luhan's brown hair.

"Sehun?" Luhan asked mid sob, head rising a bit.

"Sorry to disappoint you Luhan, it's just me." Minseok said sadly, profoundly wishing

that he could be the guy that Luhan was expecting, so he might have a better chance of

comforting his friend. Luhan sat up and Minseok felt an unfamiliar

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