

                      Hi. I'm Stephen also known for being "N". I like taking a lot of pictures. It's been my hobby besides of playing bunch of songs with my bandmates. Someone told me that things around us easily change its form without even noticing it. So we have to love it, take care and keep it treasured in the best way we could cause we only have one chances no any extentions so we must learn to spend it wisely. 


Tomorrow's a big day. So I must assure to take as much pictures as I could. "Where should I go? Hmm. Childrens Park!" Walk side by side along the street road until I reach the place. Looks around, lots of kids. How cute they are. "CLICK". I miss my childhood past. Saw a vendor man selling ballons. "CLICK". I should go buy one.  

"Two ballons please." handled it. "Thank you." Cherry Blossoms are the most prettiest flowers in my mom's collections. I'm going to capture some of this, "CLIC--"
Suddenly my ballon flew as it sliped in my hands. I followed its direction "Got'you!" I made a glance where there's a girl, sitting , alone. From the first it was scary, her face is all covered with her long hair while she wears a white dress. It made me think at her creepy but in the end I still decided to try go near her. 

"Excuse me miss, are you alright?" Highered up my confidence hiding my nervous. Silence. She didn't talk. "Hey? You okay?" I tried to ask her again. As her head slowly turning back. I admit it scared me a little. After that, she nodded. What should I do now? Ah. "Want some candies?" I carefully showed her so she won't get shock and scared at me. She makes response by nodding her head. "Uhm, can you talk?" she made glance. I tried to avoide it. "Sorry about that, uhm., what's your name?" She was about to response when an lady came. I wasn't able to talk to with her, I ranned out of time. Then they left. "I wonder what's her name." 

"I'm home!" take's off both of my shoes and sets it aside the door. "Stephen, you better eat your meal." 
"I'm full mom!" made a response while going up through the stairs directly going to my room. Lays down on my bed. "I'm tired. I need to get some sleep now." gently closed my eyes. 

--GIRL'S P.O.V--

              Making some flashbacks. "Want some candies?" looking out the buildings. "What's your name?" Trying to open my mouth but I was late. "STEPHANIE" she whispered from herself. 

-- END --


The Next Morning...

               RING! Sound of the alarm clock. Gently opening my eyes "What time is it?" from blur view to clearing. 7:00 A.M. "SH*T! I'm late". Immediately takes off my clothes and takes a bath. I have must asleep too much last night dreaming about foods. They were yummy. Suit my uniform and tied up my neck tie. Ran down across the stair. "Bye Mom" leaves her with a kiss cheek then took one pieace of bread. Took my bike, sitted then pedelled it. 

"Where's N? Don't tell me his gonna be late for school?" Jackson asked worriedly. "Will he?" Sungjae added. " I hope his not". Hyuk face palmed. 

"WAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! DON'T CLOSE THE GATTTEEE!!!!!" I shouted as loud as I could so the guard can hear it. "Wait! You forgot me" inhaling. 
"Gladly I didn't" the guard teases. 

"N!!!" My eyes easily got's Hyuk, Jackson, and Sungjae's attention. "You made it. Congrats!" waiting for a friendly shake hands. Still inhaling "So, where's our section?" they all smiled and said "Were all in the same class!" we formed a circle group hug while jumping acting like kids. "You always bring your camera, doesn't it bothers you?" Sungjae asked. I flicked his forehead "Not a single day." we continued walking to our classroom.

-- GIRL'S P.O.V --

                 "Now, today is your first day in class, behave well okay? sweetie?" dad left some kiss on my forehead and so as my mom did. I nodded for response. Got into the car. I'm on the third grade of high school, since I don't know anybody in their, it would be harder for me. I'm actually scared, but I have to take that risk for my family. For sure I'd be bullied and be targeted again for being a neird geek. But I have to be brave. It's the only thing I need for now to be strong. 

-- END --


                 Class bell. "Okay class, Good Morning!" teacher greeted. "Good Morning...Miss, Mdm,..uhmm" everyone stand up showing respect. "Please, seat down" they did "Thank You...Miss, Uhm..Mdm..." 
"I'm Ms. Yoon, your new adviser for the whole year. I'll also be your teacher in English subject." she started to introduce herself in front of the class. Blah Blah Blah. 



                "This time, it's your turn to introduce yourselves here in front. Starting from the guy at the back." why does it has to be me. I stood up confidently and step forward. "Hi!" clears throat. "My name is Stephen, they call me as "N". I don't why my nickname ended up from being like this. I'm 16 years old. My mom and dad are both teachers in elementary schools. I usually play guitar at home when I get bored and sometimes I draw and sketch chibi,animes. I like to take pictures. That's all. Thank you" goes back on my proper seat. Everyone followed, Hyuk, Sungjae and Jackson they all had the chance to speak. 

"Ms. Yoon, Can we talk to you for a second?" another teacher drop by. I guess they are making some announcements. "Attention! Attention! Class, this is Stephanie. From this day she'll be joining our class. Say Hi." 

That look, that face. I know her. My eyes started to widen. Isn't she the one that I just met from the children park? 

"Uhm-ah, you can now take your seat" she nodded. I kept looking at her. She looks more livelier than the past that I saw and met her. Its good a thing. 

She started walking gently towards the back seat. She made glance like she's trying to ask me whether if someone owns the seat already. "Nobody owns that chair" I murmured. I looked up and she bowed. Until now, she haven't still tried to speak even just a phrase or a simple sentence. Is there something wrong about her? I wanna know, but it would be rude for me to questioned for it. 

Steal some glance, spotting, what is she doing. I better be careful, or else she might think that I'm a stalking her or what. I should get closed to her. I should ask her. 
"Uhm--.." Class belled. "Okay,! Class dismissed. 

"N! Let's go!" 
I stood up and followed them. "Recess Time!" Sungjae shouted. 

-- GIRL'S P.O.V --

               I wanna know his name. But how? I keep dreaming about him. I tried to erase and change it but it doesn't work. What's wrong with me? I should stop, or else. Calm down Steph. You need relax slowly and gently. Takes a deep sigh.Smells fresh air. "I wish I could stay here until the whole session". So peaceful, were I could spend myself alone without anyone. 

-- END --

 -- STEPHEN'S P.O.V --            

                    As I noticed, she's not in the canteen area. Even at the classroom. Did she left? Search all through the campus but I couldn't sight a single view from her. Where could she've been? The only place I've never been into is the rooftop. Is it possible for her to be there? I hope so. Almost there. Showing a light coming from above the stairs. Opened it up. 



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exo--kaisoo--faaaan- #1
interesting?! :D