Over Their Dead Bodies

Over Their Dead Bodies

Yifan grabs Joonmyeon's right hand by the wrist, stopping the beautiful male from walking and shakes his head when Joonmyeon turned to face him.


"I don't think I'm ready. How about I come back next month?"

Joonmyeon chuckles at Yifan's statements. He brings his left hand and rests it on the taller's hand that is holding his wrist, patting it softly. "You said that last month too." He squeezes the big hand gently. "Besides, we are already here. I'm sure my brothers are waiting for us inside."

Yifan swallows, eyes looking at the wooden door a few steps from him. Joonmyeon is right. They are, indeed, already here, standing in front of Joonmyeon's family's house, to meet his brothers. But that doesn't mean he can't stall it like he did last month. He was busy thinking of an excuse when he felt tugging on his hand and looks down to see Joonmyeon trying to free his wrist from his hold and he instinctively tightened his grip.

Joonmyeon lets out a small sigh when he sees Yifan shaking his head again, feeling ever so nervous at the thought of meeting his brothers. Yifan should know that he has nothing to worry about; his brothers are the nicest people he know and although it is impossible that anything would ever happen during their meeting, he is here by his side, all the time. He smiles when he sees Yifan has his eyes closed, lips pursed into a thin line. "Yifan."

Yifan cracks his eyes open, only for it to flutter in surprise as a pair of soft lips kiss his own. He blinks, eyes following Joonmyeon as the beautiful male pulls away, standing back on his two feet, with a smile on the face.

"Feeling better?"

Yifan stares at the beautiful male, before nodding as an answer and earns a soft chuckle back. He feels a lot calmer than before that the thought of being cornered and investigated by Joonmyeon's brothers is not a big deal. He gazes longingly at the beautiful male. Joonmyeon's kisses always makes everything better, even when everything is already fine. He smiles, putting a hand on Joonmyeon's thin waist and step closer to the beautiful male. "How about another one just to be sure?"

Joonmyeon blushes at the request and the fact that Yifan is standing close to him, so close that he could feel the taller's breath dancing on his lips. He smiles, resting one hand on Yifan's arm that is on his waist and tiptoes, meeting his lips with Yifan's again.


Yifan flinches at the voice and freezes, realizing that he isn't alone with Joonmyeon, that he isn't inside his own room back at the university, but in front of Joonmyeon's house, where his entire family is inside waiting for them. He feels like the world has come to a stop as he couldn't move his body to back away from Joonmyeon, or remove his hand from Joonmyeon's waist, or slap himself for kissing Jooonmyeon in front fo his own house!

Joonmyeon turns his head to the front door. "Sehun." He sees his little brother standing at the entrance, eyes staring at his side and he turns. "Yifan."

Yifan swallows when Joonmyeon pulled him towards the front door to where Sehun is. Since when did the younger stood there? Why didn't he hear the front door being opened? He couldn't help but notice the intense gaze the younger is giving him. It's obvious that Joonmyeon's younger brother doesn't like him, probably because he has no manners and just kissed Joonmyeon, his brother, in front of him. He himself would act like that if he witnesses such thing happen to his own precious brother but he is an only child so he will never know what Sehun is feeling right now.

"Sehun, this is Yifan. Yifan, meet Sehun, my youngest brother."

Youngest brother? Yifan's eyes move up and down, scanning Sehun from head to toe. But he is so tall, almost as tall as him. Their eyes meet and he lifts his right hand, offering a handshake, only for it to be ignored as Sehun left his hand hanging and pulls Joonmyeon closer to him.

"What took you so long, hyung? Everyone is already here and I'm getting hungry, you know."

Joonmyeon pats Sehun's hair as the younger rests his head on his shoulder while hugging his arm. His little brother is sitll so cute even though he is a six feet tall highschooler. "Sorry. We stopped somewhere because Yifan said that he should bring something for his first visit but I told him that it isn't necessary. You guys are fine without it, right?"

Yifan sees Sehun nodding at the question and he couldn't be happier even though his expression stays the same. Ever since yesterday, he has been dragging Joonmyeon in and out from one ship to another, wanting to buy the perfect 'first-visit' gift for Joonmyeon's brothers but couldn't find one. And just now before arriving at Joonmyeon's family house, he has been stopping at every shop he can see, from the flower shop to the fruit stall to the car dealer but again, like yesterday, the beautiful male reminded him that he doesn't need to buy anything for his first visit because his brothers don't care that much about such thing.

"We are fine without it..."

"See, Yifan?" Joonmyeon smiles as Sehun pulls away from him, standing at the side. He grabs Yifan's hand, passing Sehun and leads him inside. He can't wait for Yifan to meet the rest of his family.

"...but it was basic manners..."

Yifan snaps his head to look at Sehun as he walks past him. The younger has an expressionless face plastered on. Did he hear what he just heard? Sehun's voice was so low that he couldn't be sure if he heard it right. He turns to look at Joonmyeon but the beautiful male just keeps walking and guiding him inside. He is sure Joonmyeon didn't hear what Sehun just said. He bites his lips. Sehun is right, bringing gifts during your first visit to someone's house is basic manners as it somewhat represents your personality and to ensure that the first impression of you is good. But in his case, the 'first-visit' gift is more like a bribe, to ensure that Joonmyeon's brothers will like him and allow him to be with Joonmyeon forever. He inhales. He shouldn't have listened to Joonmyeon and just bought the nice sedan he saw earlier.

"Joonmyeon hyung!"

Joonmyeon smiles as he steps in to the living room to be engulfed in a tight hug. "Jongdae." He lets go of Yifan's hand and circles it around his brother's back. "Hey."

"I miss you so much, hyung! Ah, I'm sorry I couldn't go back last time. It's just, I was busy with the assignments and the lectures and someone lost my notes and..."

"Hey, hey, it's alright." Joonmyeon pulls away, looking at Jongdae who is in the verge of crying. Jongdae is always like this, overreacting at the smallest matters but that is what makes the younger looks so cute. "I kind of figured out that it was a bad time for you to come back. Your university's exam week always comes after mine has already finished." He pinches Jongdae's cheek. "Stop crying, will you?"

Yifan watches dumbly as the two brothers talk with each other, asking about their days, when suddenly his eyes met with Jongdae's. He smiles, nodding slightly as a greeting but the got nothing in return. Joonmyeon's brother is staring at him with no emotion whatsoever, as if he is just another wall of this house. He swallows. Jongdae doesn't like him either.

Joonmyeon glances over his shoulder to see what Jongdae has been staring at and sees Yifan stepping away from him. "What are you doing?" He extends a hand. "Come here."

Yifan sighs but obeys anyway, stepping closer before he stops and stands beside Joonmyeon, with Jongdae right across him, still expressionless. He wants to go home, real bad.

"Yifan, meet Jongdae. He's a year younger than me and a student at the art university next town."

"Hi, I'm Yifan." Yifan extends a hand, praying that Jongdae will accept it, instead of leaving it hanging like Sehun did. He really couldn't hide his happiness when the younger actually shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Where's the gift?"

"What?" Yifan blinks, trying to understand the question addressed to him. "I'm sorry, but..."

"He didn't bring any."

Yifan turns around and sees Sehun walking towards the theree of them and his eyes keep following the youngest until he disappears behind the house walls. He turns back to his front when he felt the grip on his hand tighten and sees Jongdae shooting laser with his eyes at him.

"You, didn't?"

The voice was strained and Yifan wanted to shriek in pain as the grip keeps getting tighter but Joonmyeon is beside him and he can't look weak in front of the beautiful male. He purses his lips, slowly shaking his head.

"I told him we don't mind that kind of stuff. That is why he didn't bring any."

"Is that so?"

Joonmyeon nods as Jongdae smiles at him, releasing Yifan's hand that he has been holding. Looks like his younger brother is the same as him. He likes holding Yifan's hands too; they are so big and warm. He hears noises coming form the kitchen and inhales. He sighs contently as delicious smell fills his nose and looks at Jongdae. "What is Kyungsoo cooking?"

"All our favorites! Let's go, hyung! I'm hungry."

Joonmyeon watches as Jongdae speedwalks towards the kitchen, before turning to his side to face Yifan. "Kyungsoo is a great cook, you know." He grabs Yifan's long fingers, pulling the taller to walk with him. "He has mastered all his brothers' favorite dishes. I told him about yours too but not sure if he decided to make it or not."

"It's fine." Yifan reassures. "He can cook anything he wants." He stops and pulls Joonmyeon backward, until Joonmyeon's back is against his chest. He smiles when the beautiful male looked up. "You know I can eat anything as long as you are the one that feeds me."

Joonmyeon chuckles at the cheesiness and playfully hit Yifan's arm that is circling his waist. He leans deeper into the taller's chest and smile. He likes being hugged like this. Yifan is so warm and his small frame fits perfectly in Yifan's arms.


Joonmyeon straightens himself at the call of his name and smiles. "Hyung."

Yifan watches as Joonmyeon walks away from him, before hugging the person that just stepped into the living room. Joonmyeon just called the person 'hyung', which means that the person is Joonmyeon's older brother, which means that he is the head of this household and that he probably saw waht he and Joonmyeon were just doing, which means that he is as good as dead now.

Joonmyeon furrows his brows as Yifan keeps staring at him, not moving an inch even when he waved his hand, signaling the taller to come to him.

"What is wrong with him?"

Joonmyeon turns to face his brother. Minseok is looking at Yifan weirdly and he smiles. "He's just nervous, hyung." He pulls Minseok towards Yifan who is still staring at him with unblinking eyes. "Hyung, this is Yifan. Yifan, this is my older brother, Minseok."


Yifan looks down, a hand is being offered to him, before looking back up, meeting with Minseok's eyes. He blinks. Maybe he isn't dead after all. Minseok is the oldest of the brothers, of course his behaviour is that of an adult, full with manners and rational thinking. He grabs the small hand while smiling. "Yifan. Nice to meet you."

"What is this I heard about you not bringing a gift?"

Yifan freezes. Today's weather was nice and he thinks he doesn't mind if he's going to die today. He lets go of Minseok's hand and forces a smile. He should at least let Joonmyeon remember him with a smile on his face. "Yes, I didn't bring any gift, no fruits, no flowers, no sedans. I came to visit with empty-hand."

"I told him not to, hyung. It's fine, right?"

"Of course. We are not the kind of family that minds such small things."

Yifan breathes out, looking at Joonmyeon that is smiling at him. Looks like he will live and can still see Joonmyeon's beautiful smile, at least for today. He follows when Joonmyeon asked him to and comes to the kitchen, where he can see a small person busy tending the pots and pans behind the stove. He turns to the dinner table and managed to hold himself from drooling, a wide variety of food is being placed on the table and they all look so delicious.


"Oh? Joonmyeon hyung."

Yifan stands beside the dinner table, eyes locking at Joonmyeon as he gives Kyungsoo a small squeeze before breaking off the hug. The two brothers were lost in their conversation and he couldn't help smiling at the view. Joonmyeon looks so happy, and he knows he shouldn't, be he feels jealous toward Joonmyeon's brothers. Just now when the beautiful male met with every one of his brothers, he noticed how big Joonmyeon's smile was and was a little bit disappointed because he wasn't the reason behind it. Joonmyeon cherishes his family so much.

"Yifan hyung?"

Yifan shifts his gaze, looking at Kyungsoo and sees the younger smiling at him. Suddenly, he feels tears threatening to come out. Among Joonmyeon's brothers, Kyungsoo is the first one the call him name and he's really touched by that. Looks like one of them is on his side. Maybe with the younger's help, he can win the hearts of Joonmyeon's other brothers. He smiles. "Yes?"

"Joonmyeon hyung is right. We don't care about the 'first-visit' gift at all. It's just basic manners that many tend to forget. So for you to not bring one, it is totally understandable."

Yifan is sure his surroundings are spinning as his sight becomes blurry and he feels very dizzy right now. He feels like throwing up as he watches Kyungsoo turning away from him to resume cooking.

Joonmyeon notices the changed expression on Yifan's face and quickly walks to the taller's side, supporting him. Yifan looks pale all of a sudden. "Yifan, are you okay?"

Yifan nods. 

"But, you look unwell. Are you sure?"

"I am. It... I just need to go to the bank."

Joonmyeon furrows. "Bank? Why?"

"I need to buy something." Yifan stares straight at Joonmyeon. "Tell me."


"Is metallic silver fine with your brothers? Or do they prefer another coloe? Blue ocean, maybe?"

Joonmyeon shakes his head, chuckling as he leads Yifan out of the kitchen, heading towards the living room. "Let's have you sit down."

Yifan obeys, releasing his hand that was holding Joonmyeon's shoulder for support and takes a seat on the sofa. He lifts his chin and smiles at the beautiful sight in front of him. Joonmyeon is so beautiful that even just the sight of the pretty amle can make him feel at ease.

Joonmyeon smiles, hand caressing Yifan's hair. "You just rest, okay? I will call you when dinner is ready."

Yifan nods, eyes following Joonmyeon as the beautiful male walks away. "Joonmyeon."

Joonmyeon pauses midway and turns to Yifan. "Hm?"

"I love you." Yifan notices the patches of color that appear on Joonmyeon's cheeks and he smiles. He really loves the beautiful male with all his heart.


Yifan leans deeper into the sofa when Joonmyeon is no longer in sight and slowly close his eyes. This is nice.

"Comfortable, aren't we?"

Yifan cracks his eyes open and sees Minseok sitting on the sofa right across him. He quickly straightens his back and shakes his head. "No! I'm not! I... er... hm..." His eyes wander around the living room, head trying to construct the perfect sentence as an answer.

"Are you trying to say I make you uncomfortable?"

"Yes!" Yifan flinches. What did he just say? "No! I am very comfortable being alone with you at your own house!" He cups his mouth. He should stop now as he notices the deadly glare from MInseok.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Yifan is suddenly confused. What truth is Minseok talking about? That he's really uncomfortable being alone with him? He purses his lips. He is, but can he really tell the truth? Maybe he should ask first. "About what?"

"Loving Joonmyeon."

Yifan stiffens, eyes fixed at Minseok and he nods. "I am." He inhales a deep breath. "I love Joonmyeon with all my heart and I would never hurt him if that is what you are trying to say." He can hear the faint sigh coming from Minseok and he takes another breath. "If ever, with one in a million chance, that does happen, I will gladly accept any punishment as I have no reason to live anymore." He stares straight at the older. It is up to Minseok to believe his words but all that he just said were the truth, from the deepest part of his heart.

"Joonmyeon is..."

"Hyung, Yifan, dinner is ready."

Yifan turns his head and sees Joonmyeon walking towards them, before stopping beside him. He smiles when their eyes meet but it falters when Minseok walks past between him and Joonmyeon. He catches the glare the older gives him and he inhales. Looks like Minseok still doesn't trust him. He gets up and takes Joonmyeon's hand, letting the beautiful male lead the way.

"Did you and Minseok hyung talk about me?"

"We did."

Joonmyeon stops and turns, looking at Yifan with wide eyes. "You guys did?!" He sees Yifan nod with a smile. He was just guessing, but now he wants to know what the two people talked about. Yifan is smiling. Does that mean Minseok told Yifan something embarassing about him? "Wha... what did Minseok hyung tell you?"

Yifan shakes his head, hand pinching Joonmyeon's cheek. "That is for me to know and for you to never find out."

"Yifan!" Joonmyeon rubs his pinched cheek as he watches the taller head toward the kitchen. He could only pray that Minseok only told Yifan the little embarassing stories about him and not the big ones. He steps into the kitchen to find Yifan still standing while all his brothers have already taken a seat at the dinner table, leaving two empty spaces that are directly across each other. "You should sit beside Minseok hyung."

Yifan's eyes follow Joonmyeon's finger that is pointing at the empty chair between Minseok and Sehun. He knows Joonmyeon just wants to make him feel comfortable and offer that seat because he already had time alone with Minseok, so he is probably thinking that they are getting closer than before, but it was the total opposite. Sitting between Sehun, that clearly hates him, and Minseok, that is questioning his love for Joonmyeon, is the worst. He swallows. He needs to prepare first. "Joonmyeon."


"I need to go to the toilet first."

Joonmyeon nods. "Oh, okay." He throws his gaze at the dinner table. "Guys, I'm..."

"I will do it!"

Joonmyeon's brows furrow, looking at Kyungsoo that is already standing up. "It's okay, Soo. I'll..."

"No, hyung. It's fine. I want to change my clothes too. I spilled to much stuff today."

Joonmyeon scans Kyungsoo's shirt and his little brother is right. He wore Kyungsoo's apron while helping the younger with his cooking earlier. "If you say so." He turns to Yifan. "Are you okay with that?"

Yifan wants to say 'no' but the word never seems to come out whenever Joonmyeon is around so he nods instead. He smiles at Joonmyeon before following Kyungsoo out of the kitchen.

"Does it have to be Joonmyeon hyung?"

Yifan sighs. So Kyungsoo is going to quesiton his love for Joonmyeon too. He breathes in, eyes fixed at the view of the younger's back. "Yes, it does."


Yifan notices the low tone and steadies himself. He is going to defent his love for Joonmyeon no matter what. "Because the Heavens said so." He could hear the smirk Kyungsoo made at his answer.

"You can just ignore it."

"But I don't want to." Yifan stops even though Kyungsoo is still wakling. "Kyungsoo." He sees the younger stop before turning to face him.


"I used to think Heaven is stupid, that creating a person for another is useless, when the person is clearly capable living by himself, but I was wrong. The day I met your brother was the day the Heavens slapped me in the face, telling me It's never wrong and that I should love the beautiful person It has created for me for the rest of my life." Yifan smiles as he remembers the said day and stares at Kyungsoo. "And I am planning to do that in the next life too." He sees the younger biting his lips before pointing at a door on his right.


Yifan smiles, watching Kyungsoo's back as the younger starts walking ahead before opening the door on his left and slamming it closed. Looks like he won this round. He steps into the bathroom and washes his face. He grabs the small towel hanging at his side and wipes his face, staring at his reflectioin in the mirror. Is he going to do this all night? He hangs back the towel and opens the bathroom door. Bring it on, then!

"Oh, there you are!"

Yifan smiles as he sees Joonmyeon walking toward him. "Hey."

"I was looking for you, you know."

YIfan raises an eyebrow. "Why? You know I went to the toilet."

"I couldn't find you in the bathroom downstairs."

Yifan looks around and his gaze stops at the stairs. He didn't even realize Kyungsoo had led him to the second floor of the house. He turns back to Joonmyeon. "Hey."


"Do you still remember the day we met?"

Joonmyeon smiles, stepping closer to Yifan as his mind plays back the memories that day. "I tripped over my own foot and smacked you in the face with the dictionaries I was carrying." He caresses Yifan's cheek gently. "I'm sorry."

Yifan put's his hand over Joonmyeon's that is on his cheek. "It still hurt, you know." He pouts when Joonmyeon pinched his cheek. "You are really evil, you know that?"

"I know." Joonmyeon chuckles, before standing on his toes and kiss Yifan's cheek. He pulls away, studying the taller's expression. "Better?"

Yifan nods. "As I recall, the dictionaries hit my lips too." He taps his lips.

Joonmyeon sighs, shaking his head. "If you say so." He tiptoes again, meeting with Yifan's lips this time.

Yifan lets out a small shriek when Joonmyeon nipped his lover lips before pulling away and grabbing his hand.

"Let's go eat. I am hungry."

"If you say so." Yifan lets the beautiful male drag him towards the kitchen and is surprised when he sees Kyungsoo already there, sitting between Sehun and Minseok, almost finishing his food. How the heck did the younger come back first? How long did he stay in the bathroom?

Joonmyeon notices that Yifan keeps staring at Kyungsoo while they're having dinner. Did Yifan fall for Kyungsoo's beauty? But he can't. Kyungsoo is already in a relationship and he is too, with him! He pinches Yifan's thigh under the table.

"Ah!" Yifan turns at Joonmyeon, looking at the beautiful male with wide eyes. He wants to ask why the sudden action but the question gets buried as the notices four pairs of eyes are looking at him.

"Jongdae hyung, it's your turn to wash the dishes tonigh."

"Eh, why me?"

"Because mine was yesterday and Joonmyeon hyung's is tomorrow."


Joonmyeon helps in stacking the dirty dishes and puts it in the sink. He notices the amount of plates, bowls, glasses and utensils that Jongdae needs to clean. He smiles at this younger brother that is putting on the rubber gloves. "Do you want to me to help you?" He sees the younger shaking his head.

"It's okay, hyung. I can handle it."

"But the dishes..." Joonmyeon looks back at the sink. "Are you sure?" He stares at Jongdae.

"I'm sure... but if you insist, then I want Yifan hyung to help me."

Joonmyeon turns to look at Yifan, who's finishing his water, before facing his younger brother again. "He's our guest, Jongdae. How..."

"It's fine." Yifan cuts Joonmyeon's words, standing beside the beautiful male. "I don't mind."

Joonmyeon looks down as Yifan takes his hand and squeezes it gently. "Are you sure?"

Yifan nods. "It's just washing dishes. It's not like I'm going to a war." He smiles and pushes Joonmyeon towards the direction of the living room. "You just rest." He sees the beautiful male nod and watches the little figure walking away until he is no longer in sight. He takes a deep breath and turns around, heading straight to the kitchen sink where Jongdae is.


Yifan stares at the pair of rubber gloves that's being forcefully handed to him. He also notices that Jongdae isn't wearing any and accepts the rubber gloves. He really thought he would be doing the 'wiping' part, not the 'washing' one. He inhales, putting on the rubber gloves and start scrubbing the frying pan.

"You are not worthy of Joonmyeon hyung."

Yifan sighs. He kind of guessed the reason why Jongdae wants him to help. He rinses the frying pan and puts it in front of the younger that has his eyes locked at the kitchen counter. "I know."

"Then, find someone else of equal worth."

Yifan puts the plate he just finished washing beside the, still untouched, frying pan. "Love doesn't work that way."

"Why not?"

"Because it will be taken for granted and I would never do that to you brother." Yifan straightens his back, turning off the faucet and looks at his side. Jongdae is glaring at him. "My heart is filled with love for Joonmyeon that nothing can make me think lowly of him. Your brother is everything to me." He sees the younger grab the dirty glass that was in the sink before turning the faucet back on.

"Move over!"

Yifan does and looks down at his shirt. Whether Jongdae planned to do that or it was unintentional, his shirt is soaked now. He sighs and looks at the younger that is clearly releasing his frustration on the dirty dishes. "Does that mean you don't want me to help your anymore?" He waits but no response comes from Jongdae. He smiles, exiting the kitchen and heading towards the living room.



Joonmyeon's eyes widen at the sight in front of him. "What happened?"

"Looks like I did go to war after all."

Joonmyeon chuckles, while examinig Yifan's wet shirt. "Did you win?"

"As the matter of fact, I did." Yifan lets Joonmyeon takes his hand and his brows furrow when he's being pulled to walk. "Where are we going?"

"You need to change." Joonmyeon climbs the stairs. "I don't want you to catch cold."

Yifan fixes his eyes at the small back in front of him. "It's fine. I'm going back in a little while." He watches Joonmyeon opening a door and follows the beautiful male inside.

"No, it's not." Joonmyeon releases Yifan's hand and walks toward the wooden drawer, opening it. "I think Sehun's clothes should fit you."

Yifan swallows. He looks around the bedroom. They are in Sehun's room? And he is going to wear the younger's clothes? He sighs. Great. Just another reason for that kid to hate him. "Joonmyeon."


"I don't think Sehun will like it if I wore his clothes." Yifan sits on the bed, eyes wandering around the room and gets confused. Why is there another bed over there? Is Sehun sharing the room with his other brothers? He shifts his gaze to the small back that is ransacking the wooden drawer. "Joonmyeon."

"Wait." Joonmyeon tiptoes, craning his head, hand searching the top shelf. Sehun always puts the clothes he doesn't like up here. Where is it? He feels around.

"Let me help."

Joonmyeon gasps when his feet weren't touching the ground anymore as a pair of strong arms warp around his waist, and is lifting him up. "Yifan! What are you doing?"

"Helping you, of course." Yifan hoists Joonmyeon a little. "Now, can you see?"

Joonmyeon can feel his face getting redder as the arms tighten but he nods. He grabs the first shirt he sees and pats Yifan's arm. "You can put me down now."

"But, I don't want to." Yifan nuzzles against Joonmyeon's back. "I want to stay like this forever."

Joonmyeon shivers slightly as he feels Yifan's lips on his nape. He smiles as the taller plants another kiss at the base of his neck. He wants to stay like this too, forever in Yifan's arms, because whenever Yifan hugs him, he feels safe. He feels like nothing in this world could hurt him, because Yifan is there to protect him. He closes his eyes, leaning to the kiss Yifan just planted before realizing something and opens his eyes. "We just ate, Yifan. Your arms might break from my weight."

Yifan smiles, kissing the fair nape one last time before putting Joonmyeon down. He watches as the beautiful male turns to face him and looks down at the shirt he being offered.

"Go change."

Yifan stares at the shirt, before lifting his chin to meet with the pair of beautiful eyes in front of him. "I can't."

Joonmyeon furrows. "Why not?"

"My arms are broken." Yifan gazes down at Joonmyeon. "Do it for me?"

Joonmyeon sighs, rolling his eyes before bringing his hands to Yifan's shirt, ing it.

Yifan watches the small fingers on his shirt. "So, this is how it feels like when you get married." He chuckles when Joonmyeon snapped his head to look at him, hands stopped ing his shirt. He notices the crimson color that slowly appears on the pale cheeks and smiles. "What?"

Joonmyeon bites his lower lips, looking back down at Yifan's shirt, hoping the taller didn't notice his read face. His mind wonders back to Yifan's words. Are they really going to get married? But it's only been two months since they became official. They haven't even celebrated their 100th day anniversary yet. How can Yifan already think about marriage? What if they broke up? Then Yifan will marry someone else. But, why would they break up in the first place? Yifan loves him and he does too so what will be the reason of their break up?

"After we get married, I'm going to put all the things that you need at the very top of every shelf, drawers and spaces."


"Because then you will be needing me to lift you every time yuo want those things."

Joonmyeon chuckles at the thought, fingers ing the last button. He smiles. Being married to Yifan sounds nice.

Yifan watches Joonmyeon sliding off his shirt, letting the beautiful male put on Sehun's read shirt on him. Red. Sehun will notice right away. He looks at Joonmyeon with the thought of the other's youngest brother. "Joonmyeon."


"How come Sehun has two beds?"

Joonmyeon fixes the clothes after he finished buttoning the shirt. "The other one is mine." He looks up and sees Yifan is staring at him. "I'm sharing this room with Sehun."

"Oh..." Yifan turns to look at the beds. "So, which bed is yours?"

"That one."

Yifan follows Joonmyeon's finger and realizes that Joonmyeon's bed is the one which he sat on earlier. He nods to himself. No wonder the bed seemed to be calling him to sit on it. He turns back to Joonmyeon and swallows when he spotted someone at the door.


"Hm?" Joonmyeon shifts his gaze at the voice and sees his little brother walking toward him. "Sehun, what is it?"

"Jongdae hyung is looking for you. He said he want to borrows your math assignment last semester."

Joonmyeon's brows furrow at Sehun's words. Did Jongdae forget they are studying in different universities? But then again, it's math. Even if they are both studying in different countries, the questions would probably be similar. He nods at Sehun and looks at Yifan. "Coming?"

Yifan smiles, glancing at Sehun. "I'll be right behind." He watches as Joonmyeon exits the bedroom, before staring at Joonmyeon's youngest brother. Sehun is the last one of the brothers, and he is sure, just like the older ones, the younger is going to question his love for Joonmyeon too. He inhales. Bring it on!

"I don't like you."

Yifan blinks rapidly, taken aback by the statement. So straight to the point, that's the first. He steadies himself. "Really? I haven't noticed." He sees Sehun grit his teeth at his answer.

"Break up with Joonmyeon hyung."

Yifan's eyes widen. Sehun really doesn't beat around the bush. If that's the case then, he will do the same too. He stares straight at the younger. "I will, when Joonmyeon tells me too."

"Why can't you say it first?"

"Because I still want to live and losing your brother is the same as dying." Yifan steps closer to Sehun, standing right in front of the younger before smiling at him. "No one told me that I was going to find your brother and it is really unfair of him to suddenly appear in my life and take everything... my heart, my life, my soul, without even trying. If he had given me some time to prepare myself, then maybe I can at least save my heart but he didn't." He pats the younger's shoulder. "That is why I can never say what you want me to say as I don't have the 'heart' to do it, Joonmyeon has it."


Yifan watches as Sehun walks away from him, exiting the bedroom and he smiles, wiggling his eyebrows. 3-0, because he hasn't finished talking with Minseok when Joonmyeon came earlier. He climbs down the stairs, heading straight towards the living room and sees all the five brother's there, talking with each other. He smiles when his eyes met with Joonmyeon's.


Yifan let's Joonmyeon pull him to the center of the living room, where the other four brothers are standing and he inhales. Are the brothers joining forces to fight him?

"We are going to watch a movie. Do you have anything you want to watch?" Joonmyeon picks up one of the DVDs that were on the coffee table. "How about 'Seven Psychopaths'? The tickets were sold out when we went to the cinema last time."

Yifan stares at the DVD before shaking his head. "I'm sorry but I have to pass. I promised Baekhyun that I will help him with his script reading."

Joonmyeon nods, remembering that Yifan's roommate is going to be on his first musical next week. Baekhyun asked for his help too but he knows better than anyone that he can't act, so he declined the offer early on. He looks at Yifan. "Are you going now?"

Yifan nods.

Joonmyeon turns to face his brothers. "I'm going to walk Yifan to his car." He turns back to Yifan. "Do you have your keys?"

Yifan takes out the car key from his jeans pocket before realizing something and turns to Joonmyeon. "I think I left my phone in my shirt pocket. Can you get it for me?"


Yifan's eyes follow Joonmyeon until he disappears behind the walls, before darting his gaze to the four brothers who are staring at him like hungry lions.

"Yifan, we have something to tell..."

Yifan raises his hand, cutting Minseok's words. This is the final battle. He takes a deep breath. "I know you guys don't like me and I know I'm not perfect like Joonmyeon, but I am telling the truth when I say that I love Joonmyeon with all my heart, that it has to be him and no other. Joonmyeon is your precious brother but he is also a very precious person to me. If you are worried that I'm going to take Joonmyeon away from you, don't be. Earlier tonight, when I saw how happy Joonmyeon was when he saw every one of you guys, I knew that he cherishes his brothers so much, that I will never win against you guys and forever be the fifth person that he cherished. And I don't mind that, because I know he loves me and that is enough for me. I don't know how long it will take for you guys to accept me but I am willing to wait, as I don't want to marry Joonmyeon without his brothers' blessing. And believe me, I will marry him! I will propose to him as soon as I get your approval."

"Yifan, you..."

"Yifan, I got your phone."

Yifan snaps his head to the voice and sees Joonmyeon walking towards him with his phone and his soaked shirt. He stares at the beautiful male's face before taking his phone. Did Joonmyeon hear what he just said? But he doesn't look amd because to be honest, he is kind of rude for saying those kinds of things to the people he just me for the first time tonight, more importantly, his brothers.

"Let's go." Joonmyeon grabs Yifan's hand, leading the taller towards the front door and to the car that is parked right in front of the gate. He smiles when Yifan looked at him after starting his car engine. "So. how do you feel after meeting my brothers?"

Yifan sighs as he lets Joonmyeon fix his hair. "Very tired." He gazes at the beautiful male longingly. "Can't I sleep here tonight? Maybe you can ask Sehun to sleep in the living room."

"Hey!" Joonmyeon pinches Yifan's hand and watch as the taller rubs the sore spot.

"I'm kidding."

"Joonmyeon hyung!"

Yifan cranes his neck, following Joonmyeon that already turned his head towards the front door and sees Kyungsoo signaling for the beautiful male to come to him. He looks down when Joonmyeon tugged his shirt.

"Don't go yet, okay?"

Yifan nods, eyes sending Joonmyeon to his little brother. He watches as Kyungsoo whispers something to Joonmyeon and sees the beautiful male's brows furrow then he's chuckling as he walks back to him. He looks down when Joonmyeon is finally in front of him. "What's so funny? What did Kyungsoo tell you?"

"He said that you better keep your promises or Sehun will kill you."

Yifan furrows at Joonmyeon's words before realizing its real meaning. It sounds like a blessing. It is a blessing, right? Does that mean he got the protective brothers' approval? He cranes his neck to the front door again but Kyungsoo isn't there anymore. He looks down at Joonmyeon. "Did Kyungsoo really say that?"

Joonmyeon nods. "Does that mean you are going to propose to me tomorrow?"

Yifan purses his lips. He did say he's going to propose to Joonmyeon after he got the brothers' blessing but he thought it will take months, even years, before he gets it. "But, I haven't bought the ring... yet..." He pauses, blinking repeatedly as he stares at Joonmyeon. Wait. What? "Did you hear..."

Joonmyeon chuckles. "Your speech was too long. I didn't know when to come in."

"You little..."

Joonmyeon lets Yifan pulls him into a hug and snuggles deeper into it. He is going to marry Yifan. That sounds really nice. He looks up whe Yifan pulled away.

"I love you so much, Kim Joonmyeon."

Joonmyeon smiles as he stands on his toes before kissing Yifan on the lips. "I love you too, Wu Yifan."



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2454 streak #1
the brothers thought scaring him off would work but sadly, Yifan is in too deep! HAHAHAHAHA
god it's so cheesy I LOVE IT SO MUCH
i remember squealing when i first edited this coz there were moments were i forgot i was editing but rather enjoyed the story as a reader instead HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA

2454 streak #2
this is the first fic i edited HEHEHEHEHE
Chapter 2: How dos he propose??
SuhoSandi #4
Chapter 2: speechless... this is really lovely and omo...fluff~~~ overloads...I even let out my awwn voice when I reached Kris teased Joonmyeon to keep his fave things at upper when they get married. Really love ya <3
nightingalesatnight #5
Chapter 2: I can't handle the fluff!!!
2454 streak #6
Chapter 2: HAHAHA! it's finally here!!!
Kim brothers not letting go of the first cisit gift!
Minseok hyung was first to strike! HAHAHAHA then Kyungsoo leads him to the bathroom upstairs! the war in front of the kitchen sink with Jongdae! AND OF COURSE, bratty maknae's "i don't like you" and Yifan answering all of them!!! specially this "i don't have the heart to do it" YIFAN CAN YOU NOT, SIS CAN YOU NOT?? HAHAHAHAHA

i think the bros are so protective of him coz he's eomma-like amogst all of them :)

as for their moments, my fave was that one when Kris lifted Joon of the ground then by saying that when they get married, he'd put the necessary stuff on top shelves so that Joon will need him to get it! and finishing with a kiss on the nape *fricking domesticity at it's finest!!!*
and of course the final speech! Kris, you

better propose to Joon tomorrow! HAHAHAHA fighting for Joon was so worth it! :)

i was screaming when i first read this, it is so fluffy and sweet! sooooo cute! :) you outdid yourself on this one! :)
t0kkineko #7
Chapter 2: This is so heart-touching? Haha I can't describe it with word but it's so beautiful!! Gosh my feeling is all over the place. I miss krisho too T.T
Thanks for writing this.