

Normal life was dominated by gangs. Everyone knew this. Everyone's life was predominated by them. Who they were? No one knew... Only with the arrival of a new group does the mystery around them unravel.

SHINee is new at school and town. with an completely unbiased look they look upon the world of the gangwars, a world they're quite soon part of.

Heeyoung is what you would call a shy normal highschool girl. She however, stands in the middle of the things now happening in town and at school. For she knows more than she should


Written in thirdperson, from the view of Heeyoung mostly, but it sometimes switches...

Not my first fanfiction, not my first kpopfiction... though it is the first kpopfiction I'm actually happy with..! Of course things could be better.. but that will always be the case.


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Update soon~~
Jessika98 #2
Update soon please!!
This is really good! Update soon please :D