Chapter 2


Narin spun the pen in between her fingers as she tries to squeeze out words from her head. B.I thought of writing a love song - the fluffy love type. But at this state, she would rather write a song about killing and murdering. Those days when Michael and her were best friends, when nothing else mattered except for their craziness and joy. Those days when she have a million reasons to cry but he can simply make her smile sincerely. Unlike now, faking a smile every now and then. Other than her sister and 2NE1, no one exactly know who is Michael and how wretched she was. She leant back on the edge of the sofa, against the wall as she stared at the blank piece of paper before her. She could hear B.I fiddling with the machines to make the perfect instrumental. 



       "What do you think of this song?" she asked and slid her notebook to him.

       "What is it about? Let me read it!" he took her notebook and begin to read it.

 She looked at him expectantly. He is always the first person to listen or read the lyrics, followed by her unnie. His eyes moved in sync as it moves from a word to another; a verse to another. Once his eyes landed to the last words, she asked him how was it.

       "Is this song about giving a confession?" he asked.

       "That's right. It's titled Inspirational Confession for a reason, you know?" she answered.

       "Ah, I see… It's a good song. It sounds like you are really confessing to someone," he told her. "Who in particular are you singing to?"

       "Who do you think?" she asked and took back her notebook.

       "Well, if it's me, I will be happy and honored. But you know I'm not ready yet," he looked at her, a face she had seen quite too often lately.

       "I will sing it to you when you're ready," she gave out a smile, a pitiful smile.

       "I'm sorry, Narin," he apologized.

       "Don't say sorry to me. You're not wrong. I am already happy that you are my best friend," she looked at him with a smile.

       "Me too," he smiled and patted her head.



     "Narin… Narin… Narin..? NARIN!!"


Narin looked up and saw B.I before her. She looked down at the piece of paper which was stained with her tears. Her hand glided up to her cheek. She must have cried while being haunted by the memories.


    "Are you okay? You're out in space," B.I looked at her with worry.

    "I'm fine," her voice was shaky as she hastily wiped her tears, thanking herself for wearing minimal makeup.

    "I called you several times but there was no reply. So, I turned around and saw you were crying. Are sure you're okay?" he asked her. "Because from my point of view, you're not."

    "I'm sorry, Hanbin Oppa. I just don't know what happened to me," Narin answered and avoided his gaze.

    "What happened to you? I can be a good listener," he told her as he shifted next to her, on the sofa.

    "I will tell you when I'm ready," she answered and held out her pinky finger. "But first, let's make a promise. Promise me that you will always stay by my side and help me. Especially when I had fallen down deep."


 B.I looked at her and questioned her motive mentally. He had been her friend ever since they were just trainees. And based on how she looked like right now, especially the unmistaken despair in her voice, he knew she needed a lot of support. When he saw her cried, he wanted to pull her in his embrace - tight and close. But he couldn't. He knew she does not feel the same way as him, so he just let himself be a good friend to her. And now, she wants him to make a promise with her. He does not need a promise just to stay by her side, he is always by her side even if that means by being in the shadows. He smiled and wrapped his pinky finger around hers. Her eyes screams loneliness and vulnerability, he was sure of it.


          "I promise to stay by my side and help you. I also promise that I will pull you out of the dark well if you ever fall in it."




Chaerin stared at the screen of her handphone. Jiyong had uploaded a picture of her bag of cookies on Instagram with the caption "Cookies <3". It feels like he was finally acknowledging the cookies. She has to thank Dara unnie later on for delivering the cookies. She went to the jar and grabbed a piece of cookie before letting the sweetness melt in . If only he was sitting next to her and enjoying the cookies together. Her heart fluttered upon that thought. But that thought can only be a dream for her now. 


     She looked up at the clock. 2.15pm. She has a dance practice in 2 hours' time. Bommie unnie and Minzy were busy playing with xbox in the living room; it actually belongs to Narin but Narin wouldn't mind either. She walked out of the kitchen and towards her bedroom. They have no schedules for this week, and they were too lazy to book a flight to leave Seoul. Besides, Chaerin wouldn't mind them because she wold love some company, especially both her and Narin. The situation both of them are at now are not something good. She had also noticed that Narin spaced out often lately; way too often. Narin is not the type who spaces out and this new habit of her had probably triggered when that Michael told her that he has a girlfriend. And that girlfriend of his is someone Narin despised, basically for giving her a lot of trouble in school. But ever since he told her that, she didn't put up a fight. In fact, she cried and whined a lot. Chaerin could only thanked God that Narin was underage, or else she could have swear that her sister would be drinking her sorrow away.


      "I'm going for practice. When Narin gets home, tell her that there's food in the fridge," Chaerin shouted as she put on a light makeup.

      "Okay, sure! We might be calling a takeout," Bom shouted.

      "Suit yourself. Make sure the place is clean when I get back home," Chaerin answered and took her bag before leaving her room.

      "No problem, unnie~!" Minzy replied her, eyes glued to the TV.

      "I will leave now. See you later," Chaerin smiled and put on her shoes before leaving. 



I apologized for going MIA all these while. Things had not been doing well for me lately, more like the past months. I will do my best to update this story whenever I can. I hope you will give me some comments and criticms. Look forward for the next chapter! :)  

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mrtnzzzzz #1
Chapter 2: It looks interesting. Keep writhing please....