A Deal Brought Us Together


Jirae is Jimin's younger sister . She and her brother bent through thick and thin with their relatives abusing them after their parents passed on with someone poisoning them. They decided to run away from Busan and came to Seoul to attend school. Since both of them liked dancing and singing, they decided to try to enter Big hit High , an arts school. If you pass their exams for the final year there , you can become an idol . 

Jimin became one of the Kingka's in this school with his pre-debut group mates . You hated one of them with passion. That's right , it is Jung Jungkook.  He always manages to crawl under your skin without even talking to her. Just seeing him brother was enough to make her blood boil. Shouldn't he show at least some respect for Jimin ? 


One day , she had enough of this OH-SO-PERFECT attitude boy. She marched over to the gang , everyone eyes on her. She said it loud and clear . "Jeon Jungkook.  I challenge you to a duel in the upcoming School's festival." He wrinkled his nose and laughed. " Who are you ? Who do you think you are to challenge me ? " You saw your brother's hand curl into a tight fist. " My position as Park Jimin's sister. If i win , you must call Jimin Hyung and treat him nicer. If you win , I'll let you bully me for the whole week. Is that a deal ? " 

He seemed surprised. "Jimin is your brother ? " Jimin saw your eyebrow twitching in annoyance. "Rae-ah,  Don't worry , it's fine. Let's talk for a moment. " He spoke clearly and grabbed your wrist on the way out . They went to a deluded corner of the hallway before Jimin spoke. "Rae , you sure ? He is not an easy match . Besides , I'm doing fine.  Why all of a sudden ? " He saw the fire in her eyes and felt surprised.  Jirae has never been this angry. " I can't stand him teasing you like that.  Does he have to act like he owns the whole of Seoul ? " Jimin laughed. " So you're saying he's arrogant ? " She rolled her eyes . " Duh. Seeing him makes me wanna puke already. " He smiled at her and brought her back.  " So Jungkook,  do you accept this deal with my sister ? " She reached out her hand and he shook it, tingles going down his spine.



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allenmitch #1
Author-nim Update PLEASE JEBAL